

Sunday, 03 October 2010

 ご承知の通り、この二週間、米侵略軍は竜の一撃作戦(Operation Dragon Strike)をカンダハール州において行った。そこで、アル・エマーラ(イスラーム首長国)・ウェブサイト(Alemarah Website:AW)では、目下の状況に関する最新情報を得るため、カンダハール州軍司令官であるムッラー・ムハンマド・イーサー・アーホンド(Mullah Muhammad Isa Akhond)氏にインタビューを行った。


 敵の意図は、サンゲサル(Sang-e-Sar)、パシュモール(Pashmool)、そしてサンザリ(Sanzari)地域の支配をムジャヒディーンから奪取し、それから南部地域へ進み、パンジワイー(Pajwaee)地区の境界へいたる全ての道を確保することでした。しかしالحمد للله、ムジャヒディーンたちの熱意と勇気、そして彼らの頑強な抵抗のおかげで、敵はこれまでのところいかなる目標も達してはいません。彼らの武装戦車や武装車両は、彼らがやってきたときと同じ、サンゲサール地域のすぐ郊外に位置するカンダハール・ヘラート(Herat)間街道に未だに留まったままです。
 二日前から、米軍と彼らの手下は、マシュモール地域への激しい攻撃を開始しました。そこはほんの2~2.5キロ四方の地域で、その土地と空力は地域の安全保障のために使用されています。彼らはわずかにララジャン・パイク(Lalajan Paich)地域の支配を獲得しただけですが、激しい攻撃に晒されています。今日も特にジル・マクタブ地域の近くで彼らを狙った大きな爆発があり、致命的な損失を齎しました。そのため、医療用ヘリコプターが四回にわたって死傷者の輸送のために着陸したほどです。この二日間で、敵はあらゆる慣例にそむいて、自分たちの道を切り開くために家々や木々、畑、農場などを爆撃し、破壊しました。
 ダンド地区も同じような状況にあります。敵はナホニ(Nakhoni)、ザルハン(Zalkhan)、そしてカンジャカク(Khanjakak)の各地域に軍を配置していますが、絶え間ない奇襲攻撃やIED(Improvised Explosive Device,即製爆弾)への恐れからそれ以上先へ進めずにいます。侵略者たちはこの地区でも毎日のIEDによる攻撃で致命的な損失に直面しています。
 マイワンドについて言えば、作戦のために打って出た敵の軍隊はすでに基地へ退却しています。彼らはカラ・シャミール(Kala Shamir)地域に新たな基地を建設しており、そこで彼らの軍事行動は終了したように見受けられます。


 目的を達成するため、ムジャヒディーンの行動を制限しようとして、敵はマイワンドとジリ地区、そして同様にパンジワエのスピルワン地域、ダンド地域の周囲に、溝を掘り、また有刺鉄線を使って隔離することを計画しました。しかし、الحمد للله、神のご加護によって、敵は重要な地盤をまったく手に入れることが出来ていません。ムジャヒディーンは彼らが侵攻した地域から>戦略的に撤退していますが、よく計画されたIED攻撃と奇襲によって敵に大きな被害と損失を与えています。






Interview with Islamic Emirate’s Military Commander for Kandahar province
Sunday, 03 October 2010 17:33 -

As you all might know, for the past 2 weeks the US invaders have launched an operation (Dragon Strike) in Kandahar province so Alemarah website interviewed Kandahar provinces military commander, Mullah Muhammad Isa Akhond to update us on the situation.
Alemarah: Respectable Mullah Muhammad Isa Akhond, Asalamalaikum.
What is the current situation in Zhiri, Dand, Maiwand and surrounding areas according to the information you have received?

Mullah Muhammad Isa Akhond: Walaikumsalam wa Rahmatullah e wa Barakatuh.
All praise is due to Allah and may his peace and blessings be on the beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and for what follows:
All praise is due to Allah, the enemy have not gained any significant ground against Mujahideen in Zhiri, Dand and Maiwand districts so far in the 2 week of constant bombings and land assaults on Mujahideen areas.
The enemy’s intent was to take control of Sang-e-Sar, Pashmool and Sanzari areas of Zhiri district from Mujahideen and then move on to the southern areas all the way up to the border of Panjwaee district. But Alhamdulillah, due to the zeal and bravery of Mujahideen and their stiff resistance, they have not been able to achieve any of their goals so far. Their armored tanks and vehicles are still parked on the spot of their arrival on Kandahar-Herat main highway just outside Sang-e-Sar area.
For the past 2 days, US forces and their puppets have started a massive push into Pashmool area, which is only about 2-2.5 km2, using land and air power in a bid to secure the area. They have only been successful in taking control of Lalajan Paich region but have been coming under deadly attacks even today especially near Zirh Maktab area, in which powerful blasts detonated on them, causing them fatal losses, for which medical helicopters landed 4 times to airlift the dead and wounded. In these 2 days, the enemy has been violating all norms and have been bombing and demolishing houses, trees, fields and farms of locals in order to clear the way for themselves.
Close to Pashmool is Sanzari area, in which the enemy have forcefully taken over 2 civilian houses and made them into their check posts while the rest of their military convoy has retreated back to their bases but even those check posts were targeted by Mujahideen mortars yesterday.
Dand district is in a similar situation. The enemy have their forces stationed in Nakhoni, Zalkhan and Khanjakak areas but cannot move forward any further due to the constant fear of ambushes and IED’s. The invaders also face fatal losses in this district from IED attacks on a daily basis.
As for Maiwand, the enemy forces which came out for the operation have returned back to their bases. They have built a new base in Kala Shamir area and it looks of things they have ended their campaign there.

Alemarah: What do you think the aim of this operation is and how much of their goals have the enemy achieved?
Mullah Muhammad Isa Akhond: Our thinking is that the enemy is trying to secure Kandahar city, Kandahar-Herat main highway and all the roads leading to enemy bases in Panjwaee, whose security is deteriorating and is in danger of collapse. Therefore the enemy has launched the operation in a bid to weaken Mujahideen’s military power in Dand, Panjwaee, Zhiri, Maiwand and Arghandab districts, which are in a close proximity to the city and are either fully under Mujahideen control or Mujahideen have a heavy presence in them.
In order to achieve their goals, the enemy planned to dig ditches and cordon off the area using barbed wire around Maiwand and Zhiri districts and also between Panjwaee’s Spirwan area and Dand district in order to restrict Mujahideen movement. But all praise is due to Allah, and with his help, the enemy has not gained any ground of much significance. Mujahideen have tactically retreated from the areas which they have entered but are causing the enemy great suffering and losses in well planned IED attacks and ambushes.

Alemarah: How much have the Mujahideen been effected by the operation?
Mullah Muhammad Isa Akhond: The enemy’s failure to gain much ground or momentum is the sign of Mujahideen’s heavy presence and activeness in the areas. The only difference now is that Mujahideen don’t move around in huge numbers and they don’t have clear frontlines but have opted to fight using guerilla tactics.
Mujahideen have returned back to their normal assaults in the area around Sanzari and Maiwand because the fighting has become minimal. In fact, just yesterday Mujahideen attacked a NATO logistical supply convoy, in which a large number of vehicles were burnt in the area between Dand and Maiwand districts. This is the area which the enemy claims to have taken over in the past few days as a result of their operation.

Alemarah: You say that the enemy has launched this operation to secure Kandahar city center. Has this effected your operations there?
Mullah Muhammad Isa Akhond: Alhamdulillah our operations are still going on at the same pace as before. In the past couple of days there have been many blasts and missile strikes in and around Kandahar city center, which even the media picked up so basically they themselves are a witness to our claims.

Alemarah: To end, could you please share a story about any astounding Mujahideen incident which might affect the hearts of our viewer’s.
Mullah Muhammad Isa Akhond: There are many amazing and astounding incidents but the one worth mentioning is in which the help of Allah was seen by Mujahideen. A Kandahar puppet government official for Haj and Awqaf was killed in a blast a while back. His sons name was Mukhlis, who was an active member of the puppet Intelligence agency. A few days ago, Nazik, the so called governor of Dand district captured 2 Mujahideen and gave them to Mukhlis, who wanted revenge for the death of his father. So Mukhlis along with 3 of his body guards put the Mujahideen in a vehicle and tried to take them to a desert where he would brutally Martyr them. On the way the vehicle stopped working so Mukhlis along with his gunmen got off the vehicle and tried to fix the problem. At this moment one of the Mujahideen released his hands from handcuffs, snatched the weapon of one of the bodyguards and shot dead all 4 puppets on the spot. In this way Allah relieved both of the Mujahideen from their hardship.
Alemarah: Thank you very much
Mullah Muhammad Isa Akhond: And you too



Muhammda(pbuh) as a Political leader

Prof. Dr. Hassan Ko Nakata
School of Theology, Doshisha University


Comparing to Christianity and Buddhism which are the universal or World religion familiar with the Japanese, Islam’s founder, the Prophet Muhammad is not only a “religious” leader in the Western narrow sense of “religion” but a political leader.
When the Prophet Muhammad began his mission in Makkah, the main contents of his teachings were belief in the Oneness of Allah, the Unseen, the Last Judgment, Paradise and Hell, and upholding ethical social acts such as helping the poor and the weak, and these teachings were targeted at the individual.
However, when a "city state" centering on the Muslims was materialized in Madinah after the Hijrah in 622, legal provisions for the maintenance of social order by the institution of punishment for crimes, such as injury, homicide, burglary, and theft, as well as tax collection, welfare, dealing with non-Muslims, and warfare, i.e., obligations which the political authority should perform, were added. And when Makkah was conquered, the Arabian Peninsula was unified under the banner of Islam, the revelation given to the Prophet Muhammad was completed, and the Islamic mission was transformed from the propagation of individual faith and ethics during the Makkah Period to the liberation of the world by spreading the Islamic rule.
Islam means submission in obedience to the Call from a prophet who is sent by Allah . A person who obeys the prophet is a Muslim, or believer and a person who opposes the prophet is a Kafir, or infidel. However, the Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet, so since his death there has been no direct call from a prophet, and consequently, it is no longer possible to obey the call of a living prophet.
After the death of the Prophet Muhammad , the meaning of Islam as obedience to the Prophet himself was “depersonalized”, becoming obedience to the words of the Holy Qur’an, the Scripture revealed by Allah to the Prophet Muhammad , and the compilations of Hadith (narration of the words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad ) that record the teachings of the Prophet. After his death no personality or authority remained that had inherited his prophetic quality of infallibility in Sunni Islam’s perspective.
Therefore, in Sunni Islam’s perspective, the political leadership of the Prophet Muhammad is different from the one of his successors, which is called “Khilafah”, because the governance of the Prophet Muhammad was “theocractic”, but the rule of the Khalifah is “secular” because he inherited only the political authority of the Prophet.
So, today, I try to show what was the Islamic mission in its completed form in the life of Prophet Muhammad and how the Muslim Ummah should succeed his mission.

1. The Islamic Mission in its Completed Form

As mentioned above, when Makkah was conquered, the Arabian Peninsula was unified under the banner of Islam, the revelation given to the Prophet Muhammad was completed, and the Islamic mission was transformed from the propagation of individual faith and ethics during the Makkah Period to the liberation of the whole world by spreading the Islamic rule.
This is shown clearly in the Islamic rules of warfare. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an; "Fight those who do not believe in God, or in the Last Day, and who do not forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, and who do not practice the religion of truth from among those who have been given the Scripture, until they pay the Jizya tribute, readily being subdued.”(9:29)
Al-Mugirah , a companion of the Prophet said to the Persian army on the day of the Battle of Nihavand; “The Prophet who is the Apostle of our Lord commanded us saying ‘Fight them until they worship only Allah or pay the tax (Jizyah)’". (al-Bukhahrµ).
As long as the people pay the Jizyah tax, fighting with them is no longer permitted, even though they don’t embrace Islam, but fighting them becomes inevitable when they refuse to pay the tax. So clearly the purpose of Jihad is to force the non-Muslims to accept the rule of Islamic law and pay the tax, not to convert them to Islam. In other words, spreading Islamic rule of law which must be upheld even with military power is the first priority.
The Muslim community started to carry out their mission to the whole world after the completion of the revelation to the Prophet Muhammad and the unification of the Arabian Peninsula. However, in carrying out this mission, what was to be enforced even by military power was not conversion to Islam, but payment of the Jizyah tax, and the latter was not allowed to be refused.
The subsequent Islamization of the conquered lands progressed steadily but at a slower pace. The number of Muslims in relation to the population in the100th-year after the beginning of the Islamic Call of the Prophet Muhammad was only 5% in Iran, 3% in Iraq, and 2% in Syria and Egypt. This number increased to 25% after 185 years in Iran, 225 years in Iraq, 275 years in Syria, and 295 years in Egypt; and reached 50% after 235 years in Iran, 280 years in Iraq, and 330 years in Syria and Egypt; and 75% after 280 years in Iran, 320 years in Iraq, and 385 years in Syria and Egypt.
Although conversion to Islam is most desirable in the meaning of "called first" without doubt, it is optional, in as far as the alternative of Jizyah tax is proposed in case of its rejection, and if this is refused then taking the tax by military force is the first priority. However, this does not mean that the aim of the Islamic mission is worldly profits by tax revenues. Rather the acceptance of tax is a manifestation of the observance of the prevailing Islamic law and in return for it a guarantee of safety of life and property is given.
That is, the first priority of the Islamic mission is to expand the law-governed territory of Islam in which all the residents are guaranteed the safety of their lives and their property, and every community enjoys autonomy or self-governance in the domain of religion, to the whole world.
Although "Jizyah" is translated as a poll tax, tribute, etc. and gives the impression that it is a heavy tax, it is in fact rather light. The woman, children, and the jobless poor are exempted categorically, and it is only imposed on the wealthy with property in excess of 10,000 dirhams or more at the rate of 48 dirhams per year, on the middle class at 24 dirhams, and on the lower class at 12 dirhams, according to the Hanafi and Hanbali schools; 4 dinars or 40 dirhams according to Maliki school; and 4 dinars on the upper class, 2 dinars on the middle class, and 1 dinar on the lower class according to Shafi`i school. (1 dinar = 4.25g gold, 1 dirham 2.975g silver)
In fact, “the Islamic conquer” of non-Muslims means nothing but imposing this minimum taxes and public order with leaving them the complete autonomy in the fields of the religion and the culture, contrary to the Western image of brutal massacre, plunder, ethnic cleansing, and religious persecution for compulsion of Islam.

2. How to continue the Propetic Mission in its Completed Form?
In the reign of the Prophet Muhammad , he was the sole authority in the Muslim Ummah, and the political authority in the Khilafah as well should be sole and unique because the mission of the the Prophet Muhammad is liberating the whole the world under the rule of the Sole God, Allah.
The globalism and universalism is essential for Islamic politics, because Allah is not the Lord of any certain country but the Lord of the earth, thus Tawhid (uniqueness of Allah) requires the acceptance of oneness of the lordship of Allah on the earth as well as denial of the lordship for any other creatures on any places on it. And the place on which the unique lordship of Allah is realized, namely the Shari`ah alone is enacted and implemented to rule the people is called Dar al-Islam. The uniqueness of Khalifah only symbolizes the unity and integrity of this Dar al-Islam.
Khalifah must also be one person and two or more Khalifahs(Khulafa’)’ coexistence is severely forbidden. The Prophet Muhammad ordered loyalty to single Khalifah in one age in order of accession to the throne, saying,; “although there is no prophet after me any longer, Khulafa’(successors) will appear and their number will quite a large. Give loyalty in order one by one, and follow the authority which Allah vested in them.” (Hadith: Muslim), and he did not only rejected the legitimacy of the second and following Khalifahs but ordered decisively execution of them, saying,; "When the pledge of allegiance is given to two Khalifas, kill the second one." (Hadith: Muslim)
When the Prophet Muhammad(SS) passed away, many tribes of Arabia refused to give Zakah to Madinah, the capital of the Khalifah Abu Bakr. At this time, the Khalifah Abu Bakr subjugated them in spite that they confessed "there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the apostle of Allah" and performed the prayer (Salah). This battle is called “apostasy (Riddah)” war. This decision of the Abu Bakr shows that the supremacy of the headship, Khilafah, and the unity of the Ummah(Muslim community) are fatal for Islam.
Although in Fiqh, Khalifah is abbreviation of Khalifah Rasul Allah, i.e., the successor of the Apostle of Allah, not Khalifah Allah, the vicegerent of Allah on the earth, but the connotation of the vicegerent of Allah on the Earth has never been forgotten. Al-Mawsu`ah al-Fiqhiyyah cites the Qur’anic commentary of al-Qurtubi, “This verse (And when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth…Q:2:30) is the base for the appointment of Imam or Khalifah who is listened to and obeyed in order that the opinion would be agreed and rules of the people be carried on.”(al-Qurtbi, al-Jami` li-Ahkam al-Qur’an, n.p., n.d., vol.1, p.264) Allah is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, Rabb al-Samawat wa-al-Ard. In this context, the term “al-Ard(the earth)” in Qur’an is always single contrary to “al-Samawat(heavens; plural)” . That is because the earth is one and indivisible, and consequently, the Khlifah as the vicegerency of Allah on the earth should be one and indivisible, as the lordship of Allah for the earth is one and indivisible, there is no god but Allah.
Fiqh prescribes the uniqueness of Khalifah and strictly forbids its plurality, because the Islamic order includes security of the freedom of immigration. An angel says in Qur’an; "But was not God's earth spacious that you might have emigrated therein. (4:97), and Ibn ‘Abbas in his Qur’anic commentary Tanwir al-Miqbas, explains this verse; “…My earth is spacious…” as “the land of al-Madinah is safe, so immigrate to it.” (Ibn ‘Abbas, Tanwir al-Miqbas, 1992, Lebanon, p.102) Namely, al-Madinah, Dar al-Islam should be the place to which all the Muslims can immigrate. The oneness of the Khalifah symbolizes the oneness of the Islamic order, and the Islamic order secures the free movement of human beings and commodities within its territory, Dar al-Islam.
The earth belongs to nobody, but solely to Allah. No one is allowed to cut it into parts and restrict immigration in it. Contrary to the ideology of the “territorial nation state” of modern Western Europe, Islam does not allow human beings to be divided into separate nations. This is because Allah created human beings as various ethnic groups so that they could know each other, as Allah says; "We have indeed created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes that you may come to know one another.” (49:13), and the freedom of the immigration is the precondition for mutual-understanding. And Allah orders us to travel in the earth to learn the history of nature and the history of human beings by saying,; "... Travel in the land and observe how He originated creation." (29:20), "...so travel in the land and behold how was the end of those who denied." (3:137, 6:11, 16:36). The liberation of the earth by the abolition of the borders and the unity of the Islamic order are essential conditions for the Islamic mission.
The earth differs in climate regionally, and there are also differences in its underground resources. Additionally life in a particular area may be made temporarily difficult by a natural or manmade disaster. So, freedom of migration on the Earth is the first step to enabling the justice and equality of life among mankind. So, the abolition of borders which bar the migration of people is an indispensable part of the Islamic order. And for realizing this, the existence of the single Khalifah is necessary to prevent the discriminatory "territorial nation-state" system, which is nothing but the cartel of the rulers of each country in the world, who mutually agree to divide the world for the purpose of protecting their own vested interests.
John Rawls (d.2002) argued that the unfairness is the situation, in which what rational person cannot choose living under the veil of ignorance, i.e., without knowing whether he or she is part of the poor members or the rich. Without doubt, the contemporary “territorial nation state” system is unfair, in which the small number of nations of the advanced countries enjoy the wealth while the majority of human beings are forced to live inside the under developed countries separated by borders of “territorial nation state” from the advanced countries in order that they cannot immigrate, and number of the poor who live in starvation with less than 1 US dollar per day is 960 millions, which any rational person can accept, assumed under the veil of ignorance.
Therefore, the territorial nation state system is contradicting the ideal of the justice and the humanity which the West claim to advocate, thus the borders of the territorial nation states should be eliminated, in order that the earth would be liberated for all the human beings and the complete freedom of migration would be guaranteed.
Moreover, even in terms of economical development, the liberation of the earth, i.e., permission of the free migration is the best way. The Newsweek writes, ; Pretty much every expert agrees that creating a guest-worker program in the rich world would be one of the best ways to fight poverty and boost global incomes. The economic effects of migration are "profound," says Dilip Ratha, an economist at the World Bank. "Even a small increase in migration can produce significant welfare gains, and those welfare gains can be much larger than complete trade liberalization.".
In fact, the establishment of “the House of Islam” means liberation of the earth for free migration of the whole human beings through the elimination of the unfair rulers who enclose their exploited subjects by the border of their territory. It should be started from so-called “Muslim countries”, then expanded to all over the world.
In order to understand the true implication of Islamic globalism, we should reconsider the conception of nationalism in the light of Islam. Nationalism is a form of neo-tribalism born in Western Europe in the second half of the 18th century. The Prophet Muhammad (SS) said; “Those who were killed under the flag of delusion which appeals for or support tribalism(`Asabiyyah) died the death of the Jahiliyyah (pre-Islamic ignorance)" (Hadith: Muslim)
The Prophet Muhammad (SS) said, "Those who appealed for tribalism are not our fellows. And those who fought for tribalism are not our fellows. And those who died for tribalism are not our fellows.”
(Being asked “What is tribalism?") He answered; “It is supporting your tribe in injustice." (Hadith: Abu Dawud)
Tribalism was of the normal way of life for the Arabs of the Jahiliyyah (pre-Islamic ignorance), and the good tidings for all mankind was the advent of Islamic justice. Now the conquest of this "ne-otribalism" has become the major objective of the Islamic mission. The big problem is that "ne-otribalism" is not only the ideology of the anti-Islamic regimes of modern Muslim countries which oppose the reestablishment of Khilafah and Dar al-Islam, House of Islam, but is also polluting most of dissident and resistance groups which believe themselves to be an “Islamic movement”. In the Islamic world, the neotribalism of these “Islamic dissident movements” makes the transformation of “their own country” into “an Islamic state” their goal based on the illusion that the practice of Islamic law inside “their own country” alone is possible under the framework of the “territorial nation state”. The neo-tribalism of Islamic resistance movements which fight against the invasion of the infidels usually aims for the liberation of “its own country” from the infidels and the recovery of its national sovereignty.
As mentioned before, the unity of the Khalifah and the Islamic world is the essential prerequisites of the Islamic domain, Dar al-Islam, House of Islam, thus enforcement of the Islamic law inside one country alone is only an illusion as we have already shown.
The precedent for the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, which resulted in the miserable “independence” or separation of Bangladesh (ex East Pakistan) and defeat in the Indo-Pakistan war which led to the sacrifice of 3 million of Muslims’ lives in spite of having previously sacrificed hundreds of thousands of victims for the establishment of a state entitled “Islamic”, clearly shows the fate of all the alleged "Islamic movements" based on neo-tribalism which lacks an understanding of the true idea of the Islamic mission.
However, in order to understand the true significance of the adherence of Islam to oneness of the Khalifah, it is necessary to clarify the character of Islamic mission first, even if it results in taking a long circuit

2. Islamic Mission of Spreading its Governance to all over the World
Mission of Islam in its complete form is to expand this Dar al-Islam in order to spread Islamic governance to all over the world even by resort to the military force, though there is no compulsion in the religion.
A lot of contemporary Muslim apologists are trying to show that Islam denies the use of force except for self-defense, reacting to the slander against Islam from the West like “Sward in the right hand and Coran in the left”. The refutation is justifiable, if it means that Islam forces nobody to convert to Islam by compulsion. However, if it means that Islam does not accept the use of military force to realize its cause at all, it contradicts clearly the Shari`ah’s teaching as well as the historical facts. Islam rejects forcing conversion to Islam by means of threat by physical violence but does not reject the use of military power in order to realize its cause and spread its governance to all over the world, rather Islam consider Jihad, the fight for the sake of spread its governance, as its obligatory mission.
Islam loves peace and is not fond of unnecessary violence. However, Islam is not unconditional absolute pacifism. Rather, Islam teaches that the believers should practice commanding good deeds and prohibiting evil (Amr bi-Ma`ruf Nahy `an Munkar) according to their own power, respectively. The ruler, as the holder of the greatest power, is especially burdened with the obligation to uphold the Hudud, penal codes, to wage war (Jihad), and sometimes even to resort to violence for the sake of peace, security, and justice for the Islamic society.
While the process of enhancing the faith of individuals and society is a quantitative incremental change which progresses gradually, political power is realized through qualitative alteration from nothing into existence. Political power is the sole legitimate power which can lawfully employ violence to physically eliminate the enemy who insists on opposing it to the last. When such power is materialized, a political unity is generated which carries out war against enemies outside its borders and punishes offenders of the law within. We said before that true Islamic Hudud, penal codes cannot be enforced in the framework of the "territorial nation-state". This is because the "penal codes" can only begin to be enforced when political power based on Islamic law has been generated, ie., the Khalifah has been reestablished.
So, the revelations about Hudud, penal codes, started after the Prophet Muhammad’s political power was established by the Hijrah to Madinah, and there was no punishment for those who disobeyed the instruction in the Maccan period before the Hijrah.
We must explain the Islamic mission in logical steps. When the Ummah awakes to the real faith of Islam, it will integrate itself under the banner of the Khalifah, and reestablish Dar al-Islam, House of Islam. Then, having clarified the basic Islamic view that each Muslim is responsible for fulfilling his own individual duty under Islamic law, each according to his own capability, the Ummah will collectively undertake the Islamic mission of liberating all human beings by expanding the domain governed by fair and just Islamic law to the whole world. It will free the oppressed from the prisons of their “territorial nation states” where some human beings exploit other human beings, and establish a just society where all communities can live together regardless of differences of nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, etc., enjoining religious self-government and social equality.
Islam never forces the faith of Islam upon anyone. However, the Islamic domain, the lands under Islamic law, or the “House of Islam” should be spread to all over the world, in order that the Erath and human beings would be liberated from the unjust rulers who usurp the sovereignty of Allah.
Although Islam does not enforce the faith of Islam, Islamic order, the Islamic domain, and Dar al-Islam must be expanded to all the Earth, even by resorting to military power.
Why? Islam means total submission to Allah, i.e., obedience only to Allah’s command. In other words, Islam means denying the power of all the things that rule over people beside Allah. As for what is related only with the inner minds of human beings and what they obey according to their own judgment, such as religion in a narrow sense, we must liberate ourselves from its rule after thinking and judging by ourselves, and liberation from outside by force is impossible.
However, when external rule enforced by violence, i.e., political domination, exists, it is necessary to liberate the ruled from the ruler by counter-violence or violent confrontation. For this reason, Muslims performed the mission of establishing Islamic order with the sword to liberate people from local rulers who enclosed the people within their domain in order to exploit them by tax collection, enforced labor and conscription.
As mentioned before, when the Prophet Muhammad (SS) began his mission in Makkah, its main contents were faith of the unseen like Allah, the Last Judgment, the paradise and hell, and the ethics such as aids of the poor and the weak, and they were targeted at the individuals. However, after a "city state" was materialized in Madinah after Hijrah in 622, legal provisions of maintenance of the security by execution of punishments on crimes, such as injury homicide, a burglar, and theft, tax collection, welfare, and dealing of non-Muslims and warfare, i.e., obligations which the political authority should perform, was added. And when Makkah was conquered, the Arabian Peninsula was unified under the banner of Islam, and the revelation given to the Prophet Muhammad  was completed, the Islamic mission transformed from propagation of the individual faith and ethics in Makkah term to the liberation of the earth by spreading the Islamic order or governance.
The transformation of Islamic mission to “the liberation of the earth by spreading the Islamic governance” does not mean abrogation of propagation of faith and ethics on the level of individual and society, but it means that the spread of Islamic governance came to be given a priority as the aim of group behavior of the Ummah which came to have the military strength which now enables them to establish the Islamic order.
This is shown clearly in Islamic rules of warfare, Ahkam Jihad. Allah says,; "Fight those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, and who do not forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, nor do they practice the religion of truth, from among of those who have been given the Scripture, until they pay the Jizyah tribute, readily being subdued.”(9:29)
And al-Mugirah said; the Prophet who is the Apostle of our Lord ordered "Fight until you worship only Allah or you pay the tax (Jizyah)". (Hadith: al-Bukhahri).
If only the Jizyah tax is paid, fighting is no more allowed, even though they don’t embrace Islam. But fighting becomes inescapable when tax payment is refused. That is, the purpose of the Jihad was admission of the Islam order by tax payment, not conversion to Islam. In other words, spread the Islam order was the first priority which must be promoted even with military force.
Muslim community started to perform their mission toward the whole world after the completion of the revelation to the Prophet Muhammad and the unification of the Arabian Peninsula under the banner of Islam. However, what was not allowed to refuse in confronting this mission and was to be forced even by military power was the payment of the Jizyah tax, not conversion to Islam. That is why we can say that the mission of Islam in its complete form is to expand this Dar al-Islam in order to spread Islamic governance to all over the world even by resort to the military force, though there is no compulsion in the religion.
Dar al-Islam should be expanded all over the world, even by Jihad. However, before jihad is waged, "the formal appeal from the Islamic authority which assumes the duty to make the Islamic Call (Da`wah), i.e., ‘official Islamic propagation by the Khalifah’, should be made first. If this appeal is rejected, Jihad is at the Khalifah’s will depending on his political judgment, although Jihad becomes obligatory in case of the invasion against Dar al-Islam by infidels..
Indeed, Islam does not reject war categorically. Islam predicts that there will always be Jihads (wars) until the Last Day, as told in the Hadith; “Jihad will continue to be fought from the time Allah sent me until the last generation of my Ummah fight Dajjal (Anti-Christ).” (Hadith: Abu Dawud)
This Hadith does not illustrate the militancy of Islam, rather it is the expression of its realistic view of war and peace. The Islamic view of war is realistic from two aspects. First, it is characterized by the cool realism that, (1) neither will wars cease nor will the world be perfectly peaceful, because there will always be evil forces which try to hinder the rule of Islam, even by resorting to military action, and (2) Islam cannot win the final decisive victory against the evil forces in the normal run of history as long as there is no direct Divine intervention by means of the return of Jesus and advent of the Mahdi (the Savior), therefore it suspends the Final War or Armageddon. From these points we could say that the inevitability of the need to coexist with other religions and civilizations as “the reality” of this world is built into the Islamic world view.
Khalifah will not initiate Jihad, because the concept of “war” in the time of the Prophet Muhammad is so different from the concept of “war” in this age that we might hesitate to call them both by the same name.
The Prophet ordered the killing of the enemy but prohibited burning them to death, saying; “Torment by fire is not allowed for other than the Master of Fire" (Hadith: al-Bukhari, Ahmad)
In a contemporary war, soldiers are slaughtered indiscriminately by missiles, bombs, and heavy weapons without having the opportunity to surrender, and without even seeing the face of the enemy who kills them. Not only soldiers, but even innocent civilians too are massacred through being caught up in the battle. In modern Western warfare this is called “collateral damage”, but in Islam it is a serious crime.
Even if Muslims win such war, it can never be considered a desirable victory from an Islamic point of view. Although it might be unavoidable, if the Dar al-Islam were to be invaded, to be forced to fight such a battle, it is quite unthinkable that the Khalifah would initiate such war by himself for the purpose of expanding the Islamic domain.
Although Islam does not forbid war itself, it is a completely groundless fear that if the Khalifah were reestablished, it would soon start a jihad to expand the Islamic mission, because contemporary warfare in which inhumane weapons of mass-destruction are used quite clearly opposes the war ethics of Islam.
Therefore, it is a mistake to think that it is unavoidable that Khalifah will rush into Jihad, waging a total, all out war against the entire Dar al-Harb, House of the War or Non-Islam land, by his initiative, although it is inevitable that some regional conflicts, defensive Jihads or skirmishes will continue in places like Palestine, Chechen, Kashmir, and Mindanao where the minority Muslim communities are suffering from persecution, being killed, having their lands and properties plundered, and being expelled from their homes.

3. Khilafah as the Most Important and Vital Duty of Ummah
As explained at first, Islam means to admit the absolute authority of the Prophet Muhammad and to obey him. So the most important and vital duty of Ummah, i.e., Fard Kifayah, collective duty, is to establish Khilafah, the political authority successive to the Prophethood to perform his mission of liberating the whole world from the rule of man.
While the Dar al-Islam, or House of Islam, is the "law-governed territory" over which the Muslims hold sovereignty and enforce Islamic law, the "lawless area" in which the Muslims have lost sovereignty and where it has become impossible to enforce Islamic law is called the "House of War (Dar al-Harb)", or "House of Disbelief (Dar al-Kufr)”."
When the Dar al-Islam is conquered by non-Muslims, although the ground is converted into a Dar al-Harb, House of War, de facto, it remains de jure the Dar al-Islam over which Muslims should recover their sovereignty and enforce Islamic law, as long as the Muslims reside there. The "House of Islam" in this state is sometimes called Dar al-Harb Suratan, House of War in Appearance.
Since Islamic law began to be practiced during the rise of the Islamic world, the theorization of legal provisions at the time of being conquered and losing sovereignty have not yet been sufficiently elaborated. Therefore we cite here the discussion of Abdurrahman Muhammad ibn Husain (d.1902), the Mufti (the Chief Jurist) of Hadramaut, about the Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb, “House of Islam/War”, as a rare example of such studies.
Any place where the Muslim residents are able to defend themselves from enemy troops and enforce Islamic law becomes known as a "House of War not in law (Hukman) but in appearance (Suratan)" when the enemy force conquers them, prevents their entrance there, and expels them from there, and they have lost their ability to defend themselves. Most of the land of Batavia and Java (both are now in Indonesia) is Dar al-Islam, because Muslims ruled before infidels.
The continued habitation of the Muslims within Dar al-Harb, "House of War, is divided into four categories.
(1) It is obligatory when they can isolate their selves from the infidels but a victory over them is not attainable, because it will become the "House of War" after they leave.
(2) It is recommended when they can openly perform Islam among the infidels and their conversion to Islam there is possible.
(3) It is undesirable when they can openly perform Islam among the infidels but their conversion to Islam there is not likely.
(4) It is prohibited, when they cannot practice Islam openly. In this case, if the Muslims practice their religion and carry out the judgments of their penal codes (Hudud) and so on openly, and as a result, the infidel ruler will destroy their lands, kill the Muslims and never allow them to live by Islamic self-government, living among them is forbidden and emigration is obligatory. However, those who are incapable of emigration are exempted from obligation. If their state and property become safe only by paying them something like an annual Jizyah tax, the problem becomes reversed and the payment is allowed because it is indispensable to their safety.
Muslims are not allowed to live in Dar al-Harb Suratan, House of War Apparent, unless they are enjoying self-government and able to enforce the “penal codes (Hudud)”. They must immigrate to the "House of Islam." The "penal codes" are punishments which the Qur’an and the Sunnah prescribe such as cutting off of the hand for theft , stoning to death for adultery, and whipping for drinking wine. In order to be able to say unequivocally that the Muslims are living according to Islamic law, it is not sufficient for them to be allowed to perform the prayer and fast alone. On the contrary it is indispensable that the Muslim authority enjoy autonomy and has the power to punish those who violate Islamic law.
It is needless to say that "penal codes" are not the essence of Islamic teaching. However, if they are commanded clearly in the Qur’an and Sunnah at all, it is not allowed to neglect them. First of all, the point of the severity of the "penal codes" is that they should act as a strong deterrent to crime, rather than as a cruel punishment. It is hoped that they will never need to be carried out because such crimes are not committed thanks to these “fearful” penal codes. The aim of the cutting of the wrist of the thief is neither injuring him nor satisfaction of sadism as the self-proclaimed “liberal Muslims” say, but the prevention of the theft.
The enforcement of Hudud, penal codes, requires the use of physical violence, and this is opposed to the demand of the state for monopoly of the sole right to the legitimate use of physical violence, which is why the ability to uphold the “penal codes” becomes the standard for judging whether Muslims are enjoying self-government and practicing Islam to the full.
We abridge Abdurrahman’s discussion about the rules of residence in Dar al-Harb Suratan below.
(1) If Muslims do not have the power to gain the autonomy needed to enforce Islamic law including the Hudud, living in Dar al-Har is forbidden for them and it is obligatory to immigrate to Dar al-Islam
(2) In the case that Muslims can uphold Islamic law (carry out Hudud) but Islamization of the land is not expected, habitation is undesirable.
(3) In the case that Muslims can uphold Islamic law (carry out Hudud) and Islamization of the land is expected, habitation is recommended.
(4) In case that victory over the infidels is hopeless but Muslims can secure a safety zone (self-government) for themselves isolated from them, they should remain there in order not to let the land become a "House of War".
These rules are common in the case of the Dar al-Harb in general except for the duty of remaining in point (4) in order not to let the land become a Dar al-Harb, which is peculiar to Dar al-Harb Suratan, House of War Apparent. The entire Islamic world nowadays is Dar al-Harb Suratan, because even since the ex-Western colonies achieved “independence”, emerging as territorial nation states, their governments have continued un-Islamic governance according to the Western legal system which they inherited from their colonial rulers.
The Islamic world has been colonized by Western Europe and converted into the condition of Dar al-Harb Suratan, House of War Apparent. Since Western colonial rule did not grant Muslims the autonomy to enforce Hudud, penal codes, the conquered Muslim inhabitants were obligated to immigrate to the Dar al-Islam, in principle. However, after the downfall of the Ottoman Caliphate, the Dar al-Islam to which those Muslims should have emigrated no longer existed anywhere in the Islamic world. In spite of the fact that Muslims living in Dar al-Harb Suratan should immigrate to Dar al-Islam, if they are incapable of establishing self-government and upholding the Hudud, that is, if their insistence on the enforcement of Hudud would bring about their massacre by the hostile government, they are permitted to give up their struggle and pay taxes.
It is a duty incumbent on the Muslims who live in Dar al-Harb Suratan to strive to reestablish Dar al-Islam However, the present Dar al-Harb Suratan is a group of "territorial nation-states" which Muslim rulers ostensibly govern. As already stated, Khalifah is the sole legitimate political authority of the whole Ummah, but this one supreme Khalifah has not existed since the downfall of the Ottoman Caliphate, and the rulers of the present "territorial nation-states" are not Khalifahs(Khulafa’). Their rule lacks legitimacy in the light of Islamic teaching, but if the political condition under their rule is the same as the case of rule by non-Muslims, Muslims are permitted to surrender to this illegitimate rule and give up the struggle to reestablish Dar al-Islam for the time being if they are in fear of being killed for insisting on the enforcement of Islamic law.
We have already mentioned the obligation of obedience to the unjust ruler. However, the Hadith which forbids resistance to the oppressive Khalifah, also orders his overthrowing in the exceptional case of his apostasy, saying; "… however, except that you see the clear disbelief concerning it with decisive proof from Allah."
Since the rulers of the present "territorial nation-states" are not Khalifahs(Khulafa’), this Hadith is not directly applicable to the present problem. However, because Islamic law distinguishes clearly between the born infidel (Kafir Asli) and the apostate (Murtadd) and admits coexistence with the former but never accepts coexistence with the latter , it is possible to argue that the Muslim ruler of Dar al-Harb Suratan, who is a Muslim nominally, is in fact an apostate because he has rejected enforcing Islamic law, so it is not permissible to obey him and his overthrowing is obligatory, contrary to the infidel’s rule in Dar al-Harb Suratan, House of War Apparent, which Muslim inhabitants are allowed to obey.
Regarding this point, M.Kh. Haikal argues that it is not necessary to consider the rulers of the present Islamic world, because “the clear disbelief is actually embodied in the system of government, i.e., the establishment of the ruling body is based on disbelief but the ruler himself is not an unbeliever”, for the power apparatus of the present "territorial nation-state" is not a human being as the Islamic law assumes, but actually a "legal person" called a state organization, and so the state organization based on disbelief as a legal entity should be distinguished from the apostasy of the ruler as a person, though the ruler should definitely be overthrown in case that he himself becomes apostate.
Muhammad Khair Haikal admits that all the regimes in the present-day Islamic world are based on "clear disbelief." However, he says that the above mentioned Hadith permits an uprising not in the case in which "clear disbelief" exists, but in the case when it newly appears which justifies a military revolt to overthrow it.
"The regime of Mustapha Kemal (Ataturk) gave birth to "clear disbelief" which did not exist before. Therefore at that time (abolition of the Caliphate), the fight against the regime of Mustapha Kemal was obligatory on all the Muslims in every part of the Islamic Empire (Ottoman Caliphate).”
As a result, the present Islamic world lost its Khalifah and all its lands were converted into Dar al-Harb Suratan
Islam is following the Holy Prophet , and how to implement his teaching becomes the most dire matter for the Ummah after his death, as we clarified in the beginning. This is realized by the Qur’an and Sunnah being regarded as the living words embodied in the personality of Ulama’, the inheritors of the Prophet, in an environment in which every resident is guaranteed security of their life, property, honor, and freedom of migration and economic activities regardless of their race, language, ethnicity, and religion under the safety and the unity of the whole land of Dar al-Islam through the enforcement of Islamic law by Khalifah.
The Prophet Muhammad said; "Anyone who died without pledging the oath of loyalty (Bai`ah) died the death of the Jahiliyyah (the age of ignorance before the advent of Islam)" (Muslim), but the oath of loyalty is to be given only to the caliph, therefore this Hadith shows that the enthronement of Khalifah (Nasb al-Imam) is an obligation.
The Khalifah is the person in charge of the enforcement of Islamic law and the symbol of the unity of Dar al-Islam So, the obligation of the enthronement of the Khalifah and the reestablishment of the single law-governed territory of Dar al-Islam includes the obligation for the abolishment of the "territorial nation-states" that rule according to the ideology of Western nationalism and secularism and divide the Islamic world. The enthronement of the Khalifah is not only an obligation under Islamic law, but it should be the most important matter which is given the first priority over anything else, given that the presence of the Khalifah is the axis of fully realizing the Islamic mission.
Today it is quite easy to understand the situation of the Muslims. Politically, the Muslims’ lands such as Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan etc., have been invaded and occupied by infidels. Economically, the oil producing Gulf countries were glorifying an unprecedented speculation boom before the global financial crisis, while there were countries such as Sudan, Somalia, and Afghanistan, whose populations are troubled with starvation.. The Islamic world has 74% of the oil reserves of the earth, 57% of the gas reserves, 1 trillion dollars in foreign exchange and gold reserves and 4,700,000 military personnel, exceeding the United States and China combined. Unification is clearly the key to the solution of all these social, political and economic problems.
While the enthronement of the Khalifah is also the prerequisite for expanding the Islamic domain to the whole world, it is first and foremost the very obligation which should be fulfilled among the Muslims themselves. We must return the Islamic world from Dar al-Harb Suratan to Dar al-Islam before we can begin the propagation of the Islamic mission to non-Muslims.
The means for the reestablishment of the Khalifahate and Dar al-Islam is not fighting blindly with weapons against the faithless regime which oppresses those who insist on the enforcement of Islamic law by execution and imprisonment. We are now required, first, (1) to make certain for ourselves that the obligation of reestablishing the Khilafah is a matter of the highest priority for the Islamic mission based on the evidence of the scholarly study of Islam; next, (2) to be conscious of our neglect of this obligation and to have a deep feeling of guilt about it; finally, (3) to announce the obligation for the establishment of the Khilafah to all our Muslim brothers without fear of the enemies of Allah.
But unfortunately the present Muslim countries are not only in the condition of Dar al-Harb Suratan where the Islam law is not enforced, but also their regimes are autocratic or despotic ones which oppress their opponents and dissident groups severely. It is difficult to declare the anti-Islamic nature and lack of legitimacy of the rule of such regimes and the obligation of the reestablishment of the Khilafah openly, except in the case of Indonesia where there has been "a profusion of flowers and wide variety of opinions" since the fall of the Suharto dictatorship.
Even in the time of Ibn Khaldun, Ulama’ had became professionals and lost the uprightness and courage that made them worthy of being called the “inheritors of the Prophet”. As for the contemporary `Ulama’, most of them are government officials and are reduced to the level of scholars under the government’s thumb who serve the anti-Islamic regime which pays their salaries. Indeed there are few who dare to declare the obligation for the reestablishment of the Khilafah. However, under such a severe situation, there are still `Ulama’ who have both the talent for strict academic demonstration as jurists and the courage to speak out and tell the truth like Dr. Muhammad Khair Haikal. Even though they are very few in number, the way to know the truth is not completely closed yet for the seekers. The author also assumes this duty to tell truth as one of those who were blessed with the opportunity to get to know the truth in spite of having little learning or ability.
Today, the touchstone by which the reliable `Ulama’ are discerned from false ones is whether they can openly mention the obligation for the reestablishment of the Khilafah and Dar al-Islam or not. Those who equivocate about it are only minions of Taghut (the false god) who make people deviate from the truth, however learned they may be.
The supporters of the anti-Islamic regimes consist not only of ruler-flattering `Ulama’, but also Westernized "Muslim intellectuals" who are the leading figures in anti-Islamic propaganda. In Muslim countries people are brainwashed by their shallow criticism or slanders and abuses, such as their saying; "Hudud, Islamic penal codes, Khilafah, etc. were only suitable for the situation of the Arabs of those past days, and are an anachronism in today’s world" etc. Hudud, Islamic penal code, exists for the prevention of a crime (general prevention). If people consider that it is cruel and fearful, then a crime will be prevented, and the statutory penalty will not need to be carried out. This is precisely the purpose of the statutory penalty.
The Prophet Muhammad himself emphasized the obligation to administer the penalty of cutting off the hand for theft saying; “I will cut off the hand of Fatima, this Muhammad’s daughter, if she commits theft" (Hadith: al-Bukhari, Muslim). If they were administered even in a time when medical treatments such as anesthesia etc. had not been developed, then we should uphold them in the present time when we can practice them more safely and painlessly with better hospitable medical aids.
And since the unification of the vast Islamic world by the Khilafah was possible in the age when there were no cars, no airplanes, and needless to say no Internet, no television, no radio, and no telephone, the realization of the united Khilafah and Dar al-Islam in this present age, in which means of communication have markedly progressed, is easier by far than in those early times.
In the beginning, Islam introduced fundamental reforms to the customs, social systems, and culture of the Arabs of those days, and consequently received strong resistance, so it cannot be reduced to the product of a historical situation. There were those who strongly opposed Islam at the time of the Prophet , just as there are opponents today. They ridiculed the Holy Qur’an as “the fables of the ancients” (Qur’an 8:31, 16:24, 23:83, 25:5, 27:68, 46:17, 68:15, 83:13). So "Anachronism" is a stock phrase which the enemies of Islam have used in attacking Islam since the age of the Prophet.
Islam has become much easier to practice in the environment of the present day than it was in the past. The shallow "criticism" of the "Muslim intellectuals" who oppose the establishment of an Islamic Khilafah calling it an "anachronism" is nothing more than a manifestation of their dislike for Islam, or clear disbelief.
True Islam is blamed anachronistic nowadays as well as it was blamed likewise in the age of the Prophet Muhammad . He said, ; Islam started as a strange thing and I will come to be the strange thing again as it started.(Hadith:Muslim, Ibn Majah, Ahmad)
In the Shia creed, recognition of the successor of the Prophet (Imam = Khalifah) and obedience to him is one of the fundamental requirements of belief beside belief in Allah and belief in the Prophet Muhammad , and without recognition of the Imam and obedience to him, all acts of worship, such as prayer and purification, become invalid. Indeed the Sunni Muslims don’t consider the problem of the successor (Imam/Khalifah) of the Prophet as seriously as the Shia who make it the main feature of the existence of their Islamic faith, but it is also nevertheless an issue of the highest priority among Sunni Muslims as I mentioned before. And Ibn Taimayah says; “It should be known that establishing the authority of people is one of the greatest obligations, rather neither the religion nor the worldly life can be maintained without it.”
If we truly understand it, we can observe the seriousness of the crime of the whole Muslim community in neglecting the obligation to reestablish the Khilafah. As stated before concerning the regulations of Dar al-Harb, Muslims were not allowed to live in a place where they could not enforce the Islamic law in principle. Today we do not have a place to live as Muslims anywhere on this Earth. Unless we realize that what we should be doing right now is humbly hanging our heads and devoting ourselves to the reestablishment of the Khilafah, neither imputing responsibility for the degeneration and misery of the Islamic world to the others (non-Muslims) through criticism or protest, nor praising ourselves for the superiority of the Islamic civilization, we will not be able to slip out of this shameful tragic state forever.
Although the enthronement of the Khalifah is a joint obligation(Fard Kifayah), as long as the Khalifah is absent, it has now become a personal obligation(Fard `Ain) on all responsible Muslims to aim for its realization. As I have already said, the obligation to enthrone the Khalifah is hardly mentioned publicly in Muslim countries except that it is accompanied by slander and abuse, because of the suppression of freedom of speech by the despotic or autocratic regimes in Muslim countries. For the reestablishment of the Khilafah, it is necessary to inform people about their obligation first.
Indeed some courage is required to speak out about the Khilafah in Muslim countries, but the Holy Prophet said; "To speak the word of the truth in front of the unjust ruler is the best jihad." (Hadith: Ahmad). There is no room for excuses in the countries in which freedom of speech is guaranteed to a certain extent such as Western Europe, the U.S., and Japan. In particular, the obligation of reestablishing Khilafah must be taught to Muslim immigrants from the Islamic world at every possibility, such as at the Friday congregational prayer, in order that they might return to their own countries to serve the cause of the Khilafah.

Conclusion: The Propagation of Islam Outside the Islamic World

So far we have sketched the outline of the Islamic mission in the present age. Finally, we will return to the starting point of the Islamic mission.
Practicing Islam is obeying the Prophet. After the death of the Prophet Muhammad , his political authority was inherited by Khalifah and his ‘pastoral’ authority was inherited by Ulama’. However, neither Khalifah nor `Ulama’ are infallible, thus neither Khalifah nor `Ulama’ can independently represent the authority of the Prophet who delivered the Message of Allah. Since there was nobody who could inherit the Holy Prophet’s authority independently, and consequently his authority was divided, specialized and distributed, true Islamic leadership came to be presented only when Khalifah and `Ulama’ complemented each other and cooperated in performing their mission.
That is, only what is agreed by `Ulama’ from the academic point of view first, and then endorsed by the caliph politically, can be accepted to be the true instruction of Islam. Nowadays there is neither Khilafah, nor consensus on the “Islamic Call” among Ulama’, the inheritors of the Prophet, that is, there is no authority that can be trusted unconditionally, and consequently no "formal” Islamic Call or propagation exists.
Then, on what basis can we discern the true Islamic Call from the false one?
It must be by referring to the fundamental teaching of Islam, i.e., the declaration of belief in Islam. The first part is the affirmation of belief in Allah’s uniqueness. There is nothing worthy to be submitted to except Allah. The second part is the affirmation of the Prophet Muhammad’s apostleship. Nobody has the authority to say how to submit to Allah except the Prophet Muhammad .
The first affirmation denies all rule by a man over other human beings, and the second affirmation forbids people other than the Prophet Muhammad to speak on behalf of Allah .
Those who try to force others submit to themselves are not Islamic “missionaries”, even if they do so in the name of Allah and the Holy Prophet. This is because today no one exists who can claim to be the successor of the Holy Prophet, and no one who is permitted to say that to obey him means to obey the Prophet, and no one who has the authority to demand people’s unconditional obedience.
Obedience to the Holy Prophet was obligatory because, his reliability and credibility was well known among people, and his apostleship was proven by miracles (Mujizah).
Although the Prophet Muhammad was a fair and honest merchant who was known as "the trustworthy one (Aman)", he began his public call to Islam by calling all the tribes of the Quraish of Makkah together by the hill of al-Safa, and asking them; "If I were to tell you that a cavalry is waiting on the other side of this mountain to attack you, would you believe me?" in order to receive their confirmation, and when the people confirmed his honesty saying, "You have never told us a lie", he declared; "In fact, I’m a person who has been sent to warn you of an intense punishment which is near to you".
So, the first thing the Islamic missionary has to do is to gain trust among the people. Only those who have the complete trust of all the people are worthy to be a missionary. Furthermore, the "miracles" with which the Holy Prophet was supported were unique to him alone.
The evidence which proves the "miracles" of the Prophet Muhammad today can only be found in the historical documents which record them, and so the Islamic missionaries need not only the strict knowledge of the historical data which records and preserves the Prophetic miracles, but also formal authorization of this data from the Islamic political authority and the political authority of the non-Muslim society concerned which endorses the authorization of Islamic political authority, in order that even the ordinary people in a non-Muslim society can accept their authenticity. At present, due to the absence of Khalifah, there is no such Islamic political authority, so any missionary activity which claims to inherit the Prophetic authority is categorically impossible today.
However, while acceptance of the Islamic Call only becomes obligatory after academic investigation proving the authenticity of the historical documents which record the miracles of the Holy Prophet, this does not mean that the conversion to Islam of a person who does not follow such an academic procedure is invalid. Islamic scholarship accepts the validity of the Islam of the ordinary Muslims by Taqlid (trust without proof). It is the same as the validity of the worship of children who have not yet assumed the obligations of Islamic law.
We have already clarified the distinction between the deliverance of the Prophetic message, Tabligh, and the transfer of knowledge about Islam. What is required for contemporary Muslim missionaries is not deliverance of the Prophetic message, but the transfer of knowledge. The most suitable method for the Islamic missionary today is to teach the historical documents of the Prophetic message strictly and correctly in order to make the listeners able to judge for themselves without having anyone’s opinion forced upon them.
Then, does the mere transfer of knowledge about Islam substitute for the Islamic Call (Da`wah)? The transfer of this knowledge does not substitute for its propagation, even if this knowledge consists of the Islamic revealed sciences (`Ulum Shar`iyyah) such as sciences of Qur’an, Hadith, Islamic law, Islamic theology, or Islamic culture or history. The transfer of Islamic knowledge becomes the Islamic Call only if that knowledge is living knowledge, i.e., the fact that the teacher is embodying that knowledge is understood not by his words, but by his way of life, and he has a character which makes others desire to take him as their role-model for their lives.
Originally in the Islamic tradition, no one imagined introducing Islam to non-Muslims by distributing pamphlets or primers about Islam. This is just an imitation of Christian missionaries from the West. In the tradition of the Islamic revealed sciences in the pre-modern era, although hundreds of thousands books have been written, there was not a single book which was intended for non-Muslims to teach themselves about Islam. On the contrary, it was considered undesirable for non-Muslims to even touch Islam-related books, needless to say the Holy Qur’an,. It was the expression of the ideal of the Islamic mission that Islam is following the Holy Prophet , and Islam cannot be taught by words, it can be taught only by a living example of Islam.
It is necessary to distinguish telling a non-Muslim about the doctrine of Islam, such as the six pillars of faith and five pillars of ritual submission, or the Islamic political system, or the economic system, etc. as information, from inviting them to Islam.
Ibn `Abbas narrated the following Hadith(al-Tabarani).

The Prophet sent a messenger to Wahshi, who had killed Hamzah, the uncle of the Prophet, at the battle of Uhud, to invite him to Islam.
The reply arrived from Wahshi; "Why do you invite me to your religion although you said that those who had killed people, those who were polytheists, and those who had committed adultery, were sinners and would be inflicted with a double punishment, and actually, I have done all of these things?"
Then, Allah revealed; "…except for him who repents, and believes, and acts righteously, for such, God will replace their evil deeds with good deeds, ..." (Qur’an 25:70)
Then Wahshi said; "This condition is still too severe and I may not be forgiven. Is there anything other than this?"
Then, Allah revealed; "Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him; He forgives all except that, to whomever He will. ..." (Qur’an 4:116)
Then Wahshi said; "This is still ambiguous as to whether Allah will forgive me or not".
Then, Allah revealed; "Say, ‘O My servants who have been prodigal against their own souls, do not despair of God’s mercy. Truly God forgives all sins..." (Qur’an 39:53)
At last Wahshi said. "Yes, now I find no condition", and accepted Islam.
The Prophet said; “This can be applied to all the Muslims.” (narrated by al-Tabarani)

This episode shows that the narrative styles of explanation about Islamic doctrine and the appeal of conversion completely differ.
On inviting to Islam, we should tell our listener that all their sins will be forgiven, unconditionally, not forcing them our opinion about what is Haram, prohibited, and what is Halal, permitted.
Although Islam is an ethical teaching that orders the good and prohibits the evil, we should not forget that its fundamental is glad tidings of the ultimate salvation and that we will be saved, even if we might have committed any kind of major sins such as homicide, as long as we worship Allah alone.
Although praising the perfectness of Islamic teaching and admiring its heritage as an enlightening activity is not necessarily reproached, confusing it with the Call to Islam should be strictly avoided.
In the Islamic Call, “What should be said” is not "How wonderful Muslims are" but that "Muslims will be saved however sinful they might be”. "How wonderful Muslims are" is not “what should be said", but "what should be demonstrated" by the exemplary life of those missionaries.
In Malay/Indonesian language, the non verbal Islamic Call is named “Dakwah Bilhal”. Only by practicing “Dakwa Bilhal” in intimate interactions with non-Muslims in everyday life, can we make them trust in us as Muslims and begin to believe in our creed.
In our age when none of the power and responsibility for the maintenance of order and security in this world is in our hands, what is required for Muslim missionaries is to teach the fundamentals of the Islamic message, i.e., that salvation is guaranteed to everyone only because they worship Allah alone and avoid polytheism, and to provide the necessary information and skills with which the people of the country will be able to understand the text of Holy Qur’an and the Hadiths by themselves, and to live an exemplary life which makes the people actually feel the virtue of Islam and follow the missionaries as a model by their actions, not by their words.
Under the present situation, in the absence of Khilafah and Dar al-Islam, the Islamic Call should be carried out by (1) teaching the true meaning of the uniqueness of Allah, (2) transferring the exact knowledge of Islamic revealed sciences (`Ulum Shar`iyyah) without demanding forced obedience to it, and (3) sending out missionaries who embody Islamic knowledge and are loved and taken as role models by people. This should continue unchanged until Khilafah and Dar al-Islam are reestablished and men of power appear who can take responsibility for the protection of the teaching of Islam and the maintenance of social order and security and struggle to spread rule of law of Islam to all over the world to liberate the whole human beings on the earth from “rule of men” over their fellow human beings., which is the cause of Islamic mission delivered by the Prophet Muhammad Rahmatan li-l-`Alamin, as the Mercy to all the universe, .

中田 考, 博士
同志社大学 教授

日本で世界的な宗教として知られるキリスト教および仏教と比較した場合、イスラーム開祖である預言者ムハンマド は、西洋の狭義で言うところの宗教指導者というだけではなく、政治指導者でもある。
しかし、622年のHijrah(ヒジュラ:聖遷)の後、Madinah(マディーナ:サウジアラビアの都市で聖地)にイスラーム教徒中心の都市国家が実現されたとき、傷害、殺人、窃盗などの犯罪処罰制度による社会秩序の維持を目的とした法規制だけではなく、徴税、福祉、非イスラーム教徒に対する対応、戦争行為など、政治権力が治めるべき義務もその教えに加えられた。そして、マッカを勝ち取った時、アラビア半島はイスラームの旗印の下に統一され、預言者ムハンマド に与えられた啓示が達成された。マッカ時代には、イスラームの使命は個人の信仰と倫理観を浸透させることから、イスラーム法を広めることによる世界の解放へと変化していった。
イスラームとは、アッラー から遣わされた預言者の声に服従するという意味である。預言者に従う者がイスラーム教徒またはイスラーム信者であり、預言者に従わない者は、不信心者(Kafir:カーフィル)または異教徒である。しかし、預言者ムハンマドは最後の預言者であり、彼の死後は預言者の声を直接聞くことができず、もはや生きた預言者の声に従うことは叶わない。
預言者ムハンマド の死後、彼への服従という意味で、イスラームの意味は非人格化され、アッラーによって預言者ムハンマド に告げられた聖書、預言者の教えを記録した預言者ムハンマド の言行録(Hadith:ハディース)である聖典クルアーンの言葉に従うという意味に変わった。彼の死後、スンナ派の観点から言えば、預言者の資質としての絶対確実性を受け継いだ人物または権力者はいない。
このため、スンナ派の観点からは、預言者ムハンマド の政治的指導力は、彼のKhilafah(ヒラーファ)と呼ばれる後継者達のそれとは異なる。なぜなら、預言者ムハンマドの統治法は神政であったが、Khalifah(ハリーファ)の統治はムハンマドの政治権力のみを受け継いだ非宗教的なものであるからだ。
本書は、預言者ムハンマド が生存中に達成したイスラームの使命について、そしてMuslim Ummah(イスラーム共同体)が預言者ムハンマド の使命をどう受け継いでいくべきかについて説明する。

1. イスラームの使命の完成形
既に述べたように、マッカを勝ち取った時、アラビア半島はイスラームの旗印の下に統一され、預言者ムハンマド に与えられた啓示が達成された。マッカ時代には、イスラームの使命は個人の信仰と倫理観を浸透させることから、イスラーム法を広めることによる世界の解放へと変化していった。
これは戦争行為を定義したイスラーム法に明確に示されている。アッラー は聖典クルアーンにおいて「Jizya(貢物)を支払い、喜んで制圧されるまで、神を信じない者、最後の日を信じない者、神と彼の預言者が禁じたことを守らない者、聖書を与えられた者から宗教の真実を学ばない者と戦いなさい。」と言っている。(9:29)
預言者 の仲間であるAl-Mugirah(アルムギーラ) はニハーヴァンドの戦いでイラン軍に次のように述べた。「我らの神の使徒である預言者は、敵が唯一神アッラーを崇拝するまで、またはJizyah税を支払うまで戦いなさいと我々に命令された。」(Al-Bukhahri氏:アルブハーリーのハディース集の本よりµ)

イスラーム社会は、預言者ムハンマド の啓示の達成およびアラビア半島の統一後、全世界でイスラームの使命を果たそうと行動を起こした。しかし、この使命を実行に移すにあたり、軍事に訴えてでも強制しようとしたのは、イスラームへの改宗ではなく、Jizyah(ジズヤ)税の支払いであり、これを拒むことを許さなかった。

Jizyah(ジズヤ)は「人頭税」や「貢物」などとして訳されるため重税のように聞こえるが、実際は軽税である。女性、子供、無職の者は確実に免除され、富める者のみに課税する。Hanafi(ハナフィー) および Hanbali(ハンバリー)(2つともスンナ派の学派)によると、10,000ディルハム以上の財産を持つ者は年48ディルハム、中流階級は年24ディルハム、下層階級は年12ディルハムを課税する。Maliki (スンナ派の学派)では年4ディーナールまたは40ディルハム課税し、Shafi`i(スンナ派学派)では上流階級は年4ディーナール、中流階級は年2ディーナール、下層階級は年1ディーナール課税するとしている。  (1ディーナール= 4.25gの金、1ディルハム= 2.975gの銀)

2. 預言者の使命の完成形を維持するには
治世中、預言者ムハンマド はイスラーム共同体(Muslim Ummah<ムスリム ウンマ>)における唯一の権力者であった。預言者ムハンマド の使命は唯一神アラーの法の下に世界中を開放することであり、Khilafah(ヒラーファ)における政治権力も唯一無二である必要がある。
イスラーム法)のみが制定・実施されている場所をDar al-Islam(ダール アルイスラーム)と呼ぶ。Khalifah(ハリーファ:後継者)の唯一性のみが、このDar al-Islamの単一性および完全性を象徴する。
Khalifah(ハリーファ)は唯一無二で、二人以上のKhalifah(ハリーファ)またはKhulafa’(フラファーゥ=後継者)が存在することを厳重に禁止している。預言者ムハンマド は、一時代において王位継承順に唯一のKhalifah(ハリーファ)(後継者)に対する忠誠を求め、次のように述べた:

「私の死後は他に預言者は存在しないが、非常に多くのKhulafa’(フラファーゥ:後継者)が現れるだろう。王位継承順に唯一の後継者に忠誠し、アッラーが後継者たちに与えた権力に従いなさい。」(預言者言行録:ムスリムのハディース集の本) そして、彼は2番目またはそれ以降の後継者の正当性を否認しただけでなく、躊躇なくその後継者たちを処刑することを指示し「2人のKhalifas(ハリーファ)(後継者)に忠誠の誓いが行われた時、2番目の後継者を処刑せよ。」と述べた。(預言者言行録:Muslim氏のハディース集の本)
預言者ムハンマド(SS)がこの世を去られた時、アラブの多くの部族は、後継者Abu Bakr(アブー・バクル)の首都となったMadinah (マディーナ:サウジアラビアの都市で聖地)にZakah(ザカー)を受け渡すことを拒んだ。この時、後継者Abu Bakr(アブー・バクル)は、「アッラーとその使者であるムハンマドのみが唯一の神である。」と誓い礼拝を行う人々であるにも関わらず、彼らを武力で支配下に置いた。この戦いは「Riddah(背教)の戦い」と呼ばれている。Abu Bakr(アブー・バクル)のこの決断は、指導者Khilafah(ヒラーファ)の優位性とUmmah(イスラーム共同体)の統一がイスラームにとって最も重要であることを示している。
Fiqh(イスラーム法学)においては、Khalifah(ハリーファ)(後継者)はKhalifah(ハリーファ) Rasul Allah(ラスールッラー)の略であり、つまりアッラーの使者の後継者という意味であるが、地球上のアッラーの代理人としてのアッラーの後継者Khalifah(ハリーファ) Allahという意味ではない。しかし、地球上のアッラーの代理人という言葉に含まれる意味を忘れてはならない。Al-Mawsu`ah al-Fiqhiyyah  には、al-Qurtubi(イスラームの学者)による次のようなクルアーンの詩が引用されている。「この詩は(そして、神は天使に言われた「見よ!地上に代理人を創造するところだ。Q:2:30)意見が一致し、人々の法が実施されるように、人々が耳を傾け従う人、Imam(イマーム:指導者)またはKhalifah(ハリーファ)(後継者)の任命の礎となるものである。」(al-Qurtbi, al-Jami` li-Ahkam al-Qur’an, n.p., n.d., vol.1, p.264)
アッラーは天と大地の神である(Rabb al-Samawat wa-al-Ard)。この文脈において、クルアーンに出てくる“al-Ard(地球)”という単語は、“al-Samawat(天:複数)”に反して常に単数である。これは、地球は単一であり割り切れないからであり、地球におけるアッラーの支配者としての地位も唯一無二で割り切れず、アッラー以外の神が存在しないように、地球においてはアッラーの代理人であるKhalifah(ハリーファ)(後継者)も唯一無二で割り切れない存在でなければならないことを意味する。
Fiqh(イスラーム法学)では、Khalifah(ハリーファ)(後継者)の唯一性を規定し、複数存在することを厳重に禁止しているが、これはイスラーム使命において移住の自由を保障しているからである。ある天使はクルアーンにおいて「神の地球は、あなた方が移住できるほど雄大ではなかったか。」と述べている。(4:97) そして、Ibn ‘Abbas(イブン・アッバース)はクルアーンの注釈Tanwir al-Miqbasにおいて、この詩を「神の地球は雄大ではなかったか。」というのは、「al-Madinahの地は安全であるから移住せよ。」と言う意味であると説明している。(Ibn ‘Abbas, Tanwir al-Miqbas, 1992, Lebanon, p.102) すなわち、al-Madinah そして Dar al-Islam(ダール アルイスラーム) は、全てのイスラーム教徒が移住できる場所でなければならない。Khalifah(ハリーファ)の唯一性はイスラーム使命の唯一性を象徴するものであり、イスラーム法はDar al-Islamの領域内の居住者と生活必需品の自由な移動を保障している。
地球は誰にも属さず、唯一アッラーの所有物である。地球を分割したり、移住を制限することは誰もできない。近代ヨーロッパの「領域国民国家」というイデオロギーと比較した場合、イスラームにおいては人間を2つの分離した国家に分けることを許さない。なぜなら、アッラーは人間を複数の民族に分けて創造し、互いを理解しあえるようにしたからである。アッラーは「男女を創造し、互いが親しくなれるように、国家および部族を創造した。」と言っている(49:13)。移住の自由は互いの理解を深めるための前提条件である。そして、アッラーは我々に地球上を旅し、自然の歴史、人間の歴史を学ぶように命令され、次のように述べた。「地上を旅し、創造の起源を観察するがよい。(29:20)そのために、地上を旅し、それを拒否する者の最後がどうなるかを見てくるがよい。」(3:137, 6:11, 16:36) 国境廃止による地球の解放そしてイスラーム体制(Islamic Order)の統一は、イスラームの使命にとって欠かせない条件である。
「イスラームの家(The House of Islam)」の確立とは、国境によって不当に手に入れた領土を囲い込む公正を欠いた指導者達を排除し、全人類の自由な移住の実現に向けて台地を解放することを意味する。いわゆる「イスラーム諸国」からこれを開始し、世界中に広めていくべきである。
イスラームグローバリズムの真の意味を理解するには、イスラームの観点からナショナリズムという概念を再考する必要がある。ナショナリズムは、18世紀後半にヨーロッパに生まれた「ネオ部族主義」の一種である。預言者ムハンマド(SS)は次のように言った。「部族主義(`Asabiyyah<アサビーヤ>)を訴え支持する妄想の旗を掲げた者は死を迎えた。Jahiliyyah(ジャーヒリーヤ:イスラーム前の無知)の死である。」(預言者言行録: Muslim氏) また、次のように述べた:「部族主義を訴えた者達は我々の仲間ではない。部族主義のために戦った者達も我々の仲間ではない。そして、部族主義のために死んでいった者達は我々の仲間ではない。」
部族主義とは何か?と問われ、彼はこう答えた。「正義を持って自分の部族を支えることである。」(預言者言行録: アブー・ダーウード) 
現在は、この「ネオ部族主義」の征服がイスラーム使命の主目的となってしまった。ここで大きな問題となるのは、「ネオ部族主義」がKhilafah(ヒラーファ)、Dar al-Islamそしてイスラームの家の再建に反対する近代イスラーム諸国の反イスラーム政権のイデオロギーとなってしまっているというだけではなく、自分たちを「イスラーム主義勢力」であると信じる反体制者や抵抗集団の多くに悪影響を及ぼしている点である。
先に述べたように、Khalifah(ハリーファ)とイスラーム世界の唯一性は、イスラーム領域、Dar al-Islam(ダール アルイスラーム)そしてイスラームの家にとって欠かせない前提条件であり、単独国家内でしかイスラーム法は実施できないという考えは錯覚である。

3. イスラームの使命 イスラーム的秩序を世界に広げること
イスラーム使命の最終形は、宗教の強制はせずに、最終手段として軍事力を行使したとしても、イスラーム的秩序を世界中に展開するためにDar al-Islam(ダール アルイスラーム)を拡大することである。
イスラームは平和を愛し、不必要な暴力を嫌う。しかし、無条件な絶対的平和主義を掲げていない。それどころか、イスラーム信者には善行を求め、悪行を自力で抑制すること(Amr bi-Ma`ruf Nahy `an Munkar<アムル ビマアルーフ、ナヒー アン ムンカル>)を教えている。特に、最大の力を保持する権力者には、イスラーム社会の平和、安全、正義維持を目的として暴力に訴えてでも、戦争(ジハード)の遂行、Hudud(フドゥード:刑法)執行の義務を負わせている。
我々は、イスラームの使命を論理的に段階を追って説明しなければならない。イスラーム共同体はイスラームへの真の信仰に気づいたとき、Khalifah(ハリーファ)の旗の下に自身を統合し、Dar al-Islam(ダール アルイスラーム)、そしてイスラーム共同体の再建を行う。イスラーム教徒は各自の能力の範囲内でイスラーム法の下に各人の義務を果たす責任があるというイスラームの基本的見解は明らかだが、イスラーム共同体は、公平で唯一のイスラーム法で統治された領域を世界中に広めることで全人類を開放するというイスラーム使命の実践の責任を負っている。ある人間が他の人間を利用するような「領域国民国家」という監獄から虐げられた人々を開放し、全共同体が国民性、人種、民族性、宗教などの違いに関係なく共に暮らし、宗教上の自治と社会的平等を享受できるような社会を確立するのだ。
イスラームは、イスラーム信仰を強制しないが、軍事力に訴えてでも、イスラーム体制、イスラーム領域そしてDar al-Islam(ダール アルイスラーム)を地球上に拡大しなければならない。
前述のとおり、預言者ムハンマド は自分の使命の実現をマッカから始めた。その主な内容は、アッラー、最後の審判、天国と地獄、貧者・弱者を助けるという道徳など、見えない信仰を個人を対象に伝道することであった。しかし、622年のマディーナ移住後の都市国家の出現後、傷害殺人、窃盗などの犯罪や、徴税、福祉、非イスラーム教徒の対応、そして武力行使、つまり政治権力によって行使すべき義務などに関わる違反を罰することで安全を維持する法規定の確立が、その使命に追加された。そして、マッカを勝ち取った時、アラビア半島はイスラームの旗の下に統一され、預言者ムハンマド に与えられた啓示が完遂させた。イスラームの使命は、マッカ時代に個人の信仰と道徳律を浸透させることから、イスラーム体制またはイスラーム政治を地球上に広めることによる解放へと変容したのである。
これは、Ahkam Jihad(アフカーム・ジハード)、戦争行為に関するイスラーム法に明白に示されている。アッラーは「啓典を与えられた者たちで、神と最後の審判を信じず、神とその預言者が禁止したことを禁じず、真の宗教を奉じない者と彼らがJizyah(ジズヤ)の貢物を身を低くして支払うまで戦いなさい。」と言った。(9:29)
そして、al-Mugirahは「我々の神の使徒である預言者は、アッラーのみを崇拝するまで、またはJizyah(ジズヤ)税を支払うまで戦いなさい。」と言った。(預言者言行録: アルブハーリー)
イスラーム共同体は、預言者ムハンマド が啓示を完遂し、イスラームの旗下にアラブ半島を統一した後、世界中でイスラーム使命の実践を始めた。しかし、この使命に対峙する際に拒むことを許されなかったのは、軍事力の行使をもってしても、Jizyah税の支払いを強制することであり、イスラームへの改宗ではなかった。宗教の強制はしないが、イスラーム使命の最終形は武力行使に訴えたとしてもイスラーム政治を世界中に広めるためにDar al-Islam を拡大することであると言えるのはこのためだ。
Dar al-Islamは、ジハードによるものだとしても世界中に広められるべきである。しかし、ジハードを行う前に「イスラーム使命(Da`wah<ダアワ>)を果たす義務を前提としたイスラーム権力からの正式要請」つまり「Khalifah(ハリーファ)による正式なイスラームの布教」を優先的に行うべきである。この要請が拒まれた時、ジハードはKhalifah(ハリーファ)の政治的判断に委ねられる。しかし、異教徒によるDar al-Islamへの侵略が起きたような場合にはジハードは義務となる。
実際に、イスラームは戦争をはっきりと拒絶していない。預言者言行録によると、イスラームにおいては、ジハード(戦争)は最後の審判の日まで常に起きる可能性があるとしている。「ジハードは、アッラーが我々を送り給うた時から、イスラーム共同体(Ummah<ウンマ>)とDajjal(ダッジャール=反キリスト)の戦いの最後の世代まで続くだろう。」(預言者言行録: アブー・ダーウード)。
この預言者言行録は、イスラームの好戦性を描写しているのではなく、むしろ戦争と平和の現実的な観点を表現している。イスラームの戦争観は次の2つの点で現実的である。まず、冷徹な現実主義が特徴的である。(1)世界が完全に平和になるまで戦争は終わらない。なぜなら、軍事力をもってしても、イスラーム法を妨害しようとする悪魔の勢力は常に存在するからである。そして(2)終末における神の直接的な介入によるキリストの再臨、マハディー (the Savior)の出現による最終戦争またはアルマゲドンがない限り、通常の歴史の中ではイスラームは決定的勝利を収めることはできない。このような観点から、この世界の現実として、イスラーム世界の視点には他宗教および文化との共存の必然性が組み込まれていると言える。
Khalifah からジハードを仕掛けることはない。預言者ムハンマド時代の「戦争」という概念は現在の「戦争」という概念とは異なるからだ。同じ単語で呼ぶことさえ躊躇を覚える。
預言者ムハンマド は、敵の殺害は命令したが、彼らを焼死させることは「炎による拷問は、炎の使い手 (Master of Fire)だけに認められるものだ。」と言って禁止した。(預言者言行録: アルブハーリー、アフマド)
イスラーム教徒が戦争に勝利したとしても、イスラームの観点からはそれを望ましい勝利とは決して見なさない。避けることはできないが、Dar al-Islamが侵略され、そのような戦いを強制されたとしても、イスラーム領域を広めるという目的でKhalifah(ハリーファ)から戦争を仕掛けることはない。
故に、パレスチナ、カシミール、ミンダナオなど、少数派のイスラーム共同体が迫害に苦しみ、殺害され、土地や財産を略奪され、住処から追放されるような地域から、小規模の宗教紛争、防衛的なジハード、小衝突がなくなることはないが、Khalifah(ハリーファ)が指導権を握るとすぐにジハードを開始し、Dar al-Harb(ダール アルハルブ:戦争の家)または非イスラームの土地全体に総力戦または全面戦争を仕掛けると考えるのは間違いである。
3. Khilafah(ヒラーファ)イスラーム共同体の最重要義務

最初に説明したように、イスラームは預言者ムハンマド の絶対権力を認め、彼に従うという意味である。そのため、イスラーム共同体の最も重要な義務、つまりFard Kifayah(共同体の義務)は、預言者の後継者である政治権力Khilafah(ヒラーファ)を任命し、人治から全世界を開放するという使命を実行することである。
Dar al-Islamまたはイスラームの家が、イスラーム教徒が支配権を有し、イスラーム法を施行する「法治領域」である一方、イスラーム教徒が支配権を失い、イスラーム法の施行が不可能な「無法地帯」は"戦争の家(ダール アルハルブ:Dar al-Harb)"または "不信の家 (ダール アルクフル:Dar al-Kufr)”と呼ばれている。
Dar al-Islamが非イスラーム教徒に制圧され、その土地が"戦争の家(ダール アルハルブ:Dar al-Harb)"に変換されたとしても、イスラーム教徒が存在する限り、イスラーム教徒は支配権の回復に努め、その土地はイスラーム法を施行すべき正当なDar al-Islamであり続ける。このような状態にある「イスラームの家」は「Dar al-Harb Suratan( 見掛けのみ戦争の家)」と呼ばれることもある。
イスラーム法はイスラーム世界の繁栄時に施行が開始されたため、制圧時と支配権の喪失時に関する法規定の理論化が未だ十分に行われていない。  そこで、Hadramaut(ハドラマウト)のMufti(ムフティー:法学者)であるAbdurrahman Muhammad ibn Husain (d.1902)のDar al-IslamおよびDar al-Harb(ダール アルハルブ)つまり「イスラームの家と戦争の家」に関する議論を希少な例として引用する。
イスラーム教徒の住民が敵軍から自らを防衛しイスラーム法の実施が可能な土地が、敵軍に制圧され、移住が禁止され、住処から追放され、自らを防衛する力を失ったとき、その土地は「法的には(Hukman<フクマン>)戦争の家であるが見掛けのみ(Suratan<スラタン>)の戦争の家」と呼ばれる。バタビア(ジャカルタの旧名)とジャワ島(現在どちらもインドネシアに存在する)のほとんどの土地は、異教徒の前にイスラーム教徒が統治していたためDar al-Islam(ダール アルイスラーム)である。
Dar al-Harb(ダール アルハルブ=「戦争の家」)におけるイスラーム教徒の継続居住は以下の4つに分類することができる。
年一度のJizyah 税の支払いなどによってのみイスラーム教徒の状況と財産の安全が守られるのであれば、そしてイスラーム教徒の身の安全を保障するのに必要不可欠であるならば、問題を解消し、その支払いを認めている。
イスラーム教徒は、自己統治が許され、独自の「刑法(Hudud<フドゥード>)」を実施できる場合を除き、Dar al-Harb Suratanまたは「見掛けのみの戦争の家」に住むことは許されず、「イスラームの家」に移住しなければならない。「刑法」はクルアーンまたはスンナ(Sunnah)によって規定された刑罰である。たとえば、盗みを働いた者の手を切断する、姦夫姦夫への鞭打ち、石打、ワインを飲んだ者の鞭打ちなどである。つまり、イスラーム教徒はイスラーム法に従って生活する必要がるため、祈りを捧げ断食することだけが許されても、それでは十分ではない。それどころか、イスラーム権力による統治が自由に行われ、イスラーム法に違反する者を罰する力を持つことが必要不可欠である。
刑法(Hudud<フドゥード> )の実施には肉体的な暴力を行使する必要があるが、これは肉体的暴力を合法的・独占的に使用することを要求するのとは異なる。このため、「刑法」実施の能力を持つかどうかは、イスラーム教徒に対し自由な統治と完全なるイスラーム信仰が許可されているかを判断する際の基準となる。
AbdurrahmanのDar al-Harb Suratan(ダール アルハルブ スラタン)における居住の規定に関する議論を要約すると以下のようになる。
(1)イスラーム教徒が刑法(Hudud<フドゥード>)を含むイスラーム法を実施するのに必要な自治権を獲得できないならば、Dar al- Harb(ダール アルハルブ)に居住することを禁止し、Dar al-Islam(ダール アルイスラーム)への移住を義務とする。
(2) イスラーム教徒がイスラーム法を掲げることはできるが(刑法の実施)、その土地のイスラーム化は期待できない場合、居住は望ましくない。
(3) イスラーム教徒がイスラーム法を掲げることはできるが(刑法の実施)、その土地のイスラーム化は期待できる場合、居住を推奨する。
この規定は、通常Dar al-Harb(ダール アルハルブ)に対しては共通であるが、土地がDar al-Harb(ダール アルハルブ)に変換されないよう居住の継続を義務付ける(4)は例外であり、これはDar al-Harb Suratan(ダール アルハルブ スラタン)「見掛けのみ戦争の家」の特徴である。
現在のイスラーム世界全体はDar al-Harb Suratan(ダール アルハルブ スラタン)である。なぜなら、旧西側植民地から「独立」を達成し、「領域国民国家」として出現した後でさえも、その政府は植民地支配者から受け継いだ西側の法システムに従って非イスラーム的な支配を続けているからである。
イスラーム世界は西ヨーロッパに植民地化されDar al-Harb Suratan(ダール アルハルブ スラタン)「見掛けのみの戦争の家」に変換させられてしまった。西側の植民地支配はHudud(<フドゥード>:刑法)によるイスラーム教徒の自治を認めなかったため、制圧されたイスラーム教徒の居住者は、原則としてDar al-Islamへの移住を強制された。しかし、オスマン帝国のカリフ(宗教と政治の両方の権威を持つ支配者)が失脚した後、イスラーム教徒が居住すべきDar al-Islamはイスラーム世界の何処にも存在しなかった。Dar al-Harb Suratan(ダール アルハルブ スーラタン)に住むイスラーム教徒がDar al-Islamに移住する必要があるにもかかわらず、自治と刑法(Hudud<フドゥード>)の実施の自由が与えられない場合、つまり、イスラーム教徒が刑法(Hudud<フドゥード>)の実施を強く主張したために、敵の政府によって虐殺されてしまうならば、その戦いは諦め、代わりに税を支払っても構わないとしている。
Dar al-Islamの再建に懸命に努力することはDar al-Harb Suratan(ダール アルハルブ スーラタン)に住むイスラーム教徒の義務である。しかし、現在のDar al-Harb Suratan(ダール アルハルブ スーラタン)は、表面上だけイスラームの指導者が統治する「領域国民国家」の集まりである。
既に述べたように、Khalifah(ハリーファ) はイスラーム共同体全体の唯一の正当な政治権力者であるがオスマン帝国のカリフが失脚してからこの唯一無二で究極のKhalifah(ハリーファ)は存在しておらず、現在の「領域国民国家」はKhalifahs(Khulafa’)ではない。イスラームの教えから見ると「領域国民国家」の法はその正当性に欠くがその法の下の政治状況が非イスラーム教徒の法の下に置かれた場合と同じであるならば、その非正当な支配に従うことを認めている。つまり、イスラーム法の実施を主張することによってイスラーム教徒が殺害される恐れがあるならば、彼らは一時的にDar al-Islamの再建を諦めることを認めている。
現在の「領域国民国家」の支配者達はKhalifah(ハリーファ)(Khulafa’)ではないため、この預言者言行録の内容は現在の問題にそのまま適用することはできない。しかし、イスラーム法は異教徒として生まれた(Kafir Asli)者と背教者(Murtadd)を明確に区別し、前者との共存は認めているが、後者との共存は決して認めていない。  名目上イスラーム教徒であるDar al-Harb Suratan(ダール アルハルブ スーラタン)のイスラームの支配者は、イスラーム教徒の居住者が服従を認められているDar al-Harb Suratan(ダール アルハルブ スラタン)「見掛けのみの戦争の家」の異教徒の支配の場合とは違い、ムスリムでありながらイスラーム法の実施を拒否しているからで実際には背教者であるため、彼に従うことは許されず打倒が義務であると論ずることも可能である。
この点について、M.Kh. Haikalは「現在のイスラーム世界の指導者たちを考慮する必要はない。なぜなら、明らかな不信は現在の政治システムに具現化されているからだ。つまり、上部組織は不信に基づいて確立されているが、支配者自身は不信心者ではない。」と言っている。
Muhammad Khair Haikalは「現在、イスラーム世界におけるすべての政治体制は「明らかな不信」に基づいて確立されている。」と認めている。しかし、上記の預言者言行録によると、「明らかな不信」が存在する場合ではなく、軍隊の反乱を正当化しようと「明らかな不信」が新たに出現した場合には、その追放のための反乱を認めている。  「以前は存在しなかった「明らかな不信」を生み出したのはMustapha Kemal (Ataturk)政権である。その当時(カリフの地位の廃止)、イスラーム帝国(オスマン帝国のカリフの府)の全域で、Mustapha Kemal政権に対し戦いを挑むことを全イスラーム教徒の義務としていた。」
その結果、現在のイスラーム世界はKhalifahを失い、全ての土地がDar al-Harb Suratan(ダール アルハルブ スラタン)に取って代わったのである。
冒頭に示した通り、イスラームは聖なる予言者ムハンマド に服従するという意味で、彼の死後は彼の教えをどう実践するかがイスラーム共同体の最重要課題になっている。これは、預言者の後継者たち(Ulama)の人格の生きる言葉として
クルアーンとスンナ(Sunnah)に記されているとおり、Khalifah(ハリーファ)によるイスラーム法の実施を通してDar al-Islam全土の安全維持と統一の下、すべての住民の生活、財産、名誉が保障され、人種、言語、民族性、宗教に関係なく移住と経済活動の自由が認められた環境において実現される。
預言者ムハンマド は「忠誠(Bai`ah)を誓わずに死んだ者は、Jahiliyyah時代の死と共に(イスラームの到来前の無知の時代)に死んだ。」と言っているが、忠誠はカリフ(政府・宗教の両法の権力を持つ支配者)のみに誓うものである。このため、預言者言行録はKhalifah(ハリーファ) (Nasb al-Imam)の任命は義務であると言っている。
Khalifah(ハリーファ)は、イスラーム法の実施の責任者であり、またDar al-Islamの統一のシンボルでもある。このため、Khalifah(ハリーファ)の任命の義務と唯一法により統治されたDar al-Islamの再建の義務には、西側の国家主義と世俗主義のイデオロギーに従って統治を行い、イスラーム世界を分断する「領域国民国家」の廃絶の義務も含まれる。Khalifah(ハリーファ)の存在がイスラーム使命の完璧な実現の軸であるならば、Khalifah(ハリーファ)の任命はイスラーム法の下の義務というだけでなく、他の何よりも優先されるべき最重要課題として扱うべきである。
Khalifah(ハリーファ)の任命は世界中にイスラーム領域を拡大するための前提条件であるが、さらにイスラーム教徒自身が真っ先に果たすべき義務でもある。イスラームの使命を非イスラーム教徒に伝えるよりも前に、イスラーム世界をDar al-Harb Suratan(ダール アルハルブ スラタン)からDar al-Islam(ダール アルイスラーム)に戻さなければならない。
Khalifahate(ヒラーファ国家)とDar al-Islam(ダール アルイスラーム)の再建は、処刑と投獄によってイスラーム法の実施を主張する者を虐げる不誠実な政治体制に対し、武器をもってやみくもに戦いを仕掛けるような形で行われてはならない。我々は(1)イスラームの学術的な研究に基づいて、Khilafah(ヒラーファ)の再建の義務がイスラームの使命の最重要課題であることを明確にし、(2)深い罪の意識を持ってこの義務が果たされていない点を意識し、(3)アッラーの敵に恐怖を感じることなく、我々の兄弟である全イスラーム教徒にKhilafah(ヒラーファ)の再建の義務を宣言する必要がある。
しかし、不運なことに、現在のイスラームの国々はイスラーム法が実施されていないDar al-Harb Suratan(ダール アルハルブ スラタン) の状態にあるだけでなく、その政治体制は敵と反政府体制を激しく圧迫する独裁的な体制となってしまっている。そのような体制の反イスラームの本質、法の正当性の欠乏、そしてKhilafah(ヒラーファ)の再建の義務を公然と断言することが難しくなっている。しかし、スハルト専制国家が崩壊した後「ぜいたくな花々と多種多様な意見」が許されたインドネシアのケースは例外である。
Ibn Khaldun(イブン・ハルドゥーン)の時代でさえ、Ulama(ウラマー)達は専門家となって「預言者の後継者」と呼ばれる名誉ある者となるための率直姓と勇気を欠いていた。現代の「Ulama (ウラマー)」の多くは国家公務員であり、彼らの賃金を支払う非イスラーム政治体制の言いなりになっており、研究者としての質も低下している。
現に、Khilafah(ヒラーファ)の再建の義務を大胆に宣言する者は少数である。しかし、このような厳しい状況の中でも、 Muhammad Khair Haikal博士のように、法学者として徹底的な専門性を示す能力、真実をはっきりと伝える勇気を持つUlama(ウラマー)は今でも存在する。このような人々は非常に少数ではあるが、真実を求める者に対しそれを知る道筋が完全に閉ざされたわけではない。著者も、学ぶ機会が少なく能力が低くとも、真実を知る機会に恵まれる者として、この真実を述べる義務を持つと考えている。
信頼のおけるUlama(ウラマー)をそうではない者と明白に区別する際の基準は、Khilafah(ヒラーファ) とDar al-Islam(ダール アルイスラーム)の再建の義務をきっぱりと宣言できるかどうかである。これについて言葉を濁すものは、真実から人々を欺くTaghut(<ターグート>=邪神)の手先でしかない。
預言者ムハンマド 自身も窃盗犯の手を切断する処罰を施行する義務についてこう強調している。「私の娘であるFatimaが窃盗を犯したなら、彼女の手を切断しよう。」(預言者言行録: Al-Bukhari氏, Muslim氏)
そして、Khilafah(ヒラーファ)による広大なイスラーム世界の統一が、車、飛行機、また言うまでもないがインターネット、テレビ、ラジオ電話がない時代に可能であったのならば、通信技術が大幅に進歩した現代において、Khilafah(ヒラーファ)とDar al-Islam の統一の実現は、そのような時代よりも極めて容易なはずである。
イスラームは、まずその時代のアラブ人の慣習、社会システム、文化の抜本的な改革を行った。その結果、強い抵抗を受けたが、過去の遺物としてまとめることはできない。預言者ムハンマド の時代には、今日も敵があるように、イスラームに強く反対する者達がいた。彼らは聖典クルアーンを「古代の寓話」として冷笑した。(Qur’an 8:31, 16:24, 23:83, 25:5, 27:68, 46:17, 68:15, 83:13) 「過去の遺物」という言葉は、預言者の時代からイスラーム教徒を攻撃する際にイスラームの敵が使用するお決まりの文句である。
真のイスラームは、預言者ムハンマド の時代と同様、時代錯誤であるとして非難されている。彼 は次のように言った。「イスラームは変わりものとして始まり、始まりと同じように私は再度変わりものとして出現するだろう。」(預言者言行録Muslim, Ibn Majah, Ahmad)
シーア派は、預言者の後継者(Imam = Khalifah(ハリーファ))の正当性を認識し、彼に服従することは、アッラーと預言者ムハンマド に対する信仰と同じく基本的な必要条件としている。そしてImamの正当性を認識せず、彼に服従しないならば、祈りの言葉や浄化などのすべての崇拝行為は無駄になるとしている。  実際に、イスラーム信仰の存在を主な特徴とするシーア派ほど、スンナ派のイスラーム教徒は預言者の後継者(Imam/ Khalifah(ハリーファ))に関する問題を深刻に考えていないが、それにも関わらず、前述したとおり、スンナ派のイスラーム教徒の間でもこれを最優先課題としているイブン・タイミーヤは「人々を支配する者を任命することが最大の義務であり、宗教または現世における生活のいずれも、その義務を果たさずには維持できないことを知るべきだ」と言っている。
これを忠実に理解すれば、Khilafah(ヒラーファ)の再建の義務を怠っているイスラーム共同体全体が重大な罪を犯していると見なすことができる。前述のとおり、Dar al-Harb(ダール アルハルブ)の規則について言えば、イスラーム教徒は基本的にイスラーム法を施行できない場所に居住することを許されていなかった。今日は、イスラーム教徒として住める場所は地球上のどこにも存在しない。我々は謙虚に頭を垂れ、Khilafah(ヒラーファ)の再建に専念する必要があることに気付かない限り、批判や異論を唱えてイスラーム世界の衰退と苦難の責任を他者(非イスラーム教徒)に転嫁したり、イスラーム文化の優位性を称賛しているだけでは、この恥ずべき悲惨な状況から逃げ出すことはできないだろう。
Khalifah(ハリーファ)の任命は連帯義務(Fard Kifayah)であるが、現代はKhalifah(ハリーファ)が存在しないため、Khalifah(ハリーファ)の存在を実現することがイスラーム教徒各個人の義務(Fard `Ain)となっている。既に述べたように、イスラーム諸国の独裁的な政治体制によって発言の自由が禁止されたため、Khalifah(ハリーファ) の任命の義務は、中傷または暴言として述べられる場合を除き、イスラーム諸国においてあまり公的に宣言されていない。Khilafah(ヒラーファ)の再建については、まずその義務を人々に伝える必要がある。
実際、イスラーム諸国ではKhilafah(ヒラーファ)について堂々と意見を述べるには勇気がいる。しかし、聖なる預言者 は「不公平な支配者の前で真実の言葉を述べるのが、最善のジハードである。」と言っている。(預言者言行録: アフマド)言論の自由がある程度認められている国々、たとえば、西ヨーロッパ、米国、日本などにおいては弁解の余地はない。特に、Khilafah(ヒラーファ)の大義を果たすためにイスラーム教徒の移住者たちが自国に戻る場合などに備え、たとえば金曜の会衆の祈りの時など、可能な限りKhilafah(ヒラーファ)の再建の義務を彼らに教えなければならない。

結論: イスラーム世界外へのイスラームの布教
イスラームを信仰することは預言者に従うことである。預言者ムハンマド の死後、彼の政治権力はKhalifah(ハリーファ)によって引き継がれ、そして彼の牧歌的な権力はUlama(ウラマー)に引き継がれた。しかし、Khalifah(ハリーファ)とUlama(ウラマー)のいずれも、アッラーのメッセージを運んだ預言者の権力の代わりを単独で務めることはできない。
つまり、まず学術的な観点からUlama(ウラマー)が同意し、政治的観点からカリフが承認した内容のみ、イスラームの真の命令として認められるのである。現在は、Khilafah(ヒラーファ)もなければ預言者の後継者であるUlama’ (ウラマー)達の間にイスラームの使命の共通認識もない。つまり、無条件に信頼できる権力者が存在せず、結果的に「正式」なイスラームの使命または布教も存在しないのである。
それならば、我々は何を基準に真のイスラームの使命と偽物を区別すればいいのか?それは、イスラームの基本的な教え、すなわちイスラーム信仰の宣言を確認することで区別できる。まず第一に、アッラーの唯一性に対する信仰の確認である。アッラー以外に服従することは全く尊敬に値しない。第二に、預言者ムハンマドの使徒の確認である。預言者ムハンマド 以外にアッラー への服従方法を宣言する権限を有する者はいない。
第一の確認では、ある人間が他の人間を規制することを否定し、第二の確認では、預言者ムハンマド 以外の人間がアッラーの代わりに言葉を発することを禁じている。
聖なる預言者ムハンマド への服従は義務であった。なぜなら、彼の信頼性と真実性は周知のことであったし、彼の使徒の職は奇跡(Mujizah<ムウジザ>)によって証明されていたからである。
預言者ムハンマド は「信頼できる人(アミーン)」として知られる公平で誠実な商人であったにも関わらず、イスラームの公の使命を実行に移すために、al-Safaの丘の傍らにクルアーンのマッカの全部族を呼び出し「もし私が、この山の反対側にあなた方を攻撃しようと騎兵隊が待機していると言ったら、あなた方は私を信じるだろうか?」と言って彼らの信仰を確認し、「今までにあなたが嘘をついたことはありません」と、人々が彼の誠実さを認めた時、彼は「実は、私はあなた方に厳しい刑罰が執行されようとしていることを警告するよう送られた者である。」と言った。
イスラームの伝道者が最初にしなければならないことは、人々の信頼を得ることである。全ての人々から完全なる信頼を得ることのできる者だけが、伝道者になる価値がある。さらに、聖なる預言者ムハンマド が助けられた「奇跡」は彼唯一の物であった。
今日、預言者ムハンマド の「奇跡」を証明する証拠は、それが収められている歴史文書で確認するしかないため、イスラームの伝道者は、預言者様の奇跡を記録・保存する歴史データの正確な知識を保持するだけでなく、非イスラーム社会の普通の人々でさえもそのデータの信憑性を認めることができるように、このデータに対するイスラーム政治権力による正式な認可、そしてイスラームの政治権力の認可を裏書きとした非イスラームの政治権力による認可も必要とする。
現在、Khalifah(ハリーファ) は存在せず、そのようなイスラーム政治権力も存在しないため、預言者の権力を引き継いだと主張する伝道者による活動も実現不可能であることは明らかだ。
元々、イスラームの伝統においては、イスラームに関する小冊子や入門書を配布してイスラームを非イスラーム教徒に紹介することなど存在しなかった。これは、西側のキリスト教の伝道者の模倣に過ぎない。近代以前には、イスラームに関するイスラーム学に関する書物が何万巻と存在するが、いずれも非イスラーム教徒にイスラームを教えることを目的として書かれたものは一つもない。それどころか、非イスラーム教徒が聖典クルアーンはもちろんイスラーム関連の本に触れることさえ望ましくないと考えられていた。  イスラームは聖なる預言者ムハンマド に従うのであり、言葉で伝えることはできず、生きる手本によってのみ教えることができる、というのがイスラームの使命の理想的な説明であった。
イスラームの信仰の6つの柱、儀式の服従の5つの柱、イスラームの政治システム、経済システムなど、イスラーム教義を情報として伝達することは、非イスラーム教徒にイスラームを呼びかけることとは同じではない。Ibn `Abbasは以下の預言者言行録(al-Tabarani)で伝えている。
預言者ムハンマド は、預言者様の叔父であるHamzah(ハムザ)をUhud(ウフド)の戦いで殺害したWahshi(ワハシー)に、彼をイスラームに招待するために使徒を送った。
Wahshi (ワハシー)はこう答えた。「人々を殺害し、多神教者で、不貞を働いた者は罪人であり、二重の刑罰が与えられるというあなたの宗教に、実際このすべてを犯した私をなぜ招待するのですか?」
そして、アッラーは啓示を与えた。「後悔し、信頼し、正当な行動をとる者は例外とし、神はそのような人々の悪行を善行に置き換えるのだ。」(Qur’an 25:70)
アッラーは言った。「アッラーは如何なる者も彼に関連付けることを許さない。しかし、それ以外のすべてを許し、彼が望む者すべてを許すのである。」(Qur’an 4:116)
アッラーは答えた。「では、自分の魂に惜しげのない私の召使いよ、神の慈悲を諦めてはいけない。真の神はすべての罪を許すのだ。」(Qur’an 39:53)
最後にWahshi(ワハシー) は「はい。他に条件の付けようがありません。」と言ってイスラームを受け入れた。
預言者ムハンマド は言った:「これはすべてのイスラーム教徒に当てはまる。」(アッタバラーニーの伝承より)
マレー語またはインドネシア語では、言葉によらないイスラームの使命を「Dakwah Bilhal」(ダアワ ビル ハール)と呼んでいる。生活の中で非イスラーム教徒と親密な交流を持つ中で“Dakwa Bilhal” (ダアワ ビル ハール)を実践することでしか、我々イスラーム教徒は信頼を獲得することはできず、また我々の教義を信じさせることはできない。
Khilafah(ヒラーファ)とDar al-Islam(ダール アルイスラーム)が存在しない現在の状況下では、服従を強制することなく(1)アッラーの真の唯一性の意味を伝え、(2)イスラームの諸学問(`Ulum Shar`iyyah<ウルーム シャリーア) を正確に伝達し(3)イスラームの知識を具体化し、人々から愛され、手本とされるような伝道者を送ることによって、イスラームの使命を実践すべきである。これは、Khilafah (ヒラーファ)とDar al-Islam(ダール アルイスラーム)が再建され、イスラームの教えの保護と社会の秩序と安全の維持に責任を負い、地球上の全人類を人治から解放するために世界中にイスラーム法を広めるよう奮闘する権力者が現れるまで、変わらず継続されるべきである。これが、預言者ムハンマド (Rahmatan li-l-`Alamin<ラフマタン リル アーラミーン>)が全宇宙に対する慈悲を持って実践したイスラームの使命の大義である。