
「アフガニスタンの政治的および経済的障害に対処するモスクワ フォーマットの戦略的重要性」 The Afghanistan official voice June 7, 2024

 「アフガニスタンの政治的および経済的障害に対処するモスクワ フォーマットの戦略的重要性」

The Afghanistan official voice

 June 7, 2024 - 6:09 pm

モスクワ フォーマットは、アフガニスタンと地域諸国が直面する複雑な問題に対処するために設計された強力な外交プラットフォームです。2017 年に設立され、その目標は、地域の大国と関係国を 1 つの傘の下に集め、アフガニスタンと地域の安定、安全、発展を促進することを目的とした対話、理解、議論に参加することです。


地域協力: モスクワ フォーマットは、アフガニスタンとその近隣諸国が直面している多面的な課題に取り組む上での地域協力の重要性を強調しています。ロシア、中国、インド、パキスタン、イラン、アフガニスタンを含む中央アジア諸国間の包括的な議論につながる環境を提供します。これらの地域諸国の懸念と利益が考慮されるように努力し、それによって平和、安全、安定のための協力のレベルと有効性を高めます。

安全保障協力: モスクワ フォーマットは、平和と安定の確保、麻薬密売との闘い、その他の安全保障上の懸念への対処における地域協力を促進します。安全保障と諜報情報を収集して共有することで、これらの問題に対処するための効果的で実行可能な戦略の開発が可能になり、それによって地域諸国の安定化に貢献します。

経済開発と人道支援: モスクワ フォーマットは、アフガニスタンの人道的および開発上のニーズを特定します。援助が効率的に集められ、アフガニスタンの困窮者に届くように、共同協力を促進します。さらに、経済分野では、モスクワ フォーマットは経済開発イニシアチブ、インフラ再建、投資を促進し、それによってアフガニスタンの長期的な成長と経済的安定を支援します。

外交的関与: モスクワ フォーマットへの参加は、アフガニスタンの地域および国際大国との外交的関与を強化します。これは、近隣諸国、地域諸国、および世界諸国とのアフガニスタンの外交関係の強化に貢献し、平和と開発の取り組みに対する国際的支援を確保します。

多面的アプローチ: モスクワ フォーマットは、関係するすべての国と大国の利益と懸念が考慮されることを保証します。この包括的なアプローチは、アフガニスタンの課題の解決を促進し、バランスの取れた開発をサポートします。

能力構築: モスクワ フォーマットを通じて、アフガニスタンは能力構築イニシアチブの恩恵を受けます。地域協力は、アフガニスタンのさまざまな機関の能力と専門的能力を高め、安全保障、統治、開発問題を効果的に管理します。

国際的支援の強化: モスクワ フォーマットは、アフガニスタンに対する国際的な注目と支援を引き付けるのに役立ちます。このようなプラットフォームでアフガニスタンの課題、問題、ニーズを強調することで、復興と開発の取り組みのための追加リソースを動員し、政治的意志に大きな影響を与えます。

戦略的ソリューション: モスクワ フォーマットは対話と協力を重視しているため、アフガニスタンの課題に対する持続可能な解決策につながる環境が生まれ、それによって同国の長期的な平和と安定の確立に役立ちます。

モスクワ フォーマットは、地域協力とアフガニスタンのさまざまな課題への対処に最適な環境を提供します。安全保障協力を強化し、経済発展を促進し、地政学的利益のバランスをとることで、このフォーマットはアフガニスタンの安定と繁栄を促進する上で重要な役割を果たします。モスクワ・フォーマットは、継続的な取り組みと共同協力を通じて、アフガニスタンを進歩、繁栄、自立へと導く上で極めて重要な役割を果たしています。


The Afghanistan official voice

 June 7, 2024 - 6:09 pm

Strategic Significance of the Moscow Format in Addressing Afghanistan’s Political and Economic Obstacles

By: H.N The Moscow Format is a robust diplomatic platform designed to address the intricate issues faced by Afghanistan and regional countries. Established in 2017, its goal is to bring regional powers and involved nations under one umbrella to engage in dialogue, understanding, and discussions aimed at fostering stability, security, and development in Afghanistan and […]

By: H.N

The Moscow Format is a robust diplomatic platform designed to address the intricate issues faced by Afghanistan and regional countries. Established in 2017, its goal is to bring regional powers and involved nations under one umbrella to engage in dialogue, understanding, and discussions aimed at fostering stability, security, and development in Afghanistan and the region.

This format serves as an effective mechanism for enhancing regional cooperation and resolving complex issues through dialogue and mutual understanding, yielding numerous benefits for Afghanistan. Some of these benefits include:

Regional Cooperation: The Moscow Format underscores the importance of regional collaboration in tackling the multifaceted challenges facing Afghanistan and its neighboring countries. It provides an environment conducive to comprehensive discussions among Central Asian nations, including Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan. Efforts are made to ensure that the concerns and interests of these regional countries are considered, thereby enhancing the level and efficacy of cooperation for peace, security, and stability.

Security Cooperation: The Moscow Format facilitates regional collaboration in ensuring peace and stability, combating drug trafficking, and addressing other security concerns. By gathering and sharing security and intelligence information, it enables the development of effective and implementable strategies to address these issues, thereby contributing to the stabilization of regional countries.

Economic Development and Humanitarian Assistance: The Moscow Format identifies Afghanistan’s humanitarian and developmental needs. It promotes joint cooperation to ensure that aid is collected efficiently and reaches those in need in Afghanistan. In addition, in the economic sphere, the Moscow Format fosters economic development initiatives, infrastructure reconstruction, and investment, thereby supporting Afghanistan’s long-term growth and economic stability.

Diplomatic Engagement: Participation in the Moscow Format enhances Afghanistan’s diplomatic engagement with regional and international powers. This contributes to strengthening Afghanistan’s diplomatic relations with neighboring, regional, and global countries, and secures international support for peace and development efforts.

Multifaceted Approach: The Moscow Format ensures that the interests and concerns of all involved countries and powers are considered. This comprehensive approach facilitates the resolution of Afghanistan’s challenges and supports balanced development.

Capacity Building: Through the Moscow Format, Afghanistan benefits from capacity-building initiatives. Regional cooperation enhances the capabilities and professional competence of various institutions in Afghanistan to effectively manage security, governance, and developmental affairs.

Increased International Support: The Moscow Format helps attract international attention and support for Afghanistan. By highlighting Afghanistan’s challenges, issues, and needs on such a platform, it mobilizes additional resources for reconstruction and development efforts and significantly influences political will.

Strategic Solution: The Moscow Format’s emphasis on dialogue and cooperation creates environment conducive for sustainable solutions to Afghanistan’s challenges, thereby aiding in the establishment of long-term peace and stability in the country.

The Moscow Format provides an optimal environment for regional cooperation and addressing various challenges in Afghanistan. By enhancing security cooperation, promoting economic development, and balancing geopolitical interests, this format plays a crucial role in advancing Afghanistan’s stability and prosperity. Through sustained commitment and joint cooperation, the Moscow Format plays a pivotal role in leading Afghanistan towards progress, prosperity and self-reliance.


「アフガニスタンに焦点を当てた会議への参加は条件付きであるべき」2024年6月11日『アフガニスタン公報(The Afghanistan official Voice)』



『アフガニスタン公報(The Afghanistan official Voice)』










“Participation in Afghanistan-focused conferences should be conditional”

The Afghanistan Official Voice 

Published : June 11, 2024 - 8:28 am

Author : Farooq Ghalji

The 6th “Moscow Format” meeting took place in Tehran yesterday. The meeting was attended by Russia, China, Iran, and Pakistan, with an invitation extended to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. However, the Islamic Emirate, considering its own circumstances, decided not to participate in the meeting.

It is important to note that the decision not to attend the assembly is not directed against Iran or any other country. Rather, it reflects the Afghan perspective that any international gathering concerning Afghanistan should involve Afghan representation.

Afghan authorities should have access to the meeting’s agenda before making a decision to participate, as it is crucial to ensure that discussions focus on issues relevant to Afghanistan’s internal affairs, its people, and its system. It is unfortunate when Afghan voices are not given an opportunity to be heard, and their requests are disregarded in the resulting resolutions.

If a meeting predominantly centers around topics such as forming an inclusive government in Afghanistan, women’s rights, and other internal matters, while the input of the Afghan delegation is not valued, it becomes counterproductive and even detrimental. Afghanistan has endured immense suffering and sacrifices for its independence.

The Afghan people have endured countless hardships, sacrificing their lives, homes, and country while resisting the interventions of various superpowers. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the values, beliefs, and national interests of the Afghan nation are not compromised. Afghan leaders should not engage in secretive conspiracies with external forces or disregard the wishes, desires, and aspirations of the resilient Afghan people. Instead, they should openly engage in discussions related to economic matters and collaborate on issues that truly benefit Afghanistan.

However, if Afghans perceive a gathering as a means to exert pressure on them, then the Afghan government and people reserve the right to decide for their non-participation.