



貴方がたはこのアフガニスタンで一人の懐疑論者に語りかけています。国際社会がテロリズムと戦うためにここにいるのかどうか分からないのです。そしてもしこれがテロとの戦いであるとして、彼らは自分たちが過ちを犯したことに気づいているのでしょうか?国際社会はアフガニスタンを、この国が抱え、酷くなる一方だった困難から自由にするためにここへきたのか、あるいはもしや更なる困難をもたらすためにやってきたのでしょうか?私がアメリカの人々へ伝えたいことは、(第一に)、このアフガニスタンで我々はアメリカの人々が非常に苦労して生計を立てていることを知っているということです。貴方がたは骨を折って働いています。私はアメリカで人々が働いているのを見たことがあります。若い人々から年を取った人々まで、全ての時間を費やしてお金を稼いでいました。我々よりもずっと朝早くに彼らは起き出して、そして仕事へいき、一日中せっせと働き、一ドルを稼ぐためにも多くの汗を流しています。しかしその一ドルは、しかるべき方法でアフガンの人々の役に立つことなく、アフガニスタンで浪費されました。第二に、アメリカで一人の国民として、一つの国家としてアフガニスタンへ向けられている意図は、アフガニスタンではしかるべく受け取られていないということです。貴方が一人のアメリカ国民として考えていることは、しばしば全く否定的に受け取られています。例えば、傭兵会社(security firms)の問題です。もし、より資金があって、給料も良く、課せられる責任はより軽い同様の組織があったとしたら、どうやって国家に警察組織を育成することができるでしょうか。それでもなお我々に強力で効率的な警察組織、貴方がたやアフガンの民衆に安全を提供できる組織を持てと言うのでしょうか。















夜間の民家への踏み込み捜査(raids)です。本当に恐ろしいことです。アフガンの民衆のNATOと政府に対する失望の深刻な要因となっています。夜間に民家に押し入り、アフガン人を逮捕する。これは外国軍のするべきことではありません。アフガン人が行うべきことです。そして我々が現在働きかけている状況の変化の重要な要素の一つが、アフガン人民家に踏み込み捜査を行い、外国軍がアフガン人を逮捕し、そして民間人の死傷者を出すというこれらの事態を終結させることです。それに加えて他の多くの問題があります。傭兵会社による暴力と法律の違反行為、平行機関(a parallel structures)の問題、諸州でRPTs(Provincial Reconstruction Teams)が運営しているアフガン政府の平行政府(a parallel government)の問題、説明義務を果たさず、我々が知らないところで使用された金銭の問題、そしてそれが引き起こす腐敗の問題です。










そこには契約の透明性はありません。何故アメリカ政府はアフガン政府の役人の息子や親戚に契約を与えるのでしょうか?我々はこれらの契約を行っていません。私はこれらの契約についてまったく決定権を持っていません。政治的エリートとその親戚はどのようにアメリカ政府からこれらの契約を得ているのでしょうか?私たちはこのことについて長年抗議を行ってきました。どのようにこの国の政治的エリートと指導者たちは傭兵会社(private security firms)との契約にサインするように促されているのでしょうか?私たちはそれらの金銭についてなんの支配力も持っておらず、そして過去二年間、それに抵抗するためにこの問題に尽力してきました。私にいくらかの影響力を持つ人間はことごとく傭兵会社と契約しそれを利用するように促してきました。したがって、誰かがこれを行っているに違いありません。


アメリカ政府がパキスタンの反乱者の聖域(insurgent sanctuaries)の問題に取り組むためにさらになすべきことについて:


















Excerpts from Afghan President Hamid Karzai's interview with The
Washington Post
Source: The Washington Post By:

On his message to the American people as they review the war in Afghanistan:

You are really speaking to a skeptic mind-set here in Afghanistan,
that doesn't know whether the international community is here to fight
terrorism. And if it is fighting terrorism, do they know that they're
making mistakes? Whether the international community is here to free
Afghanistan from the troubles that it had and strengthen it, or if
it's added to those problems? The message that I have for the American
people is, [first], that we know in Afghanistan that America earns
money the hard way. That you work hard. I've seen people working in
America, that all that you spend there are hard earned, from your
younger people to the older people. They wake up early in the morning,
they wake up much earlier than us, and go to work, and toil the whole
day, shed a lot of sweat before they can earn a dollar. But that
dollar spent in Afghanistan doesn't reach the Afghan people the way it
should. Second, the intentions that you have in America towards
Afghanistan as a people, as a country, is not reflected here in
Afghanistan the way it should. It sometimes is reflected in
contradiction to what you are thinking as an American people. The
security firms, for example, how can you have a country grow a police
force if you have created a parallel structure of at least 40,000 men
with more money, with more salaries, with less accountability to them,
and yet expect us to have a strong and effective police force and one
that can provide you and the Afghan people with security.

. . .

Then our elections last year were rigged. An effort was made by our
allies, by people in the United States of America, by people in your
government, to rig our elections. How can you rig a country's election
and yet claim to be supporting democracy, and yet claim to be
supporting that country, and yet claim to be building that state?

. . .

It isn't all as it is reflected in your media in America, or
propagated by government circles. Our faults, we have our faults, we
have too many faults, we are a poor country, we are a highly
under-educated country, we have centuries of backwardness to cope
with, we have lots of other difficulties of our own, but we are
genuinely trying to emerge out of that misery, we are genuinely trying
to fight terrorism, we are genuinely trying to be a country that likes
to live well with its neighbors and with the rest of the world. We
genuinely want to be partners with America for good and for good
causes. The way things are moving, we don't seek clarity on these
accounts, whether we are treated as equal, let's not talk of equal,
whether we're treated respectfully or whether we're seen as 'hell,
these third world guys, lets use them and abuse them and confuse
them.' That attitude I'd like to end in America, whether it's in the
government or whether it's in the media or wherever.

On top of that, I must also express gratitude on behalf of the Afghan
people for the taxpayers' money that has come to Afghanistan, for the
schools that you have built for us, for the health clinics you have
built for us, for the education that you have given to us, for the
advancement that we have today, for the roads that you have built for
us, we are extremely and highly and permanently grateful and indebted
to you for that. And we'd like that to expand, that side of America
we'd like to see more.

The American people are well intentioned.

On whether the U.S. government is well intentioned:

That has to be proven

On American military operations in Afghanistan:

I think 10 years is a long time to continue to have military
operations. The time has come to reduce military operations. The time
has come to reduce the presence of, you know, boots in Afghanistan . .
. to reduce the intrusiveness into the daily Afghan life. . . . Make
it more civilian. The Afghans remember with very fond memories, with a
lot of love and affection, all the roads and dams that you built in
1950s and '60s. That can be replicated, that can be repeated.

On the size of the American military presence:

You cannot sustain that, first of all, on your own for long. Second,
it's not desirable for the Afghan people either to have 100,000 or
more foreign troops going around the country endlessly, there has to
be a plan inside whereby the Afghan capacity increases, whereby the
NATO presence decreases to the extent that we can provide our own
security, that we can also contribute to the security of the world,
and where you can also have the unnecessary burden on your taxpayer
removed for paying for such an extensive presence in Afghanistan.

. . .

We'd like to have a long-term relationship with America, a substantial
relationship with America, that's what the Afghan people want. But
we'd like the Afghan countryside, villages, homes, towns, not to be so
overwhelmed with the military presence. Life has to be seen [as] more
normal. More in terms of peace and civilian activity in Afghanistan,
you can have the U.S. presence in the bases where they are, you can
have necessary activities along the border conducted, but the majority
of security operations, the majority of day-to-day activities where
security is concerned . . . is the job of the Afghan people, the
Afghan government. If we cannot provide that, we must be in serious
trouble. We have to begin to do that ourselves.

On what he sees as problems with the U.S. military strategy:

The raiding homes at night. Terrible. Terrible. A serious cause of the
Afghan people's disenchantment with NATO and with the Afghan
government. Bursting into homes at night, arresting Afghans, this
isn't the business of any foreign troops. Afghans have to do that, and
one of the important elements of transition that we're working on is
to end [these] raids of Afghan homes and arrest of Afghans by foreign
forces in Afghanistan and civilian casualties. Plus so many other
things, the violence and the violation of our laws that these private
security firms cause, the parallel structures, the PRTs [Provincial
Reconstruction Teams] running a parallel government to the Afghan
government in provinces, the money that they spend without
accountability and without us knowing, the corruption that that

The raids are a problem always. They were a problem then, they are a
problem now. They have to go away. The Afghan people don't like these
raids. If there is any raid, it has to be done by the Afghan
government within the Afghan laws. This is a continuing disagreement
between us.

. . .

They like to conduct this thing that they call the war on terror,
which we don't call that anymore in Afghanistan. Because in my opinion
and in the opinion of the absolute majority of the Afghan people, the
war on terror cannot be conducted in Afghanistan because that isn't
here. It is somewhere else. We are only reaping the consequences of it
here, we are only facing the consequences of it here, so I would like
to have an end sooner rather than later to these nighttime raids in
Afghan homes, no matter how effective they are in the sense of the
military in the United States or in NATO, no matter how happy they may
be about it in America or in NATO, for capturing this or that Talib.
How can you measure the consequences of it in terms of the loss of
life of children and women because you have captured Talib A. And who
is this Talib A? Is he so important to have 10 more people killed,
civilians? Who determines that?

. . .

I don't like it in any manner, and the Afghan people don't like these
raids in any manner. We don't like raids on our homes. This is a
problem between us, and I hope this ends as soon as possible. We like
partnership with America. We like long-term strategic partnership with
America. We'll accommodate your long-term interests in this region,
and in Afghanistan. We will fight with you against terrorism. But
terrorism is not invading Afghan homes, and fighting terrorism is not
being intrusive in the daily Afghan life.

On corruption:

There is so much talk in the West about corruption in the Afghan
government. Look, we have not metamorphosed overnight into this
corrupt state as we are today. We were a country before, too. How come
we were not so corrupt then? How come we are suddenly corrupt and
everybody's corrupt? There must be a reason.

. . .

The Soviets were here, and they were spending all their money through
the Afghan government. The Afghan government was not corrupt, our
ministers were living in these housing blocks. How come we are now so
luxury-oriented today?

. . .

The transparency of contracts is not there. Why is the U.S. government
giving contracts to the sons and relatives of officials of Afghan
government? We don't do those contracts. I don't have an authority
over a penny of those contracts. How come the political higher-ups and
their relatives are getting those contracts from the U.S.? And we've
been protesting against this for years. How come all the political
higher-ups and the leaders of this country are encouraged to sign for
private security firms? We have no control over that money, and I have
resisted it with massive energy spent on the issue for the past two
years, every person who has some influence over me has been encouraged
to go and apply for a private security firm, so somebody must be doing

We have problems of corruption in the Afghan government, definitely,
the daily petty corruption affects our society very badly, the
violation of Afghan laws.

On what more should be done by the United States to address insurgent
sanctuaries in Pakistan:

This is the main problem in the war on terror. There was a time early
on that the United States could work effectively on the sanctuaries,
where there was full backing by the Afghan people, in this regard. It
didn't happen. And now they're addressing this problem by the drone
attacks, and also by talking and continuing to engage with Pakistan.
Sanctuaries [are] a problem. A serious problem. For Afghanistan, now
also for Pakistan. I just hope that Afghanistan, the United States and
Pakistan together will do all that we can together to address the
problem. For the initial years, I was highly critical of Pakistan and
their lack of action on the sanctuaries. Now . . . I see Pakistan
suffering more than we are in lots of ways, especially in the
consequences of the violence that these sanctuaries and the militancy

On the one hand, I sympathize with them and want to be closer to them
and work together to address it. On the other hand, I'd like to ask
them to do more on the sanctuaries and for the United States to pay
closer attention to this problem. Peace in Afghanistan will not come
unless we address the question of sanctuaries and unless Afghanistan
and Pakistan are on the best of terms as friends and neighbors and
brothers, with America, present with us and among us.

On whether U.S. drone strikes are effective in Pakistan:

My nature is not one that appreciates military. I'm not a pro-gun
person, I don't like guns or airplanes, so I can never talk in
favorable terms about planes that are shooting people or bombing
people, so you'll have to ask a more hard-core fellow, I'm a soft-core

On whether U.S. relations with Afghanistan are getting better or worse:

It's soothing. it's a lot better. Last year and the year before that,
2007 and 8 an 9, were the highest of tension times. It's a lot better
today, with Gen. McChrystal it improved considerably, with Gen.
Petraeus it improved considerably. There is a healthy debate between
us at least. Now I can talk to you openly about my feelings, about my
sensitivities, about the sensitivities of the Afghan people, and I do
the same thing daily with Gen. Petraeus and with President Obama. So
we are in a more mature relationship, sentimental, emotional elements
have gone away, we don't shout at each other as often as we did
before. We are quieter, we are substantive in our engagement, and the
relationship is more real, more result-oriented. We discuss issues and
we convince one another of the right thing as we perceive it.

. . .

This is not criticism, this is working a difficult, extremely delicate
relationship, on an extremely important issue, of the war on terror
and the recent situation and the relationship between a superpower and
a poor country.

On whether the number of U.S. troops should be reduced quickly:

They should and could. Exactly. Decline. And the more they like to
decline, the more they want to decline, the more they should help
build our forces. That will be cheaper and more sustainable.

On how many U.S. troops should be in Afghanistan:

That's not for me to judge, that's for the technical people to judge.
As a political consideration, I'll put it in broad terms: 1) The
Afghan people should be able to defend their country in all aspects of
it as soon as possible; 2) While that is being done, the intrusiveness
of the foreign forces in Afghanistan must be reduced so they're not
present in the daily lives of the Afghan people the way they are

On negotiations with the Taliban:

At this point, it's the exchange of desires for peace on both sides.
They feel the same way as we do here. That too many people are
suffering for no reason. Their own families are suffering. They're
also families. The Taliban is not a man manufactured in a factory and
then brought to - the suicide bombers may be but not the Taliban -
they are people, they have families, they have wives, they have
children, they have mothers, they have fathers, they have cousins. And
they suffer too. They suffer exactly from the hands of the same
elements. When there is a bomb blown up by a suicide bomber, maybe a
Taliban family member is standing by and gets hurt. So they do suffer
as we do, and it's this suffering, a national suffering, they'd like
to address with us.

. . .

They're not that far yet. They have not formalized their ideas for
peace concretely yet.

On whether he considers himself a good partner with the United States:

It depends on how you define a partner in America. If a partner means
a silent spectator of events conducted by Washington, if that kind of
a partner you seek, well, I'm not that partner. Nor will be the Afghan
people. If a partner means where we look after your interests, you
look after our interests, where the Afghan people have safety and
security and dignity, where the United States has safety and security
and dignity, and much richer. Where Afghanistan is asked to fulfill
that job for America, where your lives are safer, your lives are more
secure, and your integrity and your well-being is ensured and your
riches are added to, we will be that partner. But if you mean by a
partner someone that will keep quiet when a village is bombed, then
that's a good partner? No, I will not be that partner. I will speak
for Afghanistan, and I will speak for the Afghan interest, but I will
seek that Afghan interest in connection with and together with an
American interest and in partnership with America. In other words, if
you're looking for a stooge and calling a stooge a partner, no. If
you're looking for a partner, yes.

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