


What do the Americans want to achieve in Afghanistan?
Thursday, 11 November 2010 15:35 Hunzala Mujahid
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent

In October 2001, when the invading American aerial attacks on Afghanistan began, they had predicted an easy victory by dent of their technological ascendancy and thought that the subsequent armed clashes at the battle

fields would be as easy as the initial aerial onslaughts.  Being under the delusion of their own propaganda, the Americans believed that they had advantage over the Russians, English, Mongols, Macedonians and Persians who had already faced route in this ancient land. The Afghan nation’s habitual prudence in testing   the strengths and capabilities of their new enemies before embarking on a full scale struggle was mistaken for being signs of weakness of the Afghans. This emboldened the enemy to take on the Afghans on their own land and focused on building grand military bases in the country. Not since the days of Akbar of the Moghul’s India, had anyone been so foolish to bring their armies to the precipitous heights of our heartlands.  However, the inevitable defeat and tremendous losses quickly taught the American generals how futile their venture was. So they abandoned the rural area operations strategy and embarked on another strategy--concentrating on the main population areas. They gave priority to taking control of the southern provinces of Afghanistan. But all praises be to the Almighty Allah, the Mujahideen have foiled their plan.



The brutal I.S.A.F’s failure to hold Marjah and their inability to gain any significant ground in Kandahar or Helmand illustrates utter defeat of the invaders’ strategy.  Seeing that they can’t succeed militarily, the enemy has resorted to a new stratagem instead: sowing dissension in the ranks of the Mujahideen by spreading rumors of talks and negotiations between the Afghan puppet government and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. By such deception, they hope to create a split within the Mujahideen or alternatively draw away some of the Mujahid combatants from the armed struggle, or at least to demoralize Mujahideen. A thousand thanks to Allah, this ploy of the enemy also went awry.  Rather than benefiting the enemy, it exposed how weak the enemy was. In light of the U.S. military’s failures to achieve any tangible results in Afghanistan, naturally, the U.S. public is asking why they went into Afghanistan in the first place and what do they want to achieve?


After the 9/11 attacks in the U.S., Washington reacted like a mad dog, threatening every government on earth on the basis of the   evidence that only existed in the figments of their imagination. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, which wanted to put an end to the chaotic situation created by warlords, was attacked in the most barbaric manner and forced to defend its country and people. The U.S. government never bothered to identify the underlying causes of the 9/11 attacks on its territory nor sought to formulate a rational response to it. Instead it emptied its resources, and now seeks to somehow extricate itself from the quagmire it got itself into. To date, America has never clarified its goals that are hidden behind attacking Afghanistan except the so-called apparent slogan of war on terror which is a well-known prefabricated pretext. According to a survey conducted among US soldiers in Afghanistan, majority of them do not know what they fight for in Afghanistan and why they are stationed there. It is also not clear, that the American military presence in Afghanistan will ever serve the cause of peace and stability in the region and the world.


It is worth mentioning that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has never carried out any attack against the U.S. nor any other county. For the Afghans, Afghanistan is their land where they live. The people of

Afghanistan simply wish to live peacefully according to our Islamic principles and have no higher aspiration than to live and die in defense of our land and our religion. We will continue to defend our

honor and land, until any and all foreign forces leave Afghanistan. As for America, it clearly needs to re-evaluate its objectives in Afghanistan because its presence in Afghanistan serves no valuable purpose for its security and every extra day it stays in Afghanistan, paves the way for its financial melt-down and decline in political stature. America would be far better off if it withdraws its forces from Afghanistan, and instead, engage with people of countries like Afghanistan, on a mutually beneficial and constructive way.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 11 November 2010 15:36 )


カンダハル市司令官Haji Ahmad Saeed氏との詳しいインタビュー


敵はこの作戦の主要な目的がカンダハール市(アフガニスタン第二の都市)がムジャヒディーンの手に落ちることを防ぐことだと認めている。この目的を達成するため、敵はカンダハール市の周辺地区において作戦行動を行っている他に、今やカンダハール市の中心部においても軍事行動を開始した。これらの作戦行動がムジャヒディーン軍に正確にどのような影響を与えているのか知るために、我々はカンダハール市のムジャヒディーンの軍事司令官であるHaji Ahmad Saeed氏と会談した。以下がこのインタビューの詳細である。


Haji Ahmad Saeed:全ての賞賛はアッラーのもの、カンダハール市は過去9年間ムジャヒディーンのもっとも偉大な作戦行動とその勇敢さの目撃者となってきました。そのカンダハール市においてムジャヒディーンによる攻撃は現在も行われています。これらの攻撃により国内外の敵たちは恐慌状態に陥り、それがイスラーム首長国の兵士たちの手に落ちることを認めざるを得なくなりました。それ以来、敵はもっぱらカンダハール市と周辺地域に焦点を絞って、その戦略を完全に変更しました。この戦略に沿って敵はその地域において人員を増加しつつあります。この増加はカンダハール市中心部においても目撃されており、そこでは歩兵と車両に乗った軍勢を増加させています。彼らはまた周辺地域全域において市民に対する大規模な踏み込み捜査を行い、家々を回って武器やムジャヒディーンを探し回っています。またムジャヒディーンの支配下にある地域においても作戦を開始させました。彼らは市の中心部に通常の警察署のほかに外国や軍事的な在外基地を数多く設置しています。道路にはどんどん検問所が増え、情報収集のためのスパイ網は広がっています。これら全てのことによって、カンダハール市はまるで包囲攻撃を受けているかのように見えます。



Haji Ahmad Saeed:敵がカンダハール市に入る道や主要街道に数多くの検問所を設け、大規模な軍の駐屯所を十箇所建設したのは事実です。この駐屯所の一つはKobaiの近くのPanjiwaee道にあり、もう一つはSeelo近くのHeart道、もう一つはMir Ahmad Khan`s Kalachi近くのArghandab道、またShah Wali Kote道、Ainoominy近くのKabul道、またはShurandamからカブール市へ向かうBoldak道にあります。彼らはMahlajatから通っている道にも新しい軍の駐屯所を二ヶ所設置しました。それらの在外基地は、西洋が使用可能なもっともハイテクな身元確認や探知の道具を備えています。しかしそれにも関わらず、彼らはムジャヒディーンを一人も捕まえることができず、爆発物を積んだ車両を検挙することもできていません。毎日我々の爆発物を積み込んだ車両は、これらの軍事検問所や駐屯所を発見されることも逮捕されることもなく通過しています。これらは全てあらゆる機会に我々に好意を示してくださるアッラーのご加護のおかげです。敵が呼ぶところの「ベルト地帯」は地元の人々を困らせている以外になんら成果を挙げてはいません。ご覧のように市内での我々の攻撃は減っているというよりむしろ増えているのです。それゆえに、このベルト地帯はムジャヒディーンの活動にとってまったく障害にはなっておらず、彼らはその能力をはるかに超えた成果を目指しているのです。


Haji Ahmad Saeed:市内では以前と同じように暗くなると同時にアメリカの手先の政府による支配は終わり、我々の軍隊がパトロールをはじめ、我々の作戦が開始されます。夜には全ての主要道路において我々は待ち伏せを行い、敵が在外基地から出て来れないようにしています。我々の待ち伏せのために敵は別の在外基地がもし攻撃を受けた場合にも支援はできないということを今や認めています。同様に、ムジャヒディーンは日中もずっと彼らの活動を見張っています。毎日敵のスパイや兵士が我々の射撃手によって撃ち殺されています。何日か前、カンダハール・バイパスでムジャヒディーンは敵の兵士のもとに物資を運ぶトラックの捜索を行い、結果それらのトラックを燃やしました。これらの全てのことはムジャヒディーンが彼らの主導権のもとで市内での作戦行動を行う能力と熱意を持っていることを証明しています。一方、敵は士気と戦意を完全に失っています。


Haji Ahmad Saeed:敵が多くの無実の人々を逮捕したことは事実です。彼らの大多数は未だに刑務所に入れられています。これらの人々は政府の情報局だけでなく現地の市民軍によっても捕らえられました。彼らの多くは個人的なあるいは部族間でのライバル意識のために逮捕されたのです。これらの事件に関しては徹底的な調査が必要とされています。なぜなら無実の逮捕者たちの多くはいかなる法的なプロセスも経ないまま拷問されて死に至っているからです。彼らは無実のアフガン市民であり、その死については全てのアフガン人と国際社会によって調査が行われるべきです。


Haji Ahmad Saeed:これもまた敵の根も葉もない主張です。我々は敵の情報収集によってムジャヒディーンの武器や地雷が発見されるなどという状況には遭遇していません。しかしながら、時折我々の地雷が技術的あるいは電子工学的な失敗によって爆発しないということは起きています。これらの地雷は後に敵の手に渡り彼らをさらにうぬぼれさせたのでしょう。


Haji Ahmad Saeed:カンダハールでの作戦の責任者として私はこの問題に非常に敏感になっています。まず第一にアッラーの御前において、またアフガンの人々に対してもです。もしも我々が自分自身の同胞を傷つけることを恐れていないならば、我々のカンダハールにおける作戦行動は今の十倍にもなるでしょう。我々は、我々の側の行動によって市民の死傷者が出る事態を完全になくすために常に最善を尽くしています。我々はしばしば市民の死傷者が出る可能性を恐れるために作戦を中止しなければならないことがあります。一方で、敵は常に人口の多い地域の中心にいて動き回っており、もしムジャヒディーンが彼らを攻撃した場合、その結果生じる民間の被害はどのようなものでもムジャヒディーンが非難されることになるのです。我々は敵を攻撃したいと思っているのですが、彼らが自分たちの身を守るために我々の同胞を人間の盾として用いたいと思っていることを知っています。そのため我々はそれらの地域で敵と交戦することを避けています。


Haji Ahmad Saeed:私はこれらの人々にもし彼らが政府の役人ではないならまったく落ち着いてリラックスしているようにと伝えたいと思います。カンダハールでの作戦は無差別でもその時の勢いに任せたものでもなく、それぞれの段階が徹底的に計画され注意深く実行されているものです。イスラーム首長国のムジャヒディーンは、まず始めにターゲットの背景を入念に調べ、彼らと傀儡政権や外国人の雇用主との関係がはっきり確かめられてから、これらの協力者たちを罰することに取り掛かるのです。私の在任中にたった一度だけ、あるムジャヒディーンが間違って無実の人間(ターゲットと非常によく似ており、また近所に住んでいました)をターゲットと取り違えて殺しました。その時には我々は死者の家族と連絡を取り、シャリーアの法に従って問題を解決しました。その一件を除けば、誰一人無実の人間がこれらの暗殺によって殺されたことはありません。勇敢なムジャヒディーンは決して彼らの同胞を無差別に殺すような極端なことはしないと述べることで私は我々の同胞を元気付けたいと思います。傀儡政権や外国の侵略者たちが市内にスパイを送り込んで敬虔なムジャヒディーンを中傷することで人々を怖がらせているということは極めてありそうなことです。もしこれらの傀儡政権の詐欺師たちと対決することになった時に助力を得るためカンダハールの人々とコンタクトを取っています。


Haji Ahmad Saeed:カンダハールの行政府には自らを守る力もほとんどありません。カンダハール行政府には役人がおらず、機能している官僚制度もないのを我々は知っています。


Haji Ahmad Saeed:一人のムジャヒードとしてまたアフガン人ムスリムとして、行動を起こせば、いずれアッラーのご加護によりこの世界と信奉者に勝利がもたらされるだろうという三つの点を述べたいと思います。




An indepth interview with Haji Ahmad Saeed, head of operations in Kandahar city
Thursday, 11 November 2010 15:01 -
The recent operations in the province of Kandahar, by the enemy I.S.A.F forces are viewed by the western-orientated media, as the last military push against the Mujahideen. The majority of them are of the opinion that should these operations fail as well; the Americans would have no other option but to leave Afghanistan.

The enemy admits, that the essential objective of this operation is to prevent the collapse of Kandahar city (which is Afghanistan’s second largest city) to the Mujahideen forces. To achieve this, the enemy, besides conducting operations in the districts surrounding Kandahar city, has now also started military operations in the city centre as well. To find out exactly what impact these operations have had on the Mujahideen forces, we talked to Haji Ahmad Saeed, who is in charge of Mujahideen military operations in Kandahar city. This detailed interview is presented below.



Alemarah: First of all, please give us some general information of the recent operations of the invading forces: what are some of the activities the invaders have undertaken?


Haji Ahmad Saeed: All Praise is to Allah, Kandahar city, which has in the past many years, bore witness to some of the Mujahideen’s greatest operations and bravery, has seen sustained attacks by Mujahideen warriors. These attacks have caused our internal and external enemies’ to panic, to the point of admitting that could very well fall to the banner of Islamic Emirate’s soldiers. Since then, the enemy has completely revised its strategy, focussing almost exclusively on Kandahar city and its surrounding regions. In line with this strategy, the enemy has increased its presence in the region considerably. This increase has been witnessed in the city centre as well, where the enemy has increased its infantry and motorised battalions. They have also carried out large scale raids against civilian population by surrounding entire districts, then carrying out house to house searches for weapons and Mujahideen. They have also started operations in regions that are under Mujahideen control. They have infested the city centre with numerous foreign and army outposts, besides the normal police stations. They have set up more and more check points on the roads and increased their intelligence gathering spy-rings. All this has given Kandahar city the appearance of a city under siege.


The enemy has caused all this commotion and carried out these measures to stop our activities in the region but Alhamdulillah and again Alhamdulillah, as our recent operations in the heart of the city have shown, the enemy has utterly failed in this objective. Even the westerners’ own governmental and non-governmental agencies confirm our success by stating that Mujahideen activities in Kandahar, instead of decreasing, have increased by over twenty-four percent.


Alemarah: The enemy invaders claim that they have set up a belt our Kandahar city to choke the movements of Mujahideen into and out of the city. What information do you have regarding this?


Haji Ahmad Saeed: It is true that the enemy has set up various check points on the roads leading into the city and on the main highways and constructed some ten large army stations. One of these army posts is on the Panjwaee road near Kobai; another is one the way from Khanjakak towards Soop; another is on the Heart road near Seelo; another is on the Arghandab road near Mir Ahmad Khan’s Kalachi; one near Kotal, one on Shah Wali Kote road, on Kabul road near Ainoominy; on the Boldak road from Shurandam towards the city. They have also set up two new army posts on the roads leading from Mahlajat. All these outposts have some of the most high-tech detection and identification tools available to the west. Yet despite this they have never captured any of our Mujahideen, nor detected any explosive-laden vehicle. Everyday our explosive filled vehicles pass over these army checkpoints and army posts without being detected or captured. This is all by the Grace of Allah who has favoured us in all opportunities. The enemy’s so called ‘belt’ has achieved no other purpose besides harassing the local populace. As you can see, our attacks on the city have increased rather than decrease. Therefore this belt is no impediment to the Mujahideen operations and its purpose has been inflated far beyond its capabilities.


Alemarah: How are Mujahideen’s operations inside Kandahar city?


Haji Ahmad Saeed: In the city, as of old, as soon as darkness spreads the stooge governments rule comes to an end, our battalions start their patrols and our operations begin. At night, we set up our ambushes on all the major roads, sealing the enemy inside their outposts. Due to our ambushes, now the enemy has accepted that they cannot provide support to their other outposts if and when they get attacked. Similarly, the Mujahideen always watch their activities during day time. Everyday enemy spies and soldiers are shot dead by our snipers. Several days ago, on the Kandahar bypass road, Mujahideen conducted searches of cargo trucks finding and subsequently burning those trucks carrying supplies to enemy soldiers. All this proves that the Mujahideen have the capabilities and willingness, to conduct operations in the city according to their own initiative, while the enemy has lost all morale and determination to fight.


Alemarah: It is said that since this new operation was launched, many innocent residents have gone missing, some of whom have subsequently been found and have reported to have been kidnapped by American and puppet government officers. What information do you have regarding this?


Haji Ahmad Saeed: It is true that the enemy has arrested many innocent people, the majority of whom are still suffering in prisons. These people have been arrested by government intelligence services as well as by various local militias. Many of them have been arrested due to personal or tribal rivalries. These incidents require a thorough investigation because many of these innocent arrestee’s have often been tortured to death without any legal process. These are all innocent Afghan civilians whose death should be investigated by all Afghan and global societies.


Alemarah: Enemy has been announcing recently that they have captured a large cache of weapons, explosives and mines from the Mujahideen. What is your information regarding this?


Haji Ahmad Saeed: This is yet another of the enemy’s baseless claims. We have not yet faced a situation where the Mujahideen’s weapons or mines have been captured due to the enemy’s intelligence gathering. However, it has sometimes happened that some of our mines have failed to explode due to some technical or electronic failure. These have subsequently fallen into enemy hands further inflating their egos.


Alemarah: The issue of civilian casualties is hotly debated in Kandahar. The enemy propaganda claims that civilians are often killed in Mujahideen operations. What do you have to say about this?


Haji Ahmad Saeed: I, as the head of Kandahar operations, feel very sensitive to this issue, first in front of Allah and then in front of our Afghan people. If we did not fear for causing harm to our own people then our operations in Kandahar would be ten times more than they are today. We have always tried our best to completely end any civilians casualties on our part. We often have had to cancel our operations when we fear the possibility of civilian casualties. On the other hand, the enemy always seeks to stay and move in our population centres so that if Mujahideen attack them, any resulting civilian damage would be blamed on the Mujahideen. As much as we want to attack the enemy, we know that they want to use our people as human shields for their protection and therefore we abstain from confronting them in these areas.


Alemarah: Partly as a result of the recent operations and partly due to the targeted killings of government workers, some people in Kandahar are beginning to think that these shootings and bombings are random and indiscriminate. For this reason these people are very fearful of the present situation. What is your message to these people?


Haji Ahmad Saeed: I want to tell these people that if they are not government workers then they should be completely calm and relaxed. The operation in Kandahar are not random and spirit of the moment operations, instead each step is thoroughly planed and meticulously executed. The Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate first conduct thorough background research into their targets and when their relationship with the puppet government and their foreign paymasters is fully confirmed, do they proceed to punish these collaborators. Only once during my term has one of our Mujahids mistaken an innocent person (who fully resembled the intended target and was present in the same neighbourhood) for an intended target and killed him. On that occasion we contacted the family of the deceased and resolved the matter under the law of Shariah. Other than that no innocent person has been killed in these targeted assassinations. I want to console my fellow countrymen that the valiant Mujahideen would never steep to randomly killing their own countrymen. It is quite possible that the puppet government and the foreign invaders have put some moles in the city that terrify the populace by defaming the name of the pious Mujahideen. We have provided a contact number to the people of Kandahar to seek our help if ever confronted by these stooge government bandits.


Alemarah: How would you describe the Kandahar government?


Haji Ahmad Saeed: The government in Kandahar is barely capable of defending itself. We can see that the Kandahar government has no staff or functioning bureaucracy. Its only functioning organs are the police stations, which are run by the American invaders. On the other hand, the Mujahideen have set up various different committees which are always busy resolving the daily disputes of the local people in Kandahar.


Alemarah: To end, if you would like to say something or send a message, feel free.


Haji Ahmad Saeed: I, as a Mujahid and Muslim Afghan, would like to outline three issues which, if acted upon, will Inshallah bring success in this world and the one to follow.


My first message is to the puppet government workers. I say to them as a Muslim Afghan to leave this government. The government they work for is neither lawful nor Shar’ee (which applies the rule of Allah) but is a slave institution set up by the Americans to further their imperial goals. It does not befit a Muslim to work for the infidels in such an institution. They should hasten to leave this institution, and the Mujahideen will uphold all their rights.

My second message is to the various different contractors responsible for working for the Americans in exchange for money. I tell them that even if your collaboration with the foreigners brings you wealth; it also increases the misery of Afghanistan under foreign occupation. For this reason you must give up on earning such unlawful wealth and give up your collaboration with the American invaders.

My third message is to the various militias around Kandahar that are set up and run by the American invaders. Most of the commanders and soldiers in these militias are those same bandits that infested Kandahar before the inception of the Islamic Emirate. These bandits were once disarmed after the invasion but have once more been re-armed to serve as the shovels of Americans. I ask these men to consult their consciousness. How the Americans used them at the start of the invasion and then denounced them as bandits and miscreants. Now that they are again knee-deep in the mud, they invoke you to do their dirty deeds. Is it not enough for you to learn from your previous mistakes. You should not involve yourself once again in this dangerous war.



アフガニスタン・イスラーム首長国報道担当官Qari Mohammad Yousaf Ahmadからアメリカ議会議員への公開書簡







国防長官ロバート・ゲイツは、演台に上がるといつでもアフガニスタンにおける軍事的進展について述べています。ペトレイオス将軍は、この戦争の主導権は我々の手にある、と言っています。しかし、過去二年間に渡って、アメリカの軍事責任者たちは軍隊の増派、新しい軍事基地の建設、市民軍の設置、カブールの傭兵部隊の支援などを含む様々に異なる戦略を実施しました。しかしながらこれらの全ての方策は、基本となる現実を考慮しないまま行われてきました。それが全ての失敗の原因なのです。我々の民衆のレジスタンス運動は、軍事将校たちの努力を全て容易く挫折させてきました。昨年、オバマの新しい戦略に基づき、我が国の南部において軍隊が配備されました。しかし反対に、我々は新しい前線を国の北部と東部に開き、その地域で我々の作戦行動を強化しました。貴方方は地方の支配権を確保するため作戦を開始し、我々はカンダハールとカブールなどを含む様々な都市において力を浸透させ、そこでも作戦行動を拡大しました。貴方方はレジスタンス運動を後退させることを意図していましたが、我々はジハードを国家規模のレジスタンス運動に拡大したのです。今や米国の軍隊は、アフガニスタンのどこにいても安堵の息をつくことはできません。最近貴方方はDagger's Strikeと称する作戦をヘルマンド州において実行しました。この作戦は命運をかけた実験的な戦略と見なされていました。しかしその作戦はただ死傷者を出しただけで失敗に終わりました。作戦行動が行われた地域ではどこでも、レジスタンス運動は比較的拡大しています。それらの地域ではアメリカの軍隊はもっとも甚大な死傷者を出したのです。国の東部においては、ムジャヒディーンによる作戦の成功によって、クリスタル将軍は田園地域を守る戦略を放棄して、もっとも人口の多い都市部に軍隊を集中させるという新しい戦略を発表せざるを得なくなりました。その後、貴方方は大規模なメディアによる宣伝と共にマルジャア作戦を決行しましたが、それはただ命取りとなる悲惨な戦闘に巻き込まれただけに終わりました。毎日、米軍の戦列には新たな死傷者が齎されています。同様に、今年に入ってアメリカの将軍たちはカンダハール作戦を行うことを望みましたが、いつでもそうであるようにムジャヒディーンがその手に主導権を取ることとなりました。彼らは襲撃と撤退を繰り返す攻撃を行い、戦略的成功によって徐々に前進しています。民間支援プログラムの一環としての市民軍の設置と、カブール政権の軍隊の支援は、それを行うに先んじて大規模に喧伝されたもっとも重要な計画でした。しかしこの計画もまた失敗しました。その軍隊と軍隊の制服を着た兵士たちは、彼ら自身の武器で貴方方を狙っています。しかしそれでもなお、米軍の軍事将校たちは、彼らの失敗について熟考する代わりに、このまま戦争を継続させようとしています。彼らは無責任にも貴方方に敗北した戦争に関して歪曲した情報を提供し、彼らの失敗を貴方方の目から隠そうとしているのです。



もし現在のレジスタンス運動がアフガン人によるものではない要素によって引き起こされていると主張するなら、米国政府とその同盟国は、全ての人が見られるように具体的な証拠を提示するべきです。貴方方は、アフガニスタンの占領と対抗するジハードの開始以来、疑いなく数十、数百、数千でもきかない何万人もの人々を抑留してきました。しかし米国の将軍たちは彼らの主張を証明するために、その何千人もの抑留者たちのなかから僅か百人程度の非アフガン人しか示さないのでしょうか?そのような状態で、この年月、非アフガン人のムジャヒディーンが貴方方に対して戦ってきたという彼らの主張を、我々が認めるでしょうか?さもなくばその主張は単なる推定に過ぎません。もし貴方方が我々の提案に基づいて行動することを嫌がるのであれば、このような別の試みはどうでしょうか。実情調査のためのチームをアフガニスタンに送り込むのです。しかしこのチームのメンバーは行動の自由を保障されなければならず、また米国の情報局の支配から距離を置くことを許可されなくてはいけません。そうすれば、彼らは自分の目で、将軍たちが彼らに軍事基地やホテルから出歩く許可を与えるかどうか、あるいは彼らを特別な抑留者として基地やホテルに閉じ込めておくかどうか見ることが出来るでしょう。そして、彼らが貴方に根本的な現実を知るために出歩くことを許したと仮定しましょう。その時貴方にはカブールの非常に限られた通の近隣を越えた他の地域まで移動していくことができるでしょうか?さらにもし思い切ってカブールの外へ出たとしたら、貴方は自分が無事に帰ってこられると信じていますか?貴方は、アフガニスタン全土において、軍事基地の近隣二kmを越えたところでは自由に公然と出歩くことのできる場所はほとんどないという事実を理解するでしょう。その一方で、ムジャヒディーンが米国側の兵士Bergh Dalを捕虜にした時には、彼らは徒歩で五百kmを旅して移動したのです。Bergh Dal自身がその長い旅の最中一人の政府軍の兵士も彼を止めることはなかったと述べています。しかしもしなおも貴方方が我々の提案に則ることを嫌がるのであれば、私の言葉に耳を傾けてください。それらは苦いものでしょうが、しかし現実なのです。責任ある人間として、この問題の重みを感じて下さい。貴方方は自分の国をこれ以上の破滅に追いやるべきではありません。



近代的で進歩した戦争技術と最先端の技術を活かした武器は、ムジャヒディーンよって打ち負かされました。貴方方が数十億ドルをかけて維持してきた戦車や軍事機器、そして兵士たちは、簡単にそして安価にごく普通のアフガン人によって完敗を喫したのです。例えば、69歳になるSaleh Jan Akaは彼の18歳の息子を伴い、ヘルマンド州においてその目的のため彼に支払われたたった2500ドルの出費で、連合軍の32台の戦車と9台の警備車両を破壊しました。

Saleh Jan Akaは軍事学校で訓練を受けたことは一度もありません。またこのために農業の仕事を離れたり、村を出たりもしていません。その上、彼は見返りにいかなる報酬も求めませんでした。同時に彼がアメリカとその同盟国の戦車や車両を吹き飛ばすために使用した全ての物品は、Lashkar Gahから運ばれてきたのですが、売り手は彼がこれを何に使うか知らなかったなどということがあるでしょうか?


次のことは考えてみる価値があるでしょう。アフガニスタンに駐留する、全ての進歩した軍事技術と近代的な装備を備えた米国の軍隊、そして数十億ドルをかけて行われたExpectation、Mountain、Dagger、Dragonなどの諸作戦、そして貴方方の仕掛けたメディア戦争によって、Saleh Jan Akaやその他の数千人もの人々のような民衆に、彼らの「任務」を行うことを止めさせたり、その活動の進行を遅らせるようなことが出来るのだろうかということです。それは全く不可能です。






Qari Mohmmad Yousaf Ahmadi
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Open Letter of Qari Mohammad Yousaf Ahmadi, to Members of the American Congress
Sunday, 07 November 2010 09:15 -
Open Letter of Qari Mohammad Yousaf Ahmadi, Spokesman of the Islamic Emirate aof Afghanistan,  to Members  of the American Congress

To Members of the American Congress:

Availing myself of this opportunity, I am pleased to share with you my views about certain  issues that  have become a cause of concern and  resentments  for   many peace-loving people, not only in America, Afghanistan but for   all people at  the region and the world. They now openly say  that the status quo is unbearable and that drastic measures must be taken to  change it.

Messrs American Congressmen!

You certainly know that on June 7, the current year, the war of Afghanistan,  surpassed that of Vietnam in terms of longevity--thus becoming the longest war in the history of America. Ironically, this war began on the basis of an event which in itself is a mystery to many people. But your government is bent on continuing the war further more on the same  basis. However, we have made it clear from the day one that we have no role in this event, nor participation in operations on foreign soil is part of our policy.

It is also worth mentioning that , no neutral entity which is acceptable to all sides, has ever carried out  investigation into the September Event. In short, the war started as you resorted to the usage of most sophisticated, lethal and latest weapons available at your arsenal. To confront this, our people had to  put up resistance to your offensive out of sheer feeling  of patriotism to defend the country and the religious sanctity. From the beginning of the war, your army, your coalition allies,  the regional sycophants and proxies turned a blind eye to all universal norms and principles of the war, seeing that the Afghans were miserable and friendless. Hence, a new trend set in where murdering , capturing , harassing and insulting   the Afghans became not only legal but a commendable work. Entire villages of Afghanistan were razed to ground as a result of your heavy bombardment, ostensibly under the name of mopping-up havens of so-called terrorists.  Not only that. Orchards were burnt down to ashes; mass murders were committed in northern and central Afghanistan, not once but recurrently.  Houses of local people were destroyed, women raped and  green field scorched by  using daisy-cutter bombs.  People were put under detention in the notorious Jouzajan, Guantanamo, Bagram and Kandahar prisons for many years on mere suspicions. All these were done under the name of war on terror!


Throughout the past nine years, the Afghans have been   festering   in the vortex of an imposed war.  They have remained deprived of the delight and solace of a normal life. The apparition of mass murder , imprisonment, night house raids and plundering which has  become  the order of the day, constantly haunts them. Every morning, as the Afghan wake up from the bed, they do not know whether he or she will see the next sunset, thinking that they might fall prey to your blind bombardment or straying bullets.  Some times, media reports highlight these events. But the real and gruesome picture of these horrendous events  remains stored in the chests  of our people.  In face of all these adversities, our people remained firm as they were   in the right. Ultimately, casualties of your troops and your material losses began to spiral up as the war hauled along with the passage of time. This naturally sparked off  hot discussions among common Americans about the worthiness of this unjustified war.  The worry and concern  of people presumably found way to the echelons of the representatives of the people in your country and now it has become one of the most critical issues pending before you.


As we monitor the developments, we see that,   after every few days, a military official submits you distorted information about Afghanistan.  They want to keep you snarled up in an environ of a misleading optimism and are trying to give vent to their own grudges. By doing so, they  want to show themselves victorious, to obtain financial gains and add fuel to the fire of the war.


Your defense Secretary, Robert Gates,  whenever he takes the floor at the podium, he speaks of military advancement in Afghanistan.  General Petreous says, the initiative of the war is in our hands. But in fact,  in the last two years, your military high-ups implemented different strategies including troop’s surge, construction of new military bases, forming  militias, boosting the Kabul mercenary army etc. However,  all these steps have been taken without considering  the ground realities.  It is why they  all failed. The resistance of our people easily thwarted all efforts of your military brasses.  Last year, on the basis of Obama’s new strategy, the south of our country saw rise in troop’s deployment, but,  on the contrary, we opened new fronts in the north and east of the country and beefed  up our operations there. You launched operations for the capture of rural areas, we infiltrated into different cities including the cities of Kandahar and Kabul, expanding  our operations there. You intended to reverse the resistance but we extended the jihad to become a country-wide resistance. Now your troops are not able to take a breath of relief in any part of Afghanistan. Last, you launched military operations dubbed as Dagger’s Strike in Helmand province, considering  it  as  your experimental initiative to test your  fortune.  But it only  brought  in  casualties and failures. Resistance has increased comparatively in areas wherever you  have carried out operations.  Your troops have  the highest life losses in these areas. In the east of the country, the successful operations of Mujahideen forced General Crystal to waive the rural areas protection  strategy by  announcing  a new strategy of concentration of forces at  most populated urban areas. Then you launched the Marja operations with great fanfare but only turned out to entangle  you in a deadly and crippling battles.  Every day,  brings new fatality to your ranks and files.  Similarly, in this current year, your generals wanted to launch Kandahar operations but Mujahideen took initiative in their hands as they always do so. They  launched tip-and run attacks there instead and  have been forging ahead with the tactic successfully.  The formation of militias as a part of civilian support program and the boosting of the Kabul administration’s army was your most prominent plan, propagated with most fanfare,  prior to launching it.  But this plan also went awry. Soldiers in the army and in military uniform targeted you with their own weapons. Still, instead of pondering over their mistakes, your military officers are bent on continuing the war. They irresponsibly give you distorted information about a losing war, trying to conceal from you,  their failures.


Your generals and intelligence high-ups claim that the current resistance in Afghanistan is the result of interference by neighboring countries. However, by doing so, they want to justify the prolongation of the war. Sometimes, they ascribe the resistance to foreign elements and  are trying to show the current armed Jihad by  the Afghans as being a war  waged only by Taliban or  they intentionally portray it as an insurgence being put up by a given tribe and ethnicity of Afghanistan-- whereas, in fact,  the current armed Jihad is  a country-wide resistance against you . Men and women, old and young from every tribe, ethnicity, caste and area have arisen to oppose you. Thus by your intending to wipe out the resistance, you have chosen the way of committing genocide of the whole nation.


Think,  can a few militants  stand up to armed  forces of  40 countries including the strongest countries of the world—still more in circumstances that the initiatives of the war is in the hands of the invaders, as your generals claim?  Can a clandestine and weak intervention (by foreigners) be able to confront these troops?  Can only Taliban i.e. students, confront these large number of forces? Can a certain race in a multi-ethnicity nation of Afghanistan, be able to resist such a strong and well-equipped military coalition?  If the intervention had been a decisive factor for the maintenance of stability, then the Karzai would have been able to achieve that goal by now?


If you claim that the current resistance is being put up by non-Afghan elements, then your government and the coalition should produce concrete evidence for all to see. Following your occupation of Afghanistan and the inception of armed Jihad against you, you have undoubtedly detained not only tens of people, or hundreds of them, or thousands of them, but tens of thousands of them,  would your military generals produce only one hundred non-Afghans from among those thousands of detainees to prove their case?  If they did so, we would accept your claim that non-Afghan Mujahideen had been fighting against you all these years? Otherwise, the claim is a mere assumption. If you are not willing to act on our suggestion,  then how about another experiment?  Send a team to Afghanistan on fact-finding mission.  But members of the team should have freedom of movement, and should be allowed to remain far from the clutches of your intelligence agencies. Then they should see for themselves whether the military generals give them permission to go out of military barracks and hotels or they try to keep them in barracks and hotels as distinguished detainees? Presume, if they permit you to go out to find the ground realities, would you be able to travel to other areas beyond the vicinity  of the few limited streets of Kabul?  Even if you venture out of Kabul, do you  believe,  you will come back safe?   The fact of the matter is that you will hardly find any area in all  Afghanistan beyond   proximity of  two kilometers of the  military bases  where you can walk freely and openly.   On the other hand, when Mujahideen captured your soldier Bergh dal, they traveled with him 500 km on foot. Berg dal himself says that no  government soldier ever stopped him  on the way during that long journey. But still if you are not willing to put to experiment our proposal, then you should listen to my words , however, they may be bitter but are the ground realities. By feeling the burden of the issue, as responsible persons, you should not plunge your nation into  perdition furthermore.


Moreover, the fear  that Afghanistan may turn out to be a threat to the world peace must  be put out of your minds as it is a mere baseless propaganda and a lie fabricated  by your rulers to justify and continue their illegal, unjustified and irrational war, the so-called war on terror.

You had better know the ground reality that  the war of Afghanistan is a losing war, being  fought by the  indigenous people, not just by  a given  faction , a tribe but  by an entire nation which has over 5,000 years old history; a nation  that considers both  victory and martyrdom in the war against your forces as  a cherished wish of success not only in this  world but  in the world to come as well.


Your modern and advanced military warfare and arms with state-of the-art technology have  failed  against Mujahideen. Your tanks, the military hardware  and  your soldiers that  you have  been spending  billion of  dollars on them  to keep, are simply and inexpensively  wiped out by ordinary Afghans. For example,  69 year-old Saleh Jan Aka along with his 18 year-old son, destroyed  32 tanks of the coalitions and 9 ranger  vehicles  in Helmand, by spending  just  $ 2500 —the only amount paid to him for the purpose.


Sale Jan Aka who has never been trained in any military academy, neither he left his farming work   nor his village to do this. Besides, he has never asked for any reward as quid pro que. Meantime,. All the items which he  used to blow up  the US and its allies tanks and vehicles has been bought  from Lashkar Gah,  while the seller not knowing what he bought them  for?


According to him,  his house has been searched four times so far by the US and its allies but nothing was found to prove  that he was involved in such activities. He says,  once after destroying  the coalition forces tanks by  using IEDs, he gave some  cold water to the wounded soldiers to brush away their suspicions and to cause their injuries to get worse.


It is worth  to consider  whether your forces in Afghanistan with all the advanced hardware  and modern military equipments  that they have  and your various operations such as Expectation, Mountain, Dagger, Dragon which cost you  billion of dollars and  the media war by you, will ever be able to  prevent people like  Saleh Jan Aka and many  thousands others from carrying out their mission or  even slow  down the tempo of  their mission?   Not at all.


Is it that, that   your force have come all the way to Afghanistan,  expecting the  Afghan people  stand  for them in ovation and keep  watching while    your forces will  do what they  wish to do? Or just  the Afghans be sitting hand on hand while   your  forces  will be busy building  military  bases, barracks,  airbases and so forth?  Or are you under the illusion that the Afghan nation would  ever tolerate the presence of your forces  and military interference in their country? You will only come around to know it when the Afghans  rise to show their response.


Come  and  think, a moment for the sake of pondering. Suppose,   a foreign force invades your country and tries to build military bases  there, would you and your  nation tolerate  all these ? or would you be  convinced that the invasion was a fair and just act  and the forces in your country were there  for security purposes?


Anyway, on the basis of  the principle of your universal  slogan( democracy) , the decision by parliament is considered  final because it is the parliament that  approves  fund for each and every mission.  So  all relevant affairs  and events  are referred to the parliament for decision.


I would like to bring one last point  to your notice, what was your goal to come to Afghanistan?  what have you achieved so far ( through the war)   and what will possibly you achieve in future?  Will you be able to obtain  your long-term goals in the region only through the war in  Afghanistan?


You are representatives of people and are an  authorized  entity to take decision about the Afghan issue, therefore,  I presented you with a true  picture of the ground realities of Afghanistan--  say,  another side of the coin,  more  different from the one  which is submitted to you by your generals,  time and again.


Qari Mohmmad Yousaf Ahmadi

Spokesman of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan


The Purpose Behind Engineered Economic Collapse
Sunday, 07 November 2010 03:34 -

By Giordano Bruno

Neithercorp Press – 08/17/2010

“From now on, depressions will be scientifically created.” — Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. , 1913

Everyone loves money. Even people like myself who abhor the abuse of money and commerce, who understand the fraudulent nature of the system we live in, still work hard and save so that we might attain a sense of stability within that system. Many people see money as a focal point to their existence.

But is it really money that they are after, or is it something else entirely? In truth, money represents ‘security’ in the minds of the masses. Money affords us the ability to survive, and the more of it we have, the safer we all feel. Because we subconsciously associate the extension of our very life with the variable health of the economic structure in which we live, we tend to become unwitting devotees to its continued existence, even if it is corrupt and condemned to failure. We gullibly deny the system or the currency that supports it is doomed to the contrary of all evidence because, even though it has beaten us bloody, we have never known anything else.


In light of this entrenched way of perceiving things, especially in the U.S., it is difficult enough to convince some people that the economy is in fact not providing the security they desire, but is actually destroying their future completely. To explain to them that this is deliberate, that the economy is designed to self-destruct, that is another prospect altogether.

Many people hit a proverbial wall on this issue because they simply cannot fathom that certain groups of men (globalists and central bankers) view money and economy in completely different terms than they do. The average American lives within a tiny box when it comes to the mechanics and motivations of finance. They think that their monetary desires and drives are exactly the same as a globalist’s. But, what they don’t realize is that the box they think in was BUILT by globalists. This is why the actions of big banks and the decisions of our mostly corporate establishment run government seem so insane in the face of common sense. We try to rationalize their behavior as “idiocy”, but the reality is that their goals are highly deliberate and so far outside what we have been taught to expect that some of us lack a point of reference. If you cannot see the endgame, you will not understand the steps taken to reach it until it is too late.

In the past we have covered numerous instances in which global bankers have admitted to fraud on a massive scale, fraud which is now crushing our already fragile economy. We have covered the private Federal Reserve and how it knowingly facilitated the creation of the housing bubble, as well as how it is now inflating a Treasury bubble which is soon to implode. We have covered Goldman Sachs and its efforts to promote and sell toxic derivatives all over the world while at the same time betting against those derivatives on the open market. We have covered the manipulation of gold and silver markets by companies like JP Morgan, which have recently been exposed by whistleblowers and GATA investigations. And, most importantly, we have executed in-depth analysis on the growing weakness of the U.S. dollar in preparation for severe currency devaluation. These revelations raise questions, which is natural, but they also elicit misconceptions and reckless knee-jerk reactions, especially when broaching the fact that the illegal strategies of international banks are part of a greater agenda.

Below, we will examine some of the most common narrow minded responses to the issue of engineered economic collapse, as well as why people think the way they do when the “semi-sacred” subject of money is involved…

1. The economy is too complex to be controlled by just a handful of people…

This response often comes from people who make presumptions on economics, rather than actually educating themselves on how the system works. From the outside looking in, the world of finance appears chaotic; a mixture of mathematical and legal standards swirling in a void of mass psychology. Many Americans are either frightened off by the seemingly complicated field of study, or they find it rather boring and not worth their time. This, however, does not stop them from assuming that they know how money works.

The problem is that just because a person participates in his economy daily, it does not mean he has any understanding of how it operates. Many watch television on a daily basis, but few have any idea how the picture actually gets onto the screen, or how to fix a television once it is broken. Sadly, our egocentric culture has led a substantial portion of the public to imagine that they are experts on EVERYTHING, and thus, true researchers in the fields of economics and globalism get reactions like the one above constantly.

At bottom, once all the quasi-technical biz-babble used by mainstream talking heads is removed from the equation, economics is rather simple. Supply and Demand will always be at the center of any and every economy, regardless of the political atmosphere it exists in. These two fundamental factors can be manipulated to a point, by the creation of artificial supply, or the conjuring of false demand. This is achieved in many ways by global bankers, but primarily through domination of the issuance of currency, the ability to change interest rates at will, as well as the ability to inject or remove incredible sums of money from any market.

A perfect example is the suppression of silver prices by JP Morgan:


Gold and silver represent competing currencies to the fiat dollars created by the Federal Reserve, and suppressing the value of these commodities helps to ensure that the public will never see them as a viable alternative to paper assets. JP Morgan, who along with other international banks has the ability to throw around massive quantities of capital wherever they please, suppresses the value of physical silver by issuing paper securities for silver that doesn’t actually exist (creating an artificially high supply), and naked short selling silver markets to drive them lower (creating the false impression of low demand).

Another good example of economic manipulation is the private Federal Reserve’s strategy during the 90’s under Alan Greenspan to artificially lower interest rates, allowing banks to issue credit at historical levels for over a decade. Linked below is an article from Ron Paul’s ‘Texas Straight Talk’ dated March, 2007, before the housing market even began its full swan-dive. In it, he discusses the Federal Reserve’s direct role in the creation of the housing bubble:


Men like Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente, Jim Rogers, and many others were able to predict long before hand that the Federal Reserve’s actions were creating an explosive mortgage and credit bubble, yet, we are supposed to believe that the Federal Reserve had “no idea” that their actions would result in a debt implosion?

Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Commissioner of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the first Bush Administration stated conversely that the mortgage bubble was absolutely not an accident, and that she had witnessed outright and deliberate fraud on the part of the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve Bank in creating the bubble. The fact that disturbed her most, however, was her discovery that only a small handful of international banks were responsible for the perpetuation of toxic mortgage debt, not just in America, but around the world:


Goldman Sachs (one of the primary globalist banks involved in the igniting of the debt crisis) was caught red-handed selling toxic derivatives to investors and governments all over the planet while at the same time betting against those derivatives on the market. Goldman even bet against mortgage securities the bank itself created!


This is sort of similar to a car maker selling vehicles without brake lines, then placing bets that their clients will crash and burn. Essentially, it is blatant and sociopathic fraud! Goldman’s actions directly contributed to credit collapses in numerous countries, including Greece, and here in the U.S.

The idea that global banks can turn the economy on and off like a light switch may be a stretch, but the vast majority of evidence shows that they do have the ability to shift the direction of markets to a point, as well as the ability to spur the growth of bubbles that eventually lead to recessions, depressions, and beyond. In fact, if one examines the U.S. economy from the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913, they would find that the past century has been nothing but a series of engineered equity bubbles designed to slowly hobble, but not completely cripple, our financial system and our currency, at least, until recently. Like a steam locomotive on a collision course with a bottomless canyon, globalist banks can slow or speed up the pace of our descent, but the final destination never changes.

Now that we have established that market collapses can be created by a small handful of bankers and done knowingly, lets move on to the next most common sheeple-like talking point.

2. Yes, international banks triggered the meltdown, but the “greed of Capitalism” is truly to blame (i.e. Its all the Republican Party’s fault)…

First off, if you’re parroting the fiscal debate points of two dimensional socialist gatekeepers like Michael Moore, then you’re already hopelessly lost in the mind warping hedge maze of the false left/right paradigm. You should stay as far away as possible from adult conversions on economics, especially if you plan on associating the “greed” of capitalism and corporatism with the Republican Party alone.

News Flash! Barack Obama received far more in corporate campaign donations (including donations from BP and Exxon) than McCain did. Both Bush Jr. and Obama increased government spending to record levels meaning Neo-Conservatives are in no way “conservative” (as a true Republican is supposed to be). Obama has consistently surrounded himself with banksters and corporate lobbyists, including various hobgoblins from the bowels of Goldman Sachs. BOTH major parties are owned and operated by global banks. This is a cold hard undeniable truth of our political system. There is no way around it. Learn it, accept it as reality, and stop trying to blame one side or the other for problems that both sides created! If you cannot do this, your view of our cultural state of affairs will always be horribly skewed and your insights on our social problems will be utterly worthless.

While wannabe socialists desperately clamor to point fingers at the free market ideology as the cause of all our ills, the fact is that none of us have ever lived in a truly free market system. Since the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913, all markets and even our own currency have become more and more vulnerable to manipulation by the banking elite. We have lived our entire lives in a rigged market, not a free market. To blame the very concept of Capitalism for our current dire circumstances is not only naïve, it is dangerous. Globalists would like nothing better than to promote the illusion that “too much freedom” led us to this disaster, and that severe controls must be put into place to ensure that it “never happens again”.

3. Global banks would never engineer the collapse of the U.S. economy or the Dollar. It makes them too much money…

This often heard song and dance ties in with the number two comment above. Again, the assumption is that the globalists only do what they do out of an “uncontrollable greed for money”. This perpetuates a couple fallacies. First, it encourages the false belief that the end concern for the Elite is the accumulation of riches. Central bankers have the ability to PRINT all the money they want from thin air! Remember, the Federal Reserve has never been subjected to a full audit, meaning they could easily create billions if not trillions without any oversight whatsoever. Greed for money, to them, is surely an absurd notion. What they do want, more than anything else, is social power. They want control over every living human being without question. All other concerns are secondary.

The next fallacy underlying the above argument is the conjecture that the U.S. economy is somehow indispensable to global banks. This is simply not so. Where we see the economy as an extension of our culture and ourselves, the Elites see financial systems as mere tools in the pursuit of a greater goal: World Government. Imagine you are building a house. Once your saw has fulfilled its intended role of cutting the wood, do you cling to it, or do you throw it aside and pick up a hammer? This is how globalists look at financial systems. They are perfectly willing to cast off the U.S. economy like a snake shedding skin if it brings them closer to attaining their ultimate aim.

The same goes for the Dollar. The Greenback may be the premier world reserve currency now, but that can and likely will change very quickly over the next couple years. The Dollar is a device that has outlived its usefulness as far as global bankers are concerned. The IMF has on several occasions made it clear that they eventually intend for the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) to replace the Dollar as the world reserve currency, and they have openly admitted that it will one day be established as a global currency. IMF press releases make this development sound far off and away, but SDR accumulations by countries around the world have risen dramatically in the past year. This along with other factors we will cover (namely China’s preparations to dump their U.S. T-bond holdings) show that IMF actions indicate they are preparing for a collapse of the Dollar now!

4. China would never dump U.S. Treasuries because it would hurt them as much as it hurts us…

The theory that China is somehow fused to the U.S. in a kind of symbiotic seesaw relationship that can never be broken is so ingrained among mainstream American financial analysts it simply will not die, regardless of how much contradictory evidence you show them. It really is like a mental disease which causes MSM pundits to go into involuntary Tourettic convulsions every time you mention the words “Treasury bond dump”. America and China are not conjoined twins, and one can survive without the other. We have covered the China issue over and over again, and I will not rehash all that evidence here. To lay it out simply: China has re-engineered its economy towards consumption and importation rather than relying on exports. The IMF has talked about this on many occasions with apparent excitement:


China has also finalized the ASEAN trading bloc which has combined export markets at least equal to that of the U.S. Meaning, China already has another place to send its exports besides America.

Most importantly, China must increase their currency’s value if their new consumer based system is to survive. Allowing the Yuan to rise sharply in value will revitalize the buying power of the Chinese populace making greater consumption possible. Indeed, China MUST dump their Treasury holdings and pump up the Yuan if they are to hold their economy together. And, the Federal Reserve has given China every reason to turn its back on Treasuries through never ending liquidity injections. This is not to say that a U.S. collapse will not affect them, it would negatively affect the entire world. However, China has positioned itself to survive, and perhaps even thrive with their economic expansions into Africa, and their new financial agreements with Germany.

Finally, the Chinese have been very forthcoming over the past week about plans to drop Treasuries. China has dumped over 7.7% of their U.S. T-Bond holdings since January, including the biggest T-bond dump on record this month. They have openly admitted to a plan to diversify away from the Dollar:


I’m always fascinated by those economists who vehemently deny China will ever turn away from the U.S. Dollar while they are doing so right in plain view. Are MSM analysts simply crazy? I don’t know, but it would explain a lot…

5. Sure, bankers took advantage, but it’s really the American people’s fault for getting suckered…

Yes, a sizable portion of the American public can be gut wrenchingly stupid. It hurts my head and my feelings to see people act so idiotic, it really does. The problem with this argument though is that when it is taken too far it becomes an attempt to divert blame away from the criminals and place it on the victims. If you knowingly leave your front door unlocked in a bad neighborhood and you find your home ransacked the next day, then you are partly responsible. But, we cannot forget that the neighborhood is “bad” in the first place because of the criminals, not the people who don’t lock their doors.

Just because global banks can sucker the public doesn’t mean they should, or that they cannot be judged for it. The crime ultimately rests on those men who made the conscious effort to destroy this country, and the blame rests with them as well. I see the attempt to parlay the economic collapse into the lap of the American people very often lately, especially from bankers who now claim that it’s the American public’s fault entirely. Why? Because they will not spend more, they will not take on more debt, they will not take on more risk, and they will not believe hard enough in the recovery that never was. Imagine a serial rapist behind a podium admonishing women for carrying pepper spray. It’s eerily similar…

6. Ok, maybe the banks are causing a collapse, but to say the government is helping them is just crazy conspiracy theory…

Why is it that the Federal Reserve has never been fully audited? Why is it that when Ron Paul tried to pass HR 1207 Federal Reserve Transparency Bill, it was muddled in committees and then eventually derailed? Why is it that banks like Goldman Sachs have been caught, yes caught, setting the stage for an economic implosion in this country, yet no government indictments have been formed to criminally prosecute them? Why are these men still roaming free like locusts to continue pillaging at will? Are we supposed to feel lucky that we get table scraps like Bernie Madoff behind bars while the Federal Reserve commits Ponzi fraud on a scale that dwarfs his?

Our government, both major parties, is owned lock stock and barrel. This is why there are no satisfactory answers for the questions posed above. Elements of the U.S. Government including almost every president since 1912 have not only turned a blind eye to Globalist activities, they have offered their full support to the bankers.

Nixon removed the Dollar from the gold standard in 1971 giving the Fed free reign to print as much fiat as they wished without limitations. In 1980 the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act was passed placing all banks essentially under the rules of the Federal Reserve. The Glass-Steagall Act which kept investment banks and depository banks separate was repealed under a Republican majority in the Senate, and then finalized by Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1999. 30 years ago, banks that held your home mortgage were for the most part required to keep that mortgage until it was finally paid. But, a series of government decisions spanning that period and influenced by global banks allowed for the “securitization” of mortgages, leading to the creation of “derivatives”, which were then used by corporate mobsters like Goldman Sachs to destroy our financial system. Last, but certainly not least, both the Bush and Obama Administrations pressured Congress into passing highly unpopular bailout legislation which basically rewarded the same banks that created the credit crisis with trillions in taxpayer dollars (yes, the bailouts are now actually in the trillions, not billions). This led to the coining of the term “too big to fail” (or “too big to jail”). Our Government has been nothing but complicit in the banker takeover of this country. To debate otherwise is to invite embarrassment.

I haven’t even scratched the surface of government involvement in the collapse of our economy. Cases like the Savings and Loan crisis of the 1980’s led to serious prosecutions and jail time for more than 1100 criminal bankers, but this only caused the government to respond by changing investigation rules to make it even more difficult to catch the high level fraudsters in the act! Linked below is an interview between Max Keiser and bank regulator Prof. William K Black who outlines our government’s complicity in the breakdown of the country it is mandated to protect:


Elites destroy cultures to make way for new philosophies; their philosophies. Its not so much “conspiracy theory” as it is a widely admitted methodology. Corporate globalists believe in global government on their terms and they barely try to hide it. If someone thinks this sounds “fantastical” then they haven’t been paying the slightest attention. When one understands how Elites view economy, and realizes their primary motivations, the fact that they purposely triggered a collapse is perfectly logical. Nothing besides all out war inspires more fear and desperation in a society than a financial upheaval. Such elements on a mass scale allow changes in our collective psychology that were never possible before. Most people tend to falter under such an overwhelming threat and turn towards any authority (or fake authority) to save them from harm. Some people scoff at this idea, but it is likely they have never actually been in the wake of a real national catastrophe before. Men, especially those who know little of themselves, can change quickly in the face of calamity. The Elites recognize this, engineer tragedy, then waltz into the aftermath to merrily lord over the rubble.

Will their plan work? I think not, but I’m an optimist (no, really). The pursuit of total control and total power seems rather infantile to me, be it on an impressively psychotic level. Although, if we are made to forget who the real enemy is, then I think they do have a chance at success. That is how they have remained successful to this point. Only now does the average man have such immense knowledge at his fingertips, the knowledge to bring down a line despots and tyrants that have reigned for centuries. If only the average man was not so easily deterred by WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Distraction). The Elites will likely ignite some wars, tempt us into in-fighting, and fabricate enemies like Al Qaeda out of the ether. As the slogan goes, “Order Out Of Chaos”. Whatever happens, our eyes must remain fixed on the root of the problem; the bankers, and nothing else.

Globalists are not invincible, they are not untouchable, they are not even all that brilliant. They are human, and they have made many mistakes. The engineering of an economic meltdown really changes nothing. Hired thugs, useful idiots, corrupt officials, even hyperinflation, all tiny obstacles when considering the world we could have if the Elites were finally made to face the reckoning they deserve. Americans once took on the greatest empire on Earth. We once took a feared king to task. Are a bunch of frothing corporate bankers really so daunting? All that is needed is a principled movement with the will to see justice done, and I believe we have that already.




 アル・エマーラ(イスラーム首長国)・ウェブサイトの読者はこの一月半の間カンダハール州において敵の主要な攻撃作戦が行われていることをご存知だろう。このところ敵は偏向的なメディアを通して、周辺地区からムジャヒディーンを掃討し、それらの地域にムジャヒディーンに対抗するために十分な支配地域を得たと主張している。アル・エマーラは先日Dand地区司令官のMullah Abdullah Mubarak氏にインタビューし、現在の知られていない実態に関して質問をする機会を得た。
Mullah Abdullah Mubarak:Dand地区はカンダハル市のすぐ近くに位置しており、多くのムジャヒディーンが内部で活動しています。そのため敵はちょうどDand地区のようにカンダハル市の全体がムジャヒディーンの手に渡って失われてしまうのではないかと恐れ、ラマダンの月にこの地区において最初に作戦の準備を開始したのです。敵の兵士は、MahlajatやChalghor、Nakhoni、Khanjakak、Zila Khan、そしてSalawatなどの地域にヘリコプターで大挙して侵入してきました。ムジャヒディーンは戦術の巧みな転換に従って彼らと通常の戦闘に入ることを望まず、彼らに最大の被害を与えるためゲリラ戦術を用いることに決定しました。我々は全ての主要道路に地雷を仕掛けることに決めました。敵かどうしても侵入してこられなくなった時、彼らは少なくともいくらかの支配地域を得ようと地元の農場や畑をブルドーザーで破壊することを決めました。しかしムジャヒディーンの側もそれらの道に地雷を埋め、奇襲やミサイル攻撃を行ったため彼らは甚大な損害を被り、その試みも無駄だったと分かりました。無遠慮にいってしまえば、彼等がパトロールをしている時に少なくとも4回から10回ほどの爆発も起きずに一日が過ぎることはないのです。甚大な被害を受けたために敵は巡航ミサイルや他のミサイルを使ってその地域を無作為に爆撃することに決め、それによって民間人が死亡し彼らの家や田畑は破壊され、多くの人々はその地区の外へ逃げ出さざるを得なくなりました。この犯罪的な行動のあと敵は現地民の家を彼らの軍事基地に変えました。現在、敵はこれらの軍事基地の多くを放棄しました。その地域に多くの地雷が仕掛けられており、またムジャヒディーンが奇襲のために待ち伏せをしているため、彼らは出ていくこともできなくなっています。しかしそれでもそのような兵站を供給する土地にあるそれらの基地は、将来大きな問題となることでしょう。
Mullah Abdullah Mubarak:はい。敵が行った虐殺的行為を総計すれば、歴史全体で見ても民間人に対して行われた他に類をみない犯罪となるでしょう。アッラーに誓って、ムジャヒディーンの殉教者はこれまでのところたった5人で、3人が怪我をしました。すでに民間人でいっぱいになっているカンダハル収容所にはムジャヒディーンは1人もいません。いくつか例を挙げて、Dand地区で民間人に対して行われた犯罪行為を要約してみたいと思います。
2、それより数日前、アメリカ人侵略者たちはDand地区のZila Khanに位置するGhraとMahiの村を包囲しました。人々の多くはこれらの村から移住していましたが、村の老人や子供たちなど97名が彼らの所有物を取りにやってきていました。しかしそのような人々ですら容赦はされず、彼らは裸にされ目隠しをされてから、収容所に入れられました。彼らは多くの苦痛を耐えたあと12日後に開放されました。
Mullah Abdullah Mubarak:アメリカ人侵略者たちは民間人の家々や畑を破壊してそれぞれの監視所同士を近接させて監視所を作ることを決定し、その地域からムジャヒディーンを掃討しようとしました。しかし彼らはムジャヒディーンがゲリラ戦術を用いようとしていたことに気づいていませんでした。現在、敵はさまざまな地域に基地を持っていますが、監視所から50メートル先さえ支配できておらず、そのためそこから出てくることができません。我々の被害については、ムジャヒディーンのうち殉教したものは僅か5名で、怪我人が3名です。また指導者は1人も殺されたり捕虜になったりしてはいません。
アル・エマーラ:この作戦はムジャヒディーンにどのような影響を与えましたか?またAhmad Wali Karzai大統領によるDand地区とKandahar全体においてムジャヒディーンの基地は壊滅したという主張についてなんと仰いますか?
Mullah Abdullah Mubarak:なぜAhmad Waliがそのように主張できるのか私にはわかりません。事実彼はムジャヒディーンによる攻撃のために自分自身の家の中ですら平和に眠ることはできないのです。もし彼が心からその主張を行っているなら、一度ただ1人でDand地区やPanjiwaee地区は言うまでもなくカンダハル市も歩き回ってみればいいのです。そのような主張はすべて間違っています。我々の集団の人数と基地に関して言えば、春や夏の時期と比べて減ってはいません。敵の作戦のためにムジャヒディーンの数は減少しましたが、今や敵のほうが疲弊しモラルを失っています。それらのムジャヒディーンは戻ってきて再び作戦を遂行しています。なぜなら敵の数は膨大になり、以前よりも狙いやすくなったからです。
Zhiri地区はKandahar-Herat間主要道路の南に位置し、この9年間イスラーム首長国のムジャヒディーンの堅固な基地であり、その支配下にあった場所である。以前には侵略者は主要道路に監視所を置いているだけだったが、最近の作戦によって、監視所はPashmoolとSanzari両地域にまで拡大された。この地域の情勢に関する最新の情報をえるため、アル・エマーラではこの地区の軍事司令官、Mullah Ateequllah Agha氏にインタビューを行った。
Mullah Ateequllah Agha:この9年間、Zhiri地区が敵にとってもっとも非友好的な地区として知られていることはすでにご存知でしょう。とくにSang-e-Sar地域とPashmool地域では敵は支配権を獲得することができず、その軍隊にとって致命的な結果をもたらしました。その地区の南部は完全に我々の支配下にあり、敵は侵入を試みることもできていません。
敵は主要道路における不断の攻撃によって阻まれています。それは敵の軍事的な、あるいは兵站部隊による行動を計り知れないほど混乱させています。そのため彼らは何百台もの戦車、歩兵などを投入し、ジェット機や巡航ミサイルなどを使用してその地域に爆撃を行って、Sang-e-SarとPashmool、そしてSanzari地域への大規模な進出を開始しました。彼らの冷酷で野蛮な無差別爆撃によって、PashmoolとSanzariの住人たちは収穫物を刈りいれるべき時期に逃げ出さなくてはいけませんでした。ムジャヒディーンはゲリラ戦によって彼らの作戦に対抗し、今までよりも多くの被害を敵に与えました。メディア(the media of the tanks)を通じて巡回中の歩兵に対する報復的な奇襲や攻撃が毎日起きていることはご存知でしょう。同様に侵略者たちは夜中に彼らの家に押し入ったあとで民間人たちを逮捕しました。
Mullah Ateequllah Agha:Sang-e-Sarにおいては敵は一インチたりとも支配地域を獲得していません。そしてそこは主要道路から100メートルも離れていない場所です。Sanzariにおいては多少の地域を獲得しましたが、それは集中的な爆撃と人々の家々や畑、その他の財産を破壊しながら前進したあとのことです。彼らはまたPashmoolの南部からRod地域へいたる地域にもいくらかの足場を得ました。しかし、全ての地域において進軍は短い間のことでした。なぜなら彼らは皆、市民の家々の間に新しく作られた四ヶ所の基地に戻っていき、その他の地域では彼らの軍事装備はすべて使用されていないからです。
Mullah Ateequllah Agha:Kandahar州のほかの地域と同じく、Zhiri地区も野蛮な敵によって民間人の財産がひどく破壊されるという経験をしました。正確な事実や概観はまだよくわかっていませんが、いくつかの地域で我々が目撃した被害について要約したいと思います。
Mullah Ateequllah Agha:これまでのところ、班長一人を含む10名のムジャヒディーンが殉教しました。しかしこの班長はZhiri地区ではなくReag地区で夜襲によって殉教しています。反対に、メディアを通じてご存知のように敵は甚大な損害を被っています。
Mullah Ateequllah Agha:現在の状況は、敵の作戦が始まる前と大きくは違いません。PashmoolとSanzariの我々の班は、以前と同じように活発になっており、敵は以前と変わらず、彼らがそれらの地域に新しく建てた基地や、主要道路に建てた基地から出てくる度に攻撃を受けています。作戦がもたらした唯一の「成果」は、民間人の間に死者を出したことと彼らの家財を破壊したことです。しかし嘆かわしいことに国内外のメディアはこのことについて沈黙しています。

The untold reality of Kandahar Operation (Part 1)
Wednesday, 27 October 2010 06:10 -   
As all the readers of Alemarah website might know that a major enemy operation is taking place in Kandahar province which has been ongoing since the last one and a half month. Lately the enemy, through its biased media, claims to have ridded the surrounding districts of Mujahideen presence and also claims to have gained substantial ground against Mujahideen in the areas. Alemarah website has recently had the opportunity to interview the district commander of Dand district, Mullah Abdullah Mubarak and ask him questions regarding the untold reality of the situation.


Alemarah: Firstly could you tell us about the ongoing enemy operations in Dand district and why did they come about?

Mullah Abdullah Mubarak: Dand district is located at a very close proximity to Kandahar city and it has a large number of Mujahideen operating inside so the enemy became frightened that it might, just like Dand, lose the entire city to Mujahideen and hence started their preparatory operation firstly in this district in the month of Ramadan. The enemy soldiers entered Mahlajat, Chalghor, Nakhoni, Khanjakak, Zila Khan and Salawat area by helicopters and in huge numbers. Mujahideen, due to a tactical maneuver, did not want to engage them in normal battle but decided to use guerilla warfare in order to cause them maximum damage. We decided to mine all the main roads and when the enemy could not make any inroads, they decided to bulldoze local’s farms and fields so to gain at least some ground but that attempt also proved futile as they suffered massive casualties due to Mujahideen also mining those ways, ambushes and missile attacks. To put it bluntly, a day hasn’t passed so far that at least 4 to 10 blasts do not detonate on their patrols. Due to their immense suffering, the enemy decided to bomb the area randomly using cruise and other missiles from which civilians were killed, their houses and fields wrecked and many were forced to flee the district. After this criminal act, the enemy turned the local’s houses into their military barracks. So far the enemy has abandoned most of those barracks and in the areas which they do exist, they have neither come out nor can they due to heavily mined areas and Mujahideen waiting in ambushes. But even these bases are located in such places that providing of logistics will be a big problem in the future.

Alemarah: It is said that the civilians are the only ones who have been affected by this operation. Could you elaborate on this?

Mullah Abdullah Mubarak: Yes, to sum up the genocidal behavior of the enemy in one sentence, it would be that this kind of crime against civilians has not been done in the entire history. I swear by Allah that so far only 5 of our Mujahideen have been Martyred, 3 have been injured and none have been captured but the prison of Kandahar has been filled by civilians. I would like to summarize the crimes against civilians of Dand by giving a few examples:

1.       When the enemy came to Mahlajat in the morning, the blocked all the main roads and blind folded all those who came their way. Nearly all the locals of Dand have shops in the city where they sell fruits and vegetables so throughout the day the barbarians handcuffed and imprisoned around 300 civilians by the name of Taliban.

2.       A few days earlier, the American invaders besieged Ghra and Mahi Village located in Zila Khan area of Dand district. Most of the people had emigrated from these villages except 97 people which were village elders and children who had come to collect some o their belongings but even those were not spared as they were stripped naked, blind folded and then imprisoned. They were released 12 days after enduring many hardships.

3.       All their new barracks are built inside civilian houses and on their lands. They have bulldozed local’s lands, fields, farms and houses as they try to make inroads against Mujahideen. Some 500 homes and shops have been bulldozed due to this process in Nakhoni area alone. Similar crime has been carried out in Khanjakak, Chalghor and all the other areas. They recently blew up locals raisin houses in Chalghor. Nearly all incidents involve the demolition of homes with the owners belonging inside them.

Alemarah: The enemy says that they have killed and captured many Mujahideen, their leaders and many of their bases have been destroyed. How much of this is true?

Mullah Abdullah Mubarak: The American invaders decided that they would make check posts in very close proximity to the next one by destroying the homes and fields of civilians and that would rid Mujahideen from the area but did not realize that Mujahideen were going to use guerilla tactics. Now the enemy has barracks in various areas but don’t have control 50 meters beyond their posts and thus cannot come out. As for our casualties, only 5 of our Mujahideen have been Martyred and 3 wounded and none of our leaders have been either killed or captured.


Alemarah: How has this operation affected the Mujahideen and what do you say about the claims of Ahmad Wali Karzai that Mujahideen bases have been destroyed throughout Dand and Kandahar?

Mullah Abdullah Mubarak: I don’t know how Ahmad Wali can make such claims when in fact he cannot even peacefully sleep in his own house due to constant Mujahideen attacks on it. If he was really honest in his claims then he should just once, walk freely in Kandahar city let alone Dand and Panjwaee districts. All these claims are false. As for the number of our groups and bases, they have not decreased compared to spring and summer time. Due to the enemy operation we decreased the number of Mujahideen but now that the enemy has become tired and lost morale, those Mujahideen are coming back to carry out operations because their enemy numbers have become vast and much easier to target.

I want to congratulate the Afghan nation in particular for this victory of Mujahideen because we have not suffered any serious damage and the enemy has lost because they cannot sustain this large force for long especially that their newly built bases and barracks are becoming harder and harder to supply with logistics.

(to be continued)

The untold reality of Kandahar Operation (Part 2)
Saturday, 30 October 2010 04:18 -   
Zhiri district is located to the south of Kandahar-Herat main highway and has been a solid base and under the control of Islamic Emirate Mujahideen for the past 9 years. Previously the invaders only had outposts on the main highway but due to the recent operations have expanded those to Pashmool and Sanzari areas. For recent information on the situation in the district, Alemarah interviewed the Military commander for this district, Mullah Ateequllah Agha.


Alemarah: Can you please give us information about the recent enemy operation and on the situation in the district?

Mullah Ateequllah Agha: As you might already know that Zhiri is known as the most hostile district for the enemy for the past 9 years and especially Sang-e-Sar and Pashmool areas where the enemy has not been able to take over and has proved very deadly for its forces. The southern parts of the districts have been completely under our control which the enemy has never even attempted to enter.

The enemy was real frustrated due to the constant attacks by Mujahideen on the main highway which immensely disrupted the movement of their military and logistical convoys and therefore started the huge push towards Sang-e-Sar, Pashmool and Sanzari areas by bringing hundreds of tanks, foot soldiers bombing the areas by Jets, cruise missiles etc. Due to their cruel and barbaric blind bombings, the residents of Pashmool and Sanzari have fled during a time when they were supposed to collect their harvests. Mujahideen countered their strategy by adopting guerilla warfare from which the enemy has suffered more damage than at any other time. You might have heard through the media of the tanks being blown up every day in Pashmool and Sanzari areas and the retaliatory ambushes and attacks against their foot patrols. Similarly the invaders arrested civilians after forcing their way into their homes at night.

So due to our resistance, the enemy has not gained any ground in some parts and in others where they have gains some ground, it has come after much suffering and deadly losses. Overall the enemy’s force is winded up, they have only added 2 outposts each in Pashmool and Sanzari areas and the Mujahideen numbers which were decreased for the initial enemy push have returned back to their normal levels.


Alemarah: How much new ground has the enemy gained from this operation?

Mullah Ateequllah Agha: The enemy has not gained an inch of territory in Sang-e-Sar, which is only 100 meters away from the main highway. They have gained some ground in Sanzari but after intense bombing and making headway by demolishing people’s homes, fields and other property. They also made ground towards the south of Pashmool up to Rod area but in all areas the advance has been short term because they have all returned to the 4 new outposts made in civilians homes and all their military equipment has also been vacated from the rest of the regions.


Alemarah: It is said that the enemy has severely bombed the areas bringing huge destruction to the civilians?

Mullah Ateequllah Agha: Like in the rest of Kandahar province, Zhiri has also experienced enormous destruction to civilian property from the barbaric enemy. Although the exact facts and figures have not been compiled but I will summarize some of the damage done that we have witnessed in a few points.

1.       Nearly 80% of civilians have become homeless due to the ruthless bombings from cruise missiles, canon rounds and other types of bombs dropped in all of Zhiri from Kandahar airfield. The civilians have also suffered deaths and nearly all of the people’s homes and other property have been completely destroyed.

2.       Hundreds of homes have been utterly demolished in the area between the main highway and Wyala of Sang-e-Sar as the enemy claims that their convoys and bases are always attacked from this area.

3.       The barbaric enemy has filled streams with dirt, demolished homes and blown apart all the greenery in Pashmool, Sanzari, Syachowi and also the other areas to make new roads due to the other roads being completely mined.

4.       In all these areas, the enemy has destroyed homes with all its belongings inside. The homes were either already abandoned and if they weren’t, they would force its owners to leave by bulldozing the property’s walls.

5.       The enemy has dropped types of bombs which have created massive craters and which have also burnt people’s fields and plants so to make an alternative way to enter due to fear of mines being placed on the main roads.

6.       In this process, the enemy has Martyred, wounded and imprisoned countless civilians but we don’t have their exact figures.


Alemarah: The enemy claims to have caused Mujahideen many casualties, killed their leaders and also broken their hold on the district?

Mullah Ateequllah Agha: So far 10 Mujahideen have been Martyred which includes a group’s leader and he was not Martyred in Zhiri but rather in Reag district by a night raid. In contrast, the enemy has suffered immense casualties as you might also have heard from the media.

Alemarah: How do you see the result of the current situation and the operations result?

Mullah Ateequllah Agha: The current situation does not differ a lot from the situation before the operation began. Our groups in Pashmool and Sanzari have become active like before and like before, the enemy is always attacked as they come out of their newly built outposts in these areas and also the ones built on the main highway. The only result coming out of the operation is the death and destruction caused to the civilians which deplorably, the foreign and domestic media have been silent about.

