カンダハル市司令官Haji Ahmad Saeed氏との詳しいインタビュー
敵はこの作戦の主要な目的がカンダハール市(アフガニスタン第二の都市)がムジャヒディーンの手に落ちることを防ぐことだと認めている。この目的を達成するため、敵はカンダハール市の周辺地区において作戦行動を行っている他に、今やカンダハール市の中心部においても軍事行動を開始した。これらの作戦行動がムジャヒディーン軍に正確にどのような影響を与えているのか知るために、我々はカンダハール市のムジャヒディーンの軍事司令官であるHaji Ahmad Saeed氏と会談した。以下がこのインタビューの詳細である。
Haji Ahmad Saeed:全ての賞賛はアッラーのもの、カンダハール市は過去9年間ムジャヒディーンのもっとも偉大な作戦行動とその勇敢さの目撃者となってきました。そのカンダハール市においてムジャヒディーンによる攻撃は現在も行われています。これらの攻撃により国内外の敵たちは恐慌状態に陥り、それがイスラーム首長国の兵士たちの手に落ちることを認めざるを得なくなりました。それ以来、敵はもっぱらカンダハール市と周辺地域に焦点を絞って、その戦略を完全に変更しました。この戦略に沿って敵はその地域において人員を増加しつつあります。この増加はカンダハール市中心部においても目撃されており、そこでは歩兵と車両に乗った軍勢を増加させています。彼らはまた周辺地域全域において市民に対する大規模な踏み込み捜査を行い、家々を回って武器やムジャヒディーンを探し回っています。またムジャヒディーンの支配下にある地域においても作戦を開始させました。彼らは市の中心部に通常の警察署のほかに外国や軍事的な在外基地を数多く設置しています。道路にはどんどん検問所が増え、情報収集のためのスパイ網は広がっています。これら全てのことによって、カンダハール市はまるで包囲攻撃を受けているかのように見えます。
Haji Ahmad Saeed:敵がカンダハール市に入る道や主要街道に数多くの検問所を設け、大規模な軍の駐屯所を十箇所建設したのは事実です。この駐屯所の一つはKobaiの近くのPanjiwaee道にあり、もう一つはSeelo近くのHeart道、もう一つはMir Ahmad Khan`s Kalachi近くのArghandab道、またShah Wali Kote道、Ainoominy近くのKabul道、またはShurandamからカブール市へ向かうBoldak道にあります。彼らはMahlajatから通っている道にも新しい軍の駐屯所を二ヶ所設置しました。それらの在外基地は、西洋が使用可能なもっともハイテクな身元確認や探知の道具を備えています。しかしそれにも関わらず、彼らはムジャヒディーンを一人も捕まえることができず、爆発物を積んだ車両を検挙することもできていません。毎日我々の爆発物を積み込んだ車両は、これらの軍事検問所や駐屯所を発見されることも逮捕されることもなく通過しています。これらは全てあらゆる機会に我々に好意を示してくださるアッラーのご加護のおかげです。敵が呼ぶところの「ベルト地帯」は地元の人々を困らせている以外になんら成果を挙げてはいません。ご覧のように市内での我々の攻撃は減っているというよりむしろ増えているのです。それゆえに、このベルト地帯はムジャヒディーンの活動にとってまったく障害にはなっておらず、彼らはその能力をはるかに超えた成果を目指しているのです。
Haji Ahmad Saeed:市内では以前と同じように暗くなると同時にアメリカの手先の政府による支配は終わり、我々の軍隊がパトロールをはじめ、我々の作戦が開始されます。夜には全ての主要道路において我々は待ち伏せを行い、敵が在外基地から出て来れないようにしています。我々の待ち伏せのために敵は別の在外基地がもし攻撃を受けた場合にも支援はできないということを今や認めています。同様に、ムジャヒディーンは日中もずっと彼らの活動を見張っています。毎日敵のスパイや兵士が我々の射撃手によって撃ち殺されています。何日か前、カンダハール・バイパスでムジャヒディーンは敵の兵士のもとに物資を運ぶトラックの捜索を行い、結果それらのトラックを燃やしました。これらの全てのことはムジャヒディーンが彼らの主導権のもとで市内での作戦行動を行う能力と熱意を持っていることを証明しています。一方、敵は士気と戦意を完全に失っています。
Haji Ahmad Saeed:敵が多くの無実の人々を逮捕したことは事実です。彼らの大多数は未だに刑務所に入れられています。これらの人々は政府の情報局だけでなく現地の市民軍によっても捕らえられました。彼らの多くは個人的なあるいは部族間でのライバル意識のために逮捕されたのです。これらの事件に関しては徹底的な調査が必要とされています。なぜなら無実の逮捕者たちの多くはいかなる法的なプロセスも経ないまま拷問されて死に至っているからです。彼らは無実のアフガン市民であり、その死については全てのアフガン人と国際社会によって調査が行われるべきです。
Haji Ahmad Saeed:これもまた敵の根も葉もない主張です。我々は敵の情報収集によってムジャヒディーンの武器や地雷が発見されるなどという状況には遭遇していません。しかしながら、時折我々の地雷が技術的あるいは電子工学的な失敗によって爆発しないということは起きています。これらの地雷は後に敵の手に渡り彼らをさらにうぬぼれさせたのでしょう。
Haji Ahmad Saeed:カンダハールでの作戦の責任者として私はこの問題に非常に敏感になっています。まず第一にアッラーの御前において、またアフガンの人々に対してもです。もしも我々が自分自身の同胞を傷つけることを恐れていないならば、我々のカンダハールにおける作戦行動は今の十倍にもなるでしょう。我々は、我々の側の行動によって市民の死傷者が出る事態を完全になくすために常に最善を尽くしています。我々はしばしば市民の死傷者が出る可能性を恐れるために作戦を中止しなければならないことがあります。一方で、敵は常に人口の多い地域の中心にいて動き回っており、もしムジャヒディーンが彼らを攻撃した場合、その結果生じる民間の被害はどのようなものでもムジャヒディーンが非難されることになるのです。我々は敵を攻撃したいと思っているのですが、彼らが自分たちの身を守るために我々の同胞を人間の盾として用いたいと思っていることを知っています。そのため我々はそれらの地域で敵と交戦することを避けています。
Haji Ahmad Saeed:私はこれらの人々にもし彼らが政府の役人ではないならまったく落ち着いてリラックスしているようにと伝えたいと思います。カンダハールでの作戦は無差別でもその時の勢いに任せたものでもなく、それぞれの段階が徹底的に計画され注意深く実行されているものです。イスラーム首長国のムジャヒディーンは、まず始めにターゲットの背景を入念に調べ、彼らと傀儡政権や外国人の雇用主との関係がはっきり確かめられてから、これらの協力者たちを罰することに取り掛かるのです。私の在任中にたった一度だけ、あるムジャヒディーンが間違って無実の人間(ターゲットと非常によく似ており、また近所に住んでいました)をターゲットと取り違えて殺しました。その時には我々は死者の家族と連絡を取り、シャリーアの法に従って問題を解決しました。その一件を除けば、誰一人無実の人間がこれらの暗殺によって殺されたことはありません。勇敢なムジャヒディーンは決して彼らの同胞を無差別に殺すような極端なことはしないと述べることで私は我々の同胞を元気付けたいと思います。傀儡政権や外国の侵略者たちが市内にスパイを送り込んで敬虔なムジャヒディーンを中傷することで人々を怖がらせているということは極めてありそうなことです。もしこれらの傀儡政権の詐欺師たちと対決することになった時に助力を得るためカンダハールの人々とコンタクトを取っています。
Haji Ahmad Saeed:カンダハールの行政府には自らを守る力もほとんどありません。カンダハール行政府には役人がおらず、機能している官僚制度もないのを我々は知っています。
Haji Ahmad Saeed:一人のムジャヒードとしてまたアフガン人ムスリムとして、行動を起こせば、いずれアッラーのご加護によりこの世界と信奉者に勝利がもたらされるだろうという三つの点を述べたいと思います。
An indepth interview with Haji Ahmad Saeed, head of operations in Kandahar city
Thursday, 11 November 2010 15:01 -
The recent operations in the province of Kandahar, by the enemy I.S.A.F forces are viewed by the western-orientated media, as the last military push against the Mujahideen. The majority of them are of the opinion that should these operations fail as well; the Americans would have no other option but to leave Afghanistan.
The enemy admits, that the essential objective of this operation is to prevent the collapse of Kandahar city (which is Afghanistan’s second largest city) to the Mujahideen forces. To achieve this, the enemy, besides conducting operations in the districts surrounding Kandahar city, has now also started military operations in the city centre as well. To find out exactly what impact these operations have had on the Mujahideen forces, we talked to Haji Ahmad Saeed, who is in charge of Mujahideen military operations in Kandahar city. This detailed interview is presented below.
Alemarah: First of all, please give us some general information of the recent operations of the invading forces: what are some of the activities the invaders have undertaken?
Haji Ahmad Saeed: All Praise is to Allah, Kandahar city, which has in the past many years, bore witness to some of the Mujahideen’s greatest operations and bravery, has seen sustained attacks by Mujahideen warriors. These attacks have caused our internal and external enemies’ to panic, to the point of admitting that could very well fall to the banner of Islamic Emirate’s soldiers. Since then, the enemy has completely revised its strategy, focussing almost exclusively on Kandahar city and its surrounding regions. In line with this strategy, the enemy has increased its presence in the region considerably. This increase has been witnessed in the city centre as well, where the enemy has increased its infantry and motorised battalions. They have also carried out large scale raids against civilian population by surrounding entire districts, then carrying out house to house searches for weapons and Mujahideen. They have also started operations in regions that are under Mujahideen control. They have infested the city centre with numerous foreign and army outposts, besides the normal police stations. They have set up more and more check points on the roads and increased their intelligence gathering spy-rings. All this has given Kandahar city the appearance of a city under siege.
The enemy has caused all this commotion and carried out these measures to stop our activities in the region but Alhamdulillah and again Alhamdulillah, as our recent operations in the heart of the city have shown, the enemy has utterly failed in this objective. Even the westerners’ own governmental and non-governmental agencies confirm our success by stating that Mujahideen activities in Kandahar, instead of decreasing, have increased by over twenty-four percent.
Alemarah: The enemy invaders claim that they have set up a belt our Kandahar city to choke the movements of Mujahideen into and out of the city. What information do you have regarding this?
Haji Ahmad Saeed: It is true that the enemy has set up various check points on the roads leading into the city and on the main highways and constructed some ten large army stations. One of these army posts is on the Panjwaee road near Kobai; another is one the way from Khanjakak towards Soop; another is on the Heart road near Seelo; another is on the Arghandab road near Mir Ahmad Khan’s Kalachi; one near Kotal, one on Shah Wali Kote road, on Kabul road near Ainoominy; on the Boldak road from Shurandam towards the city. They have also set up two new army posts on the roads leading from Mahlajat. All these outposts have some of the most high-tech detection and identification tools available to the west. Yet despite this they have never captured any of our Mujahideen, nor detected any explosive-laden vehicle. Everyday our explosive filled vehicles pass over these army checkpoints and army posts without being detected or captured. This is all by the Grace of Allah who has favoured us in all opportunities. The enemy’s so called ‘belt’ has achieved no other purpose besides harassing the local populace. As you can see, our attacks on the city have increased rather than decrease. Therefore this belt is no impediment to the Mujahideen operations and its purpose has been inflated far beyond its capabilities.
Alemarah: How are Mujahideen’s operations inside Kandahar city?
Haji Ahmad Saeed: In the city, as of old, as soon as darkness spreads the stooge governments rule comes to an end, our battalions start their patrols and our operations begin. At night, we set up our ambushes on all the major roads, sealing the enemy inside their outposts. Due to our ambushes, now the enemy has accepted that they cannot provide support to their other outposts if and when they get attacked. Similarly, the Mujahideen always watch their activities during day time. Everyday enemy spies and soldiers are shot dead by our snipers. Several days ago, on the Kandahar bypass road, Mujahideen conducted searches of cargo trucks finding and subsequently burning those trucks carrying supplies to enemy soldiers. All this proves that the Mujahideen have the capabilities and willingness, to conduct operations in the city according to their own initiative, while the enemy has lost all morale and determination to fight.
Alemarah: It is said that since this new operation was launched, many innocent residents have gone missing, some of whom have subsequently been found and have reported to have been kidnapped by American and puppet government officers. What information do you have regarding this?
Haji Ahmad Saeed: It is true that the enemy has arrested many innocent people, the majority of whom are still suffering in prisons. These people have been arrested by government intelligence services as well as by various local militias. Many of them have been arrested due to personal or tribal rivalries. These incidents require a thorough investigation because many of these innocent arrestee’s have often been tortured to death without any legal process. These are all innocent Afghan civilians whose death should be investigated by all Afghan and global societies.
Alemarah: Enemy has been announcing recently that they have captured a large cache of weapons, explosives and mines from the Mujahideen. What is your information regarding this?
Haji Ahmad Saeed: This is yet another of the enemy’s baseless claims. We have not yet faced a situation where the Mujahideen’s weapons or mines have been captured due to the enemy’s intelligence gathering. However, it has sometimes happened that some of our mines have failed to explode due to some technical or electronic failure. These have subsequently fallen into enemy hands further inflating their egos.
Alemarah: The issue of civilian casualties is hotly debated in Kandahar. The enemy propaganda claims that civilians are often killed in Mujahideen operations. What do you have to say about this?
Haji Ahmad Saeed: I, as the head of Kandahar operations, feel very sensitive to this issue, first in front of Allah and then in front of our Afghan people. If we did not fear for causing harm to our own people then our operations in Kandahar would be ten times more than they are today. We have always tried our best to completely end any civilians casualties on our part. We often have had to cancel our operations when we fear the possibility of civilian casualties. On the other hand, the enemy always seeks to stay and move in our population centres so that if Mujahideen attack them, any resulting civilian damage would be blamed on the Mujahideen. As much as we want to attack the enemy, we know that they want to use our people as human shields for their protection and therefore we abstain from confronting them in these areas.
Alemarah: Partly as a result of the recent operations and partly due to the targeted killings of government workers, some people in Kandahar are beginning to think that these shootings and bombings are random and indiscriminate. For this reason these people are very fearful of the present situation. What is your message to these people?
Haji Ahmad Saeed: I want to tell these people that if they are not government workers then they should be completely calm and relaxed. The operation in Kandahar are not random and spirit of the moment operations, instead each step is thoroughly planed and meticulously executed. The Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate first conduct thorough background research into their targets and when their relationship with the puppet government and their foreign paymasters is fully confirmed, do they proceed to punish these collaborators. Only once during my term has one of our Mujahids mistaken an innocent person (who fully resembled the intended target and was present in the same neighbourhood) for an intended target and killed him. On that occasion we contacted the family of the deceased and resolved the matter under the law of Shariah. Other than that no innocent person has been killed in these targeted assassinations. I want to console my fellow countrymen that the valiant Mujahideen would never steep to randomly killing their own countrymen. It is quite possible that the puppet government and the foreign invaders have put some moles in the city that terrify the populace by defaming the name of the pious Mujahideen. We have provided a contact number to the people of Kandahar to seek our help if ever confronted by these stooge government bandits.
Alemarah: How would you describe the Kandahar government?
Haji Ahmad Saeed: The government in Kandahar is barely capable of defending itself. We can see that the Kandahar government has no staff or functioning bureaucracy. Its only functioning organs are the police stations, which are run by the American invaders. On the other hand, the Mujahideen have set up various different committees which are always busy resolving the daily disputes of the local people in Kandahar.
Alemarah: To end, if you would like to say something or send a message, feel free.
Haji Ahmad Saeed: I, as a Mujahid and Muslim Afghan, would like to outline three issues which, if acted upon, will Inshallah bring success in this world and the one to follow.
My first message is to the puppet government workers. I say to them as a Muslim Afghan to leave this government. The government they work for is neither lawful nor Shar’ee (which applies the rule of Allah) but is a slave institution set up by the Americans to further their imperial goals. It does not befit a Muslim to work for the infidels in such an institution. They should hasten to leave this institution, and the Mujahideen will uphold all their rights.
My second message is to the various different contractors responsible for working for the Americans in exchange for money. I tell them that even if your collaboration with the foreigners brings you wealth; it also increases the misery of Afghanistan under foreign occupation. For this reason you must give up on earning such unlawful wealth and give up your collaboration with the American invaders.
My third message is to the various militias around Kandahar that are set up and run by the American invaders. Most of the commanders and soldiers in these militias are those same bandits that infested Kandahar before the inception of the Islamic Emirate. These bandits were once disarmed after the invasion but have once more been re-armed to serve as the shovels of Americans. I ask these men to consult their consciousness. How the Americans used them at the start of the invasion and then denounced them as bandits and miscreants. Now that they are again knee-deep in the mud, they invoke you to do their dirty deeds. Is it not enough for you to learn from your previous mistakes. You should not involve yourself once again in this dangerous war.
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